Anton "Tony" KUNTZ

Ancestors of Anton "Tony" KUNTZ

                  /-Simon KUNTZ
        /-Nicodemus "Nick" KUNTZ
        |         |         /-Johann DUKART
        |         \-Monika DUKART
        |                   \-Margaretha RIEDINGER
Anton "Tony" KUNTZ
        |         /-Lawrence WOCK
        \-Franziska "Frances" WOCK
                  \-Veronica WOLF

Descendants of Anton "Tony" KUNTZ

1 Anton "Tony" KUNTZ
  =Anita Gail WALTERS
      2 Shannon KUNTZ
        =Joseph FRITZ
      2 Steve KUNTZ
      2 Ryan M KUNTZ
        =Lisa STEFFAN
            3 Mason KUNTZ
            3 Mikayla KUNTZ
              =Cole BINSTOCK
      2 Ann KUNTZ
        =David WOOD
      2 Marty KUNTZ
        = STEIDL
      2 Jody KUNTZ
      2 Don KUNTZ

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Anton "Tony" KUNTZ

Ancestors of Anton "Tony" KUNTZ

        /-Jacob KUNTZ
Anton "Tony" KUNTZ
        \-Katherine DIEWOOD

Descendants of Anton "Tony" KUNTZ

1 Anton "Tony" KUNTZ
  =Catherine SCHWARTZ
      2 Dorothy KUNTZ
        =Tony SEIFERLING
      2 Joan KUNTZ
        =Rudy ZIMMER
      2 Lorraine KUNTZ
        =Wilbert YOUNG
      2 Paulette KUNTZ
        =Don FROH
      2 Hilda KUNTZ
        =Ed STAUDT
      2 Carrina KUNTZ
        = SELINGER
      2 Jane KUNTZ
        =Patrick OTTE
      2 Clara KUNTZ
        =Gary FLOTERMESCH

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Anton "Tony" J KUNTZ

Ancestors of Anton "Tony" J KUNTZ

                  /-Nikolaus KUNTZ
        /-Joseph R KUNTZ
        |         |         /-John VOGEL
        |         \-Magdalena VOGEL
        |                   \-Elizabeth FRIESZ
Anton "Tony" J KUNTZ
        |         /-Peter FROHLICH
        \-Rose FROHLICH
                  \-Barbara BLETH

Descendants of Anton "Tony" J KUNTZ

1 Anton "Tony" J KUNTZ
  =Lenora SCHEKORSKY  Marriage: 3 Jul 1950, Mandan, Morton, ND

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Anton "Tony" Joseph KUNTZ

Ancestors of Anton "Tony" Joseph KUNTZ

        /-Urbanus "Ruban" KUNTZ
Anton "Tony" Joseph KUNTZ
        \-Maryanne M KURTZ

Descendants of Anton "Tony" Joseph KUNTZ

1 Anton "Tony" Joseph KUNTZ
      2 Patricia KUNTZ
      2 Jerry KUNTZ

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Ancestors of Anton A KUNTZ

                            /-Anton KUNTZ
                  /-Mathias KUNTZ
                  |         \-Catherina
        /-Mathias "Matt" KUNTZ
        |         |         /-Johann George KAMBEITZ
        |         \-Elizabeth KAMBEITZ
        |                   \-Marie Anna BERTRAM
        \-Veronica STRADESKI

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Descendants of Anton J KUNTZ

1 Anton J KUNTZ
  =Anna Mary "George" BARNHARDT  Marriage: 9 Jun 1950, Center, , ND
      2 Anton KUNTZ
      2 Theresa KUNTZ
        =Sherman BRUNELLE
      2 Bernice KUNTZ
        =Steven SANDNESS
            3 Christopher Lee SANDNESS
            3 Steven Mark SANDNESS
      2 Joseph KUNTZ
      2 Steven KUNTZ

