Katharina GROSS

Ancestors of Katharina GROSS

                            /-Matthaus GROSS
                  /-Johannes"John" GROSS
                  |         \-Francisca EBERLE
        /-Mathias GROSS
        |         |         /-Andreas LATURNUS
        |         \-Benidicta LATURNUS
        |                   \-Magdalena SCHNEIDER
Katharina GROSS
        |                   /-Markus SCHWEITZER
        |         /-Johann SCHWEITZER
        |         |         \-Marianna MITZEL
        \-Barbara Rose SCHWEITZER
                  |         /-Frederick THOMAS
                  \-Christiana THOMAS
                            \-Barbara ANHELIGER

Descendants of Katharina GROSS

1 Katharina GROSS
  =Gabriel ABERLE  Marriage: 10 Oct 1934, Napoleon, Logan, ND
      2 Imelda ABERLE
      2 Anna Marie ABERLE
        =Floyd Elsby BROWN
            3 Richard Harold BROWN
            3 Pamela Ann BROWN
            3 Lisa Marie BROWN
      2 Frances ABERLE
        =Sylvester Emil RICKERS
            3 Sylvia Ann RICKERS
            3 Kathy Jo RICKERS
            3 Gerald William RICKERS
            3 Janette Susan RICKERS
            3 Thomas Gabriel RICKERS
      2 Matthias "Matt" ABERLE
        =Rose Mary RUSCHIENSKY
            3 Larry Dean ABERLE
            3 Cheryln Mae ABERLE
              =Robert BIERMAN
            3 Rebecca "Becky" Lynn ABERLE
              =Greg LASHMAN
      2 Gabriel ABERLE Jr
        =Nancy Jean JOHNSON
            3 Mark Anthony ABERLE
            3 Allen Gene ABERLE
      2 Zachary ABERLE
        =Marian Alice KADING
            3 David Michael ABERLE
            3 Steven Lee ABERLE
            3 Clark Jason ABERLE

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Katharina GROSS

Ancestors of Katharina GROSS

                            /-Andreas GROSZ
                  /-Matthaus GROSS
                  |         \-Marta FARNI
        /-Felix GROSS
        |         |         /-Johann Jacob EBERLE
        |         \-Francisca EBERLE
        |                   \-Maria Margaretha ARMBRUST
Katharina GROSS
        |         /-Josef BUECHLER
        \-Anastasia BUECHLER
                  \-Katharina KELLER

Descendants of Katharina GROSS

1 Katharina GROSS
  =Johannes BARTLE  Marriage: 18 Jun 1922

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Katherine GROSS

Ancestors of Katherine GROSS

                            /-Franz Joseph GROSS
                  /-Andreas GROSS
                  |         \-Katharina HOFFART
        /-George GROSS
        |         |         /-George SCHMALTZ
        |         \-Mariana SCHMALTZ
        |                   \-Elizabeth RIEGER
Katherine GROSS
        |                   /-Johann LESMEISTER
        |         /-George LESMEISTER
        |         |         \-Magdalena
        \-Clara LESMEISTER
                  \-Katharina OTTMAN

Descendants of Katherine GROSS

1 Katherine GROSS
  =John GRACE

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Katherine GROSS

Ancestors of Katherine GROSS

                            /-Franz Joseph GROSS
                  /-Andreas GROSS
                  |         \-Katharina HOFFART
        /-Jacob A GROSS
        |         |         /-George SCHMALTZ
        |         \-Mariana SCHMALTZ
        |                   \-Elizabeth RIEGER
Katherine GROSS
        \-Katherine LEIER

Descendants of Katherine GROSS

1 Katherine GROSS

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Katherine GROSS

Ancestors of Katherine GROSS

        /-Andrew GROSS
Katherine GROSS
        |                   /-Michael SCHELL
        |         /-Bernard SCHELL
        |         |         \-Elizabeth
        \-Mary Eva SCHELL
                  |         /-Joseph ZIEGLER
                  \-Katherine ZIEGLER
                            \-Magdalena HAGEL

Descendants of Katherine GROSS

1 Katherine GROSS

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Katherine GROSS

Ancestors of Katherine GROSS

                            /-Matthaus GROSS
                  /-Aloysius GROSS
                  |         \-Francisca EBERLE
        /-Egidius "Eddie" GROSS
        |         |         /-Leon SCHNEIDER
        |         \-Notburga SCHNEIDER
        |                   \-Catharina
Katherine GROSS
        |         /-Anton SCHNEIDER I
        \-Phillipina SCHNEIDER
                  \-Eva WALD

Descendants of Katherine GROSS

1 Katherine GROSS
  =Felix SILBERNAGEL  Marriage: 18 Nov 1924, Holy Trinity Ch., Krassna, Emmons, ND
        =Carl F ROEHRICH  Marriage: 22 May 1945, Strasburg, ND
      2 Mary Barbara SILBERNAGEL
        =Carl A LINEER
            3 James "Jim" LINEER
            3 Rochelle LINEER
            3 Renee LINEER
      2 Leopoldina "Lena" SILBERNAGEL
        =Christian "Chris" GEHRING
      2 Lillian R SILBERNAGEL
        =John V VETTER  Marriage: 4 Sep 1958, Strasburg, ND
            3 Randy VETTER
            3 Kelly VETTER
            3 Sheila VETTER
              =Wes BERG
            3 Jacinta "Cindy" A VETTER
              =Larry FENTON
      2 Magdalena SILBERNAGEL
        =Tony KRUMM
      2 Valerie SILBERNAGEL
        =Michael SAFFEL
      2 Arlene "Arly" P SILBERNAGEL
        =Donald HAAG
            3 Dan HAAG
            3 Nick HAAG
            3 Dawn HAAG
              =Boudie SCHNEIDER
            3 David D HAAG
      2 Jolenta SILBERNAGEL
        =Mark ERHARDT
      2 Eugenia SILBERNAGEL
        =Leo ROEHRICH
      2 Robert SILBERNAGEL
      2 Eddie SILBERNAGEL
  =John BRAUN  Marriage: 15 Sep 1973, Bismarck, Burleigh, ND

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Katherine "Katie" GROSS

Descendants of Katherine "Katie" GROSS

1 Katherine "Katie" GROSS
  =Peter J MOCH
      2 Anton "Tony" S MOCK
        =Mary Ann FEIST  Marriage: 23 Nov 1920, Strasburg, Emmons, ND
            3 Elizabeth MOCK
              =Carl G KUIPERS
            3 Helene MOCK
              =Richard John BRESNAHAN
            3 Frank Joseph MOCK
              =Carolyn "Carol" MARQUART  Marriage: 7 Oct 1947, Napoleon, Logan, ND
            3 Dennis MOCK
              =Judy SPANGRUD
            3 Leon MOCK
              =Hildegarde SILVERNAGEL
            3 Irene K MOCK
              =Ernie ZOTTNICK
            3 Hubert P MOCK
            3 Jerome J MOCK
              =Carolee SPANGRUD
            3 James A MOCK
              =Gladys M HEITZ
            3 Dennice M MOCK
              =Vernon MEYER
      2 Edward Andrew MOCH
        =Magdalena VETTER  Marriage: 26 Oct 1937, St Bernard Ch., rural Linton, Emmons,ND
            3 Lorraine Katherine MOCH
              =Adolph FEYEREISEN Jr
            3 Arleen MOCH
              =Del SVALEN
            3 Lucille "Snooks" H MOCH
              =John HAMMER
            3 Robert "Bob" MOCH
              =Michaelyn "Mikie" CARROLL
            3 Diane MOCH
              =Donny HAGER
            3 Alvina MOCH
              =Tony SPIONSKOWSKI
            3 Shirley MOCH
              =Joseph SPIONSKOWSKI
      2 Anna M MOCH
        =Jacob "Jack" A VETTER  Marriage: 11 Nov 1937
            3 Virginia VETTER
              =Ronald J BERRY
            3 Felix Anton VETTER
              =Mary Lou TERNES
            3 Patricia "Patty" VETTER
              =Charles BOSCH
            3 Roger VETTER
      2 Sigfried "Sieg" MOCH
        =Barbara FISCHER  Marriage: 4 Nov 1939
            3 Lawrence J MOCH
              =Anna Marie WOLF
            3 Sig "Sigie" Fred MOCH
            3 JoAnne MOCH
              =Pat KREBSBACH
            3 Mercedes MOCH
              =Don KLEPPE
            3 Alvera MOCH
              = SELLHEIM
            3 Leonard Sig MOCH
      2 Alex MOCH
      2 Joseph MOCH
      2 Peter MOCH

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Katherine Marie GROSS

Ancestors of Katherine Marie GROSS

                            /-Matthaus GROSS
                  /-Joseph M GROSS
                  |         \-Francisca EBERLE
        /-Joseph E GROSS
        |         \-Maria Agatha BIEGLER
Katherine Marie GROSS
        |         /-George HARSCHE
        \-Susanna HARSCHE
                  \-Barbara BACHMEIER

Descendants of Katherine Marie GROSS

1 Katherine Marie GROSS
  =Gerald Lyle DUMA  Marriage: 23 Sep 1963, Bismarck, Burleigh, ND
      2 Scott DUMA
      2 Kim DUMA
        = WOLF
      2 Leann DUMA
      2 Denise DUMA
        = CARTER
      2 Michelle DUMA
        = REINHARDT

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Kathleen Marie GROSS

Ancestors of Kathleen Marie GROSS

                            /-Joseph M GROSS
                  /-Joseph E GROSS
                  |         \-Maria Agatha BIEGLER
        /-John GROSS
        |         |         /-George HARSCHE
        |         \-Susanna HARSCHE
        |                   \-Barbara BACHMEIER
Kathleen Marie GROSS
        |         /-John FLOHR
        \-Delores FLOHR
                  |         /-Michael JAEGER
                  \-Anna JAEGER

Descendants of Kathleen Marie GROSS

1 Kathleen Marie GROSS
  =Victor Joseph KRAFT
      2 Shane Michael KRAFT

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Kathryn GROSS

Ancestors of Kathryn GROSS

                            /-Franz Joseph GROSS
                  /-Andreas GROSS
                  |         \-Katharina HOFFART
        /-Francis E GROSS
        |         |         /-George SCHMALTZ
        |         \-Mariana SCHMALTZ
        |                   \-Elizabeth RIEGER
Kathryn GROSS
        |                   /-Johannes George ZIEGLER
        |         /-Joseph ZIEGLER
        |         |         \-Katherine
        \-Anna ZIEGLER
                  \-Magdalena HAGEL

Descendants of Kathryn GROSS

1 Kathryn GROSS
  =Michael FRANK
      2 Michael F FRANK
        =Marilyn J AMENT
            3 Cheryl T FRANK
              = GOLDSBERRY

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Ancestors of Kathy GROSS

                            /-Andreas "Andrew" GROSS
                  /-Joseph A GROSS
                  |         \-Veronica BITZ
        /-Adam J GROSS
        |         |         /-Valentine SCHWARTZENBERGER
        |         \-Christina SCHWARTZENBERGER
        |                   \-Barbara VOELLER
        |                   /-Stanislaus "Stanley" WALD
        |         /-Markus WALD
        |         |         \-Marianna "Mary" MATTERN
        \-Elsie WALD
                  |         /-Jacob MOCH Sr
                  \-Katherine MOCH
                            \-Katerina HORNER

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Ancestors of Katie GROSS

        /-Jacob GROSS
        \-Elizabeth WRUCK

Descendants of Katie GROSS

1 Katie GROSS
  =William J HIEB  Marriage: 1915, , McPherson, SD

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Kayla Ann GROSS

Ancestors of Kayla Ann GROSS

                            /-Joseph A GROSS
                  /-Alfred GROSS
                  |         \-Christina SCHWARTZENBERGER
        /-Stephen GROSS
        |         |         /-Joseph SPERLE
        |         \-Wilma F SPERLE
        |                   \-Alvina BUCHHOLZ
Kayla Ann GROSS
        |                   /-Valentine JACOB
        |         /-Michael JACOB
        |         |         \-Veronica HAEGELE
        \-Lori Ann JACOB
                  |         /-Edward John LANGE
                  \-Paricia LANGE
                            \-Hedwig J DUSEK

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Kayla Lynn GROSS

Ancestors of Kayla Lynn GROSS

                            /-Carl GROSS
                  /-Edmund Carl GROSS
                  |         \-Barbara HEILMAN
        /-David Allen GROSS Sr
        |         |         /-Joseph WELK
        |         \-Ermina WELK
        |                   \-Barbara BAUMGARTNER
Kayla Lynn GROSS
        \-Gloria Jean BERNARD

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Ancestors of Keith GROSS

                            /-Andreas "Andrew" GROSS
                  /-George A GROSS Sr
                  |         \-Veronica BITZ
        /-Clemens GROSS
        |         \-Frances SCHWARTZENBERGER
        |                   /-Johannes VETTER
        |         /-Joseph J VETTER Sr
        |         |         \-Anna Marie SCHMALTZ
        \-Christine VETTER
                  |         /-Wendelyn WANGLER
                  \-Veronika WANGLER
                            \-Elisabeth ZERR

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Ancestors of Keith GROSS

        /-Jack GROSS
        |         /-Anton LeBoldus LEOPOLDUS
        \-Margaret LEOPOLDUS
                  |         /-Michael LEIER
                  \-Melonia LEIER
                            \-Eloisa SCHMIDTHEISLER

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Ancestors of Ken GROSS

                            /-Joseph M GROSS
                  /-Joseph E GROSS
                  |         \-Maria Agatha BIEGLER
        /-Engelbert "Bert" GROSS
        |         |         /-George HARSCHE
        |         \-Susanna HARSCHE
        |                   \-Barbara BACHMEIER
        \-Sabina NAGEL

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Kenneth GROSS

Ancestors of Kenneth GROSS

                  /-Wilhelm GROSS
        /-John W GROSS
        |         \-Katharine MASSETT
Kenneth GROSS
        |         /-Peter A PAUL
        \-Katherina PAUL
                  |         /-Peter MASSET
                  \-Katherina MASSET
                            \-Elizabeth FEIST

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Kenneth Joseph GROSS

Ancestors of Kenneth Joseph GROSS

                            /-Ignatius GROSS
                  /-Carl GROSS
                  |         \-Clara BUECHLER
        /-Edmund Carl GROSS
        |         |         /-Anton HEILMAN
        |         \-Barbara HEILMAN
        |                   \-Ludwinia KELLER
Kenneth Joseph GROSS
        |                   /-Johannes WELK II
        |         /-Joseph WELK
        |         |         \-Anna HAGER
        \-Ermina WELK
                  |         /-Jacob BAUMGARTNER
                  \-Barbara BAUMGARTNER
                            \-Christina SCHERR

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Ancestors of Kenny GROSS

                            /-Raphael GROSS
                  /-Alois GROSS
                  |         \-Marianna FEIST
        /-Alvin GROSS
        |         |         /-Valentine SCHWENGLER
        |         \-Regina SCHWENGLER
        |                   \-Margaretha TUCHSCHERER
        |                   /-Bernhardt WEIGEL
        |         /-Baltzer B WEIGEL
        |         |         \-Agatha Marie MARQUART
        \-Carolyn WEIGEL
                  |         /-Anton A WANGLER
                  \-Katherine WANGLER
                            \-Magdalena GROSS

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