Matthias Buckmayer's father is listed as Anton Buckmayer born 14 Jan. 1873 in Mannheim and died 05 Apr. 1918 in Neuheim. Anton Buckmayer married Karoline Volk (0952/1104) (see more about her below) and they had five children all born in Neuheim, and are listed in a hand written letter (letter in 1066/1233) and several are named in EWZ forms. The surname Buckmayer can also be spelled Buckmeier , or Buck(en)meier as noted in the Kutschurgan Spousal Book. Special thanks to Jim Weninger and Kutschurgan Regional Interest Grop that translated EWZ50-A086-1055 on this line of decendantss
birth date is Julian Calander
Matthias Buckmayer born 25 July, 1905 (passport 1063/1230) in Neuheim, Radelnaya Rayon (area) Odessa. Matthias spoke German at home and attended three years of German school in Neuheim. There is a EWZ statement that Matthias is currently working and his address is care of the Keilerbach post office, city of Bereslin (or Breslau, which is the German name of the Polish city of Wroclaw). Matthias lived from birth to 19 March, 1944 in Neuheim. From 19 March to 20 May,1944 he was enroute to Germany and from 20 May, 1944 to present was at Klein Pappel, in Ostrowo, Poland. He was approved for entry into Germany on 09 November, 1944 issued in Ostrowo