Legal - Made ward of the courts at Bow Island on same day as brotherPeter (Llewellyn) KesslerNote - "Louis was baptized on 28 September 1910 in Medicine Hat by Rev.F.X. Emy at St. Patricks Church. God parents were Anthony Schlachter andElizabeth Green.His mother passed away and his father orphaned him and brother Peter.They were made wards of the court on August 9, 1920 at Bow Island alongwith brothers Peter and Victor? Louis was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. ArthurWilliam Ross and legally changed his, his wife and son's name from Kesslerto Ross on 11 October 1957 in the Province of Alberta.Louis came to Vauxhall from Suffield with Art Ross Mother in 1925, atthe age of 15 years. He continued in school for a few years then laterworked in the Vauxhall Trading Co. store and in several garages and in thePost Office. After he married, he purchased Jack Hemsleys Meat Market.The first Bank of Nova Scotia later opened in the same building and theproperty is now the present location of the New Post Office.In 1942, Louis vrother Vic joined him and they worked together until1959, operating a shool van, vulk oil business and handling MinneapolisMachinery and also Alberta Hail Insurance. In 1957 he was an oil agent inthe town of Vauxhall.He moved to Hope, BC where he owned Ross Drive Inn which had footlonghotdogs and the coldest opo in town. Later moved to Creston, BC just priorto his death. He died and was buried in Cranbook, BC.I remember him as the best grandpa a little girl could ever dream of,driving my brother and i into the town of Hope to the Post Office where wewould take turns opening the mailbox with the key".Source - Kathy (Wentz) Kingrey via email 8/6/2002 jdb