Joseph BRAUN

Ancestors of Joseph BRAUN

                            /-Jacob BRAUN
                  /-Wendelin BRAUN
                  |         \-Katherina FEIST
        /-Nickalaus Anton BRAUN
        |         \-Eva SCHLEPPE
Joseph BRAUN
        |                   /-Wilhelm KELLER
        |         /-Johann "John" KELLER
        |         |         \-Katherina WEDTER
        \-Cecilia KELLER
                  |         /-Peter Anton WEBER
                  \-Magdalena Elizabeth WEBER
                            \-Katzarina BUECHLER

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Joseph A BRAUN

Ancestors of Joseph A BRAUN

                  /-Franz BRAUN
        /-August BRAUN
        |         |         /-Joseph SCHWARTZENBERGER
        |         \-Katharina SCHWARTZENBERGER
        |                   \-Franziska MASTEL
Joseph A BRAUN
        |                   /-Anton FISCHER
        |         /-Jacob Anton FISCHER
        |         |         \-Margaretha TUCHSCHERER
        \-Regina FISCHER
                  |         /-Josef WEIGEL
                  \-Barbara WEIGEL
                            \-Christina USSELMAN

Descendants of Joseph A BRAUN

1 Joseph A BRAUN
  =Irene F GEIST  Marriage: 7 Oct 1947, Ipswich, Edmunds, SD
      2 Wayne Jacob BRAUN
        =Arlene KALLAS
            3 Travis BRAUN
            3 Troy BRAUN
      2 James BRAUN
      2 Robert BRAUN
      2 LeRoy BRAUN

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Joseph A BRAUN

Ancestors of Joseph A BRAUN

        /-Balzer BRAUN
Joseph A BRAUN
        |                   /-Bernhard HERRLE
        |         /-Joseph HERRLE
        |         |         \-Magdalene MITZEL
        \-Magdalena HERRLE
                  |         /-Dominic BAUMSTARCK
                  \-Catherine BAUMSTARCK
                            \-Helene SANDER

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Joseph Daniel BRAUN

Ancestors of Joseph Daniel BRAUN

                  /-Franz BRAUN
        /-Andrew F BRAUN
        |         |         /-Joseph SCHWARTZENBERGER
        |         \-Katharina SCHWARTZENBERGER
        |                   \-Franziska MASTEL
Joseph Daniel BRAUN
        |                   /-Johnas (John) LACHER
        |         /-Daniel LACHER
        |         |         \-Rigarda DOSCH
        \-Lucy L LACHER
                  |         /-George SCHAFFER
                  \-Philomena SCHAFFER
                            \-Lucia BULLOCK

Descendants of Joseph Daniel BRAUN

1 Joseph Daniel BRAUN
  =Dorothy Agnes MILES  Marriage: 18 Sep 1956, Faulkton, SD
      2 Jeffrey BRAUN
      2 Sheldon BRAUN
      2 Gaylon BRAUN

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Joseph J BRAUN

Ancestors of Joseph J BRAUN

                  /-Joseph BRAUN
        /-Michael BRAUN
        |         \-Magdalena HILSENDEGER
Joseph J BRAUN
        |         /-Jacob KIEFEL
        \-Barbara KIEFEL
                  \-Katerina WERLINGER

Descendants of Joseph J BRAUN

1 Joseph J BRAUN
  =Elizabeth WALD  Marriage: 14 Oct 1930, Napoleon, Logan, ND
      2 Markus Francis BRAUN
        =Angeline FERCHO
            3 Pamela Ann BRAUN
              =James M HUBRED
            3 Mark Steven BRAUN
            3 Patti Jo BRAUN
              =James GOETSCH
            3 Marlin Anthony BRAUN
              =Suzanne WARREN
            3 Michelle Marie BRAUN
              =Jerry BAGELEY
      2 Romaltus "Ron" BRAUN
        =Marilyn POWELL
            3 James BRAUN
            3 Donald BRAUN
            3 William BRAUN
            3 Debra BRAUN
      2 Leonard BRAUN
        =Marian CARLSON
            3 Richard Allen BRAUN
              =Diane WOJCIK
            3 Daniel Todd BRAUN
              =Virginia LUPERCIO
            3 Timothy Lenard BRAUN
              =Linda MARTIN
            3 Terrance L BRAUN
              =Lorri SIMONS
      2 Alvina BRAUN
        =James G GLATT
            3 Kevin James GLATT
              =Lee Ann GOSGERBAUER
            3 Keith Jay GLATT
              =Lea PALMER
      2 Anton BRAUN
        =Barbara WEIGEL
            3 Dawn Marie BRAUN
              =David BECKER
            3 Deanne Marice BRAUN
              =Darren HERZ
            3 Denette Andrea BRAUN
              =Rodney JACOB
            3 David Anthony BRAUN
            3 Danielle Elizabeth BRAUN
      2 Maryann BRAUN
        =Gene Kennard TOMT
            3 Michael Gene TOMT
            3 Jason Christopher TOMT
      2 Math BRAUN
      2 John BRAUN
      2 Barbara Jane BRAUN
        =Patrick "Pat" SCHWEITZER
            3 Graig Anthony SCHWEITZER
            3 Steven James SCHWEITZER

