- Father: Paul JUNG Sr
- Mother: Elizabeth SALWEI
- Birth: 19 Apr 1927, Rural Zeeland, McIntosh, ND
- Death: 23 Dec 2017, Zeeland, McIntosh, ND
- Burial: St Johns Cem., Zeeland, ND
Ancestors of Rose Ilene JUNG
/-Philip JUNG
/-Paul JUNG Sr
| | /-Mathias HARTZE
| \-Barbara HARTZE
| \-Katharina BACHER
Rose Ilene JUNG
| /-Michael SALWEI
\-Elizabeth SALWEI
\-Magdalene BISCHKE
Descendants of Rose Ilene JUNG
1 Rose Ilene JUNG
=Eugene Earnest NOLZ Marriage: 28 Jan 1947
2 Mary Alice NOLZ
=Damian WEBER
2 Ralph A NOLZ
2 Thomas NOLZ
2 Pauline Elaxibeth NOLZ
2 Eugene Blaine NOLZ
=Brenda Lee VOSSLER
3 Nicole Rose NOLZ
3 Rachel Marie NOLZ
3 Andrew Paul NOLZ
2 Sharon Ann NOLZ
=Patrick WOLF
2 Rose Marie NOLZ
2 David Wayne NOLZ
Descendants of Shane JUNG
1 Shane JUNG
=Brittney HEINZ
Descendants of Shane JUNG
1 Shane JUNG
=Becky KARST
Ancestors of Sharon JUNG
/-Milbert JUNG
Sharon JUNG
| /-Joseph A KRAFT
\-Celestine "Sally" KRAFT
| /-Thaddeus WERLINGER
\-Margaretha JACOB
Descendants of Sharon JUNG
1 Sharon JUNG
Ancestors of Sharon JUNG
/-Philip JUNG
/-Mathias "Matt" JUNG
| \-Marian HARTZE
/-Phillip Osborn JUNG
| \-Anna B CHASE
Sharon JUNG
\-Gertrude VOLDEN
Descendants of Sharon JUNG
1 Sharon JUNG
Ancestors of Shawnel JUNG
/-Peter Bernard JUNG Sr
/-Michael J JUNG
| \-Elizabeth WOGH
/-Jeffrey "Jeff" J JUNG
| | /-Nick BETCHNER
| \-Katherine BAMBUSH
Shawnel JUNG
\-Maureen BANDLE
Descendants of Shawnel JUNG
1 Shawnel JUNG
- Birth: Jun 1847, Sultz, South Russia
Descendants of Sylvester JUNG Sr
1 Sylvester JUNG Sr
=Catherine Evelyn MEIER
2 Margretha JUNG
3 Wendlin KESSLER
2 Lenora JUNG
2 Adam JUNG
2 Sylvester YOUNG Jr
=Anna EHLI Marriage: 19 Jun 1906, Selz, Pierce, ND
3 John Sylvester YOUNG
=Almyra Madeline MCCORMICK Marriage: 3 Jun 1939
3 Anna Mary YOUNG
=Joseph A KELLER Marriage: 7 Jun 1927
3 Frank YOUNG
=Mary Elizabeth POECKES Marriage: 29 Mar 1937
3 Eleanor Katherine YOUNG
=Leo S MALEK Marriage: 3 Jun 1939, Camas, Clark, WA
3 Roches "Roy" YOUNG
=Katherine WEIST
3 Anton YOUNG
=Caroline ABEL Marriage: 8 May 1939, Balta, Pierce, ND
=Magdalena Beatrice JUNDT Marriage: 19 Apr 1941
3 Frances Katherine YOUNG
=Elmo Kenneth CANDEE
3 Bertha Barbara YOUNG
3 Isabella Marie YOUNG
=Nicholas B KLINE Marriage: Jun 1947
3 Raymond Michael YOUNG
=Katherine M TERKJORST
2 Martin JUNG
2 Joseph JUNG
2 Barbara JUNG
2 Magdalena JUNG
Ancestors of Tammy JUNG
/-Philip JUNG
/-Paul JUNG Sr
| \-Barbara HARTZE
/-Robert Joseph JUNG
| | /-Michael SALWEI
| \-Magdalena "Maggie" SALWEI
| \-Magdalene BISCHKE
Tammy JUNG
\-Deloris BONNET
Descendants of Tammy JUNG
1 Tammy JUNG
Ancestors of Teresa JUNG
/-Philip JUNG
/-Phillip B JUNG II
| | /-Mathias HARTZE
| \-Barbara HARTZE
| \-Katharina BACHER
Teresa JUNG
| /-Johannes LACHER
| /-Joseph LACHER
\-Barbara LACHER
| /-Franz BAUER
\-Florence BAUER
\-Katherine FROHLICH
Descendants of Teresa JUNG
1 Teresa JUNG
=Gerald REMEIN
Ancestors of Theresia JUNG
/-Joseph JUNG
/-Michael JUNG
| \-Marfa
Theresia JUNG
| /-George Anton MERDIAN
\-Anna Maria MERDIAN
Descendants of Theresia JUNG
1 Theresia JUNG
=Valentin RISSLING Marriage: Dec 1878
Ancestors of Thomas JUNG
/-Philip JUNG
/-Paul JUNG Sr
| | /-Mathias HARTZE
| \-Barbara HARTZE
| \-Katharina BACHER
Thomas JUNG
| /-Michael SALWEI
\-Magdalena "Maggie" SALWEI
\-Magdalene BISCHKE
Ancestors of Tim JUNG
/-Philip JUNG
/-Paul JUNG Sr
| \-Barbara HARTZE
/-Robert Joseph JUNG
| | /-Michael SALWEI
| \-Magdalena "Maggie" SALWEI
| \-Magdalene BISCHKE
\-Deloris BONNET
Ancestors of Tom JUNG
/-Philip JUNG
/-Paul JUNG Sr
| | /-Mathias HARTZE
| \-Barbara HARTZE
| \-Katharina BACHER
| /-Michael SALWEI
\-Elizabeth SALWEI
\-Magdalene BISCHKE
Descendants of Tom JUNG
1 Tom JUNG
- Birth: 1883, Selz, Kutschurgan, Ukraine
- Death: 1934, Selz, Kutschurgan, Ukraine
Descendants of Valentin JUNG
1 Valentin JUNG
=Angelina LEIBHAM
Ancestors of Valentine JUNG
/-Michael JUNG
/-Peter Bernard JUNG Sr
| \-Elizabeth
Valentine JUNG
\-Elizabeth WOGH
Ancestors of Vickie JUNG
/-Philip JUNG
/-Paul JUNG Sr
| \-Barbara HARTZE
/-Robert Joseph JUNG
| | /-Michael SALWEI
| \-Magdalena "Maggie" SALWEI
| \-Magdalene BISCHKE
Vickie JUNG
\-Deloris BONNET
Descendants of Vickie JUNG
1 Vickie JUNG
- Father: Philip JUNG
- Mother: Barbara HARTZE
- Birth: 20 Aug 1916
- Death: 31 May 2000, Rochester, , MN
- Burial: Resurrection Cem., Shorewood, MN
Ancestors of Wilhemina JUNG
/-Philip JUNG
Wilhemina JUNG
| /-Mathias HARTZE
\-Barbara HARTZE
\-Katharina BACHER
Descendants of Wilhemina JUNG
1 Wilhemina JUNG
=Henery Joseph BALLUFF
- Father: William P JUNG
- Mother: Alvina WEIGEL
- Birth: 9 Jul 1961, Linton, Emmons, ND
- Death: 22 Jul 2003, Hot Springs, Fall River, SD
- Burial: Sacred Heart Cem., Aberdeen, SD
Ancestors of William Felix JUNG Jr
/-Philip JUNG
/-Paul JUNG Sr
| \-Barbara HARTZE
/-William P JUNG
| | /-Michael SALWEI
| \-Elizabeth SALWEI
| \-Magdalene BISCHKE
William Felix JUNG Jr
| /-Franz "Frank" WEIGEL
| /-Joseph F WEIGEL
| | \-Katherina WELDER
\-Alvina WEIGEL
| /-Ludwig SENGER
\-Philomena SENGER
\-Marion SCHMIDT
Ancestors of William J JUNG
/-Michael JUNG
/-Peter Bernard JUNG Sr
| \-Elizabeth
William J JUNG
\-Elizabeth WOGH
Descendants of William J JUNG
1 William J JUNG
=Alice E FRIEZE Marriage: Oct 1955, Mott, , ND
2 David William JUNG
=Nadine DOLL
3 Darren JUNG
2 Dan JUNG
2 JoAnn JUNG
2 Madonna JUNG
=John WYZE
3 Stewart WYZE
3 Dana WYZE
3 Tanner WYZE