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Antonia KUNTZ

Ancestors of Antonia KUNTZ

        /-Michael KUNTZ
Antonia KUNTZ
        \-Gertrude STEPHEN

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Appolonia KUNTZ

Ancestors of Appolonia KUNTZ

        /-Nicolaus KUNTZ
Appolonia KUNTZ
        \-Helena ROETHER

Descendants of Appolonia KUNTZ

1 Appolonia KUNTZ
  =Peter KRAFT  Marriage: 1889
  =George LEINGANG
      2 Alexander George LEINGANG
        =Frances LAUINGER  Marriage: 21 Nov 1922, St. Anthony, Morton, ND
            3 Ann LEINGANG
              =Frank GANGL  Marriage: 25 Nov 1943, St Anthony, Morton, ND
            3 Clemens LEINGANG
              =Bertha SCHMIDT
            3 Lorraine LEINGANG
              =Roy HEINERT
            3 Edward R LEINGANG
            3 George Alex LEINGANG
              =Jean Arlene HINSZ
            3 Frances Mary LEINGANG
              =James "Jim" F CORNELL  Marriage: 1971
            3 Abby LEINGANG
              = OLSON
            3 Tony LEINGANG
            3 Frank LEINGANG
            3 Mary LEINGANG
              =Liberatus "Lib" HEINERT
            3 Stephanie LEINGANG
              = SCHWARTZ
            3 Delores LEINGANG
              = BEEHLER
      2 Anna LEINGANG
        =Joseph F HAIDER  Marriage: 5 Jun 1923, St. Anthony, Morton, ND
            3 Rose HAIDER
            3 John HAIDER
              =Ottillia PRIVRATFKY  Marriage: 8 Sep 1958, Bismarck, Burleigh, ND
            3 Minnie HAIDER
              =Victor SCHMIDT  Marriage: 12 Oct 1948, St Anthony, Morton, ND
            3 Joseph HAIDER
            3 Lillian HAIDER
              =Richard STURN
            3 George J HAIDER
              =Maggie M MARTIN  Marriage: 12 Nov 1951, Mandan, Morton, ND
            3 Hubert HAIDER
              =Darlene LIGHTHIZER
            3 Arnie HAIDER
      2 Frank G LEINGANG
        =Mary BECKLER  Marriage: 27 Oct 1925, Fallon, Morton, ND
            3 Richard F LEINGANG
              =Ann MILLER  Marriage: 15 Jun 1954, Mandan, Morton, ND
            3 Christine LEINGANG
              =Richard MOON
            3 Irene LEINGANG
            3 Viola LEINGANG
              =Matt BALTUS
            3 Lillian E LEINGANG
              =Robert Anthony FEILER Sr  Marriage: 14 Nov 1959, Mandan, Morton, ND
            3 Bernice B LEINGANG
              = FITTERER
            3 Thomas LEINGANG
      2 George G LEINGANG
        =Rose HEIDER
            3 Frank LEINGANG
              =Eileen Ann BULLINGER  Marriage: 21 Oct 1952, St Anhony, , ND
            3 Carolyn Regina LEINGANG
              =Richard Matt BULLINGER  Marriage: 1952
            3 Raymond "Ray" LEINGANG
              =Annnella "Nell" KNOLL  Marriage: 9 Oct 1956, St Anthony, , ND
            3 Arnold "Arnie" G LEINGANG
              =Georgian SCHMIDT
            3 Robert "Bob" J LEINGANG
              =Mary Ann FRIESZ
            3 Leo J LEINGANG
              =Arlene STEIN
            3 Ron LEINGANG
            3 Helen LEINGANG
              =William "Bill" J KUNTZ
            3 Eldean LEINGANG
              =William "Bill" J FITTERER
            3 Janice Rose LEINGANG
              = HAUCK
              =Edwin FITTERER
            3 Laura LEINGANG
              =Richard WICARYUS
            3 Janice Rose LEINGANG
            3 Leona LEINGANG
              =Richard WYCARUS
      2 Joseph George LEINGANG
        =Regina LAUINGER  Marriage: 14 Oct 1930, St. Anthony, Morton, ND
            3 Irene LEINGANG
              =Daniel ECKROTH  Marriage: 24 Oct 1950, St Anthony, Morton, ND
            3 Bernard LEINGANG
              =Dorothy KAUTZMAN  Marriage: 8 Jun 1955
            3 Leonard Joseph LEINGANG
              =Julie WETSCH  Marriage: 2 Oct 1957, St. Anthony, Morton, ND
            3 Rose LEINGANG
              =Donald J STURN  Marriage: 3 Oct 1956, St Antony, Morton, ND
            3 Darlene LEINGANG
              =Hilbert Harold HOHBEIN
            3 Bernadette LEINGANG
              =Michael SCHAFF
            3 Larry J LEINGANG
              =Bernice BETHKE

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Aquilinus Anton KUNTZ

Ancestors of Aquilinus Anton KUNTZ

                  /-Simon KUNTZ
        /-Frank V KUNTZ
        |         |         /-Johann DUKART
        |         \-Monika DUKART
        |                   \-Margaretha RIEDINGER
Aquilinus Anton KUNTZ
        |         /-Jacob BILLMAN
        \-Beata "Beatrice" BILLMAN
                  \-Marian BAST

Descendants of Aquilinus Anton KUNTZ

1 Aquilinus Anton KUNTZ
      2 Shan KUNTZ
      2 JT KUNTZ
      2 Dirk KUNTZ

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Ardella KUNTZ

Ancestors of Ardella KUNTZ

                            /-Simon KUNTZ
                  /-Anton KUNTZ
                  |         \-Monika DUKART
        /-Willie KUNTZ
        |         |         /-George OLHEISER Sr
        |         \-Ida OLHEISER
        |                   \-Beata HEIDT
Ardella KUNTZ
        |                   /-Michael REISENAUER
        |         /-Nicholas "Nick" REISENAUER
        |         |         \-Elizabeth OTT
        \-Florence REISENