another date of birth for John given as 7 Sep 1872 and date of death as 11 Nov 1956
grave stone has his birth year as 1875
seems to be a mix-up on a johann Vetter b. 3 dec 1859, d. 22 jan 1938 in LaMoure County, ND and Johann(es) and a John Vetter b 5 May 1870, d. 23 jun 1919 in Grant County, ND 1920 census for Grant County shows a Johann b. 12 Sep 1870 d 23 Jun 1919 where one of these 2 Johns is buried, but that doesn't mean the one that died in LaMoure County couldn't have been buried in Grant? All in All its not clear with the information I have found but I would go with the John that died in Grant County as the John depicted here. Anyone reading this note and knows for sure please let me know
another had his first name as Jack