BOYD, Andrew, was born April 17, 1832, educated in the village in Silverstone, England, and at the age of twenty-three came to this country and settled in the town of Caroline. In 1857 he went to Kansas, where he was a spectator of the burning of Osawatamie by the Missourians at the time of the Free Soil troubles. In 1859 he went to Pike's Peak and located a mining claim, living on the game of the place, elk, antelope, deer and buffalo being very plenty. In the fall he returned to Kansas, traveling 200 miles across the country at night to avoid hostile Indians. Our subject has had a varied and extremely exciting experience as a trader and mines in all the Western States, spending fourteen years at that business. He returned to Tompkins county in 1871, where he married Laura, daughter of Spencer HUNGERFORD, of the town of Caroline, who died in 1881. He married second Lucy A., daughter of William WAKE, of Canton, she being a graduate of the Normal School of Fredonia. Mrs. BOYD has borne him two children: Mildred, and one who died. Mr. BOYD is a Republican in politics, and is active in religious and educational matters, being a member of the Episcopal church at Candor. In 1878 he bought a farm of 140 acres, where be now resides, and is regarded as a practical and successful farmer.