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Joseph M BRAUN

Ancestors of Joseph M BRAUN

                  /-Johannes BRAUN
        /-Michael BRAUN
        |         \-Mary BAUMGARTNER
Joseph M BRAUN
        |         /-Joseph IBACH
        \-Marianna IBACH
                  \-Barbara KUHLM

Descendants of Joseph M BRAUN

1 Joseph M BRAUN
  =Eva BITZ  Marriage: 19 Oct 1935, Bismarck, Burleigh, ND

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Ancestors of Joy BRAUN

                  /-Michael BRAUN II
        /-John M BRAUN
        |         \-Katharina BACHMEIER
        |         /-Thomas WAGNER
        \-Katherine WAGNER
                  |         /-Jerome BRICKNER
                  \-Nathalia BRICKNER
                            \-Rosina SCHREINER

Descendants of Joy BRAUN

  = LEA

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Ancestors of Joyce BRAUN

                  /-Henry Anton BRAUN
        /-Maurice Joseph BRAUN
        |         \-Mary A KRAUS
        \-Dorothy Veronica SCHOLL

Descendants of Joyce BRAUN

1 Joyce BRAUN
  =Wayne METZEN

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Ancestors of Joyce BRAUN

        /-Anton "Tony" BRAUN
        |         /-Aloysius FITTERER
        \-Lorraine "Lorene" FITTERER
                  \-Mariana Mary" BOESFLUG

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Ancestors of Judy BRAUN

                            /-Wendelin BRAUN
                  /-Franz "Frank" BRAUN
                  |         \-Eva SCHLEPPE
        /-George BRAUN
        |         |         /-Clements GOETZ
        |         \-Marcella GOETZ
        |                   \-Magdalena SCHUH
        |                   /-Joseph MILLER
        |         /-Peter MILLER
        |         |         \-Josephina IMMEL
        \-Ann MILLER
                  |         /-Johannes Adam BULLINGER
                  \-Anna Mary BULLINGER
                            \-Clara RESSLER

Descendants of Judy BRAUN

1 Judy BRAUN
  =Gary Leroy DAVIS
      2 Nick "Earl" DAVIS
      2 Lydia DAVIS

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Ancestors of Karen BRAUN

                            /-Wendelin BRAUN
                  /-Franz "Frank" BRAUN
                  |         \-Eva SCHLEPPE
        /-Martin F BRAUN
        |         |         /-Clements GOETZ
        |         \-Marcella GOETZ
        |                   \-Magdalena SCHUH
        |         /-Bernard T GOLDADER
        \-Elizabeth "Betty" GOLDADER
                  |         /-Thomas MARTIN
                  \-Ottilia MARTIN
                            \-Veronica GRATZ

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Ancestors of Kate BRAUN

        /-Balzer BRAUN
        |                   /-Bernhard HERRLE
        |         /-Joseph HERRLE
        |         |         \-Magdalene MITZEL
        \-Magdalena HERRLE
                  |         /-Dominic BAUMSTARCK
                  \-Catherine BAUMSTARCK
                            \-Helene SANDER

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Katharina BRAUN

Descendants of Katharina BRAUN

1 Katharina BRAUN
  =Johannes SALWEI

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Katherine BRAUN

Ancestors of Katherine BRAUN

        /-Jacob BRAUN
Katherine BRAUN
        |                   /-Nicholas FEIST
        |         /-Aloysius FEIST
        |         |         \-Margaretha SCHALL
        \-Katherina FEIST
                  |         /-Johannes RICHTER
                  \-Marianna RICHTER

Descendants of Katherine BRAUN

1 Katherine BRAUN
  =Stephan KRAFT  Marriage: 1885, , , Ukraine
      2 Michael S KRAFT
        =Clementina RENNER  Marriage: 25 Nov 1912
      2 John J KRAFT
        =Christine MOSBRUCKER  Marriage: 11 Mar 1964, Mandan, Morton, ND
      2 Peter J KRAFT
        =Monica ERHARDT  Marriage: 27 Sep 1926, Rosebud, , ND
            3 Leo KRAFT
              =Evelyn SCHANER
            3 Thomas John KRAFT
              =Irene M HIMMELSPACH  Marriage: 16 Sep 1961, Mandan, Morton, ND
            3 Kasper KRAFT

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Katherine BRAUN

Ancestors of Katherine BRAUN

        /-Joseph BRAUN
Katherine BRAUN
        \-Magdalena HILSENDEGER

Descendants of Katherine BRAUN

1 Katherine BRAUN
  =Joseph GISI  Marriage: 1898, Hillsview, , SD
      2 Andrew GISI
        =Barbara IMBERY
            3 Ludwig GISI
              =Marcella M WOLF  Marriage: 3 Sep 1945, Aberdeen, Brown, SD
        =Carolina SCHOCH  Marriage: 2 Jun 1923, Holy Trinity Ch., Hosmer, Edmunds, SD
            3 Albert David GISI
            3 Otilla GISI
              = DIVINE
            3 Joseph GISI
            3 Barbara GISI
              =William KARN
            3 Leona GISI
              =Alvin C ANGERHOFER  Marriage: 2 Jun 1949, Aberdeen, Brown, SD
            3 Florence GISI
              = LINDEMANN
            3 Catherine "Katy" GISI
              =Arthur "Art" A BURRER
            3 Agnes GISI
              = ROBERTS
            3 Paul Jeffrey GISI
            3 Frances GISI
              = GRABOWSKA
            3 Francis "Frank" A GISI
              =Magdalena HINDS
            3 Carolyn GISI
              = RATH
            3 Andrew "Andy" A GISI
            3 Rosemary GISI
              = HANNABERG

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Katherine BRAUN

Ancestors of Katherine BRAUN

                  /-Ludwig BRAUN
        /-Zacheus BRAUN
        |         \-Agnes GADDOCK
Katherine BRAUN
        |         /-Carl SCHREINER
        \-Amalia Marie " Anna Marie" SCHREINER
                  \-Katherina BLOTSKY

Descendants of Katherine BRAUN

1 Katherine BRAUN
  =Sebastian MEIER Sr  Marriage: 12 Oct 1943, Holy Trinity Ch., Krassna, ND
      2 Kathlerine MEIER
        =Victor GEIGER
            3 Michael GEIGER
            3 Kelly GEIGER
      2 Sebastian MEIER Jr
        =Charlotte MILLER
            3 Gregory MEIER
            3 Brian MEIER
            3 Carmel MEIER
              =Chris HARDISON
      2 Alvin MEIER
      2 Magnus MEIER
      2 Joseph MEIER
      2 Gerard MEIER
      2 Sara MEIER
        =Rodney HEISER
      2 Rita MEIER
        =Terry BISBEE

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Katherine BRAUN

Ancestors of Katherine BRAUN

        /-John BRAUN
Katherine BRAUN
        \-Eva Elizabeth KOPP

Descendants of Katherine BRAUN

1 Katherine BRAUN
  =Frank Anton KUHN  Marriage: 9 Apr 1929, Mandan, Morton, ND
      2 Angie KUHN
        =Art ELLS
      2 Rita KUHN
        =Robert "Bob" DOLL
      2 David KUHN
      2 Delbert "Del" C KUHN
        =Beatrice E FETH  Marriage: 17 May 1950
      2 Cora KUHN
        =Joseph RAZORE

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Katherine BRAUN

Ancestors of Katherine BRAUN

                            /-Jacob BRAUN
                  /-Wendelin BRAUN
                  |         \-Katherina FEIST
        /-Nickalaus Anton BRAUN
        |         \-Eva SCHLEPPE
Katherine BRAUN
        |                   /-Wilhelm KELLER
        |         /-Johann "John" KELLER
        |         |         \-Katherina WEDTER
        \-Cecilia KELLER
                  |         /-Peter Anton WEBER
                  \-Magdalena Elizabeth WEBER
                            \-Katzarina BUECHLER

Descendants of Katherine BRAUN

1 Katherine BRAUN
  =Kasper KAUTZMAN
      2 Kenneth P KAUTZMAN
      2 Aurdina KAUTZMAN
      2 Roy M KAUTZMAN
      2 Caroline KAUTZMAN
      2 Anton KAUTZMAN

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Kathleen BRAUN

Ancestors of Kathleen BRAUN

        /-Herman Joseph BRAUN
Kathleen BRAUN
        |                   /-Joseph L LAUINGER
        |         /-John LAUINGER
        |         |         \-Ottilia SCHMALTZ
        \-Teresa Frances LAUINGER
                  |         /-Kasper SCHERR
                  \-Franziska "Frances" SCHERR
                            \-Anna Marie HOFF

Descendants of Kathleen BRAUN

1 Kathleen BRAUN
  =John EBERT

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Kathleen Marie BRAUN

Ancestors of Kathleen Marie BRAUN

        /-Edmond "Ed" BRAUN
Kathleen Marie BRAUN
        |         /-John E KIEFER
        \-Marie KIEFER
                  |         /-Sebastian Fabian OCHS
                  \-Theresa OCHS
                            \-Philipine REINBOLD

Descendants of Kathleen Marie BRAUN

1 Kathleen Marie BRAUN
  =Gary DOLL
      2 Derena Dee DOLL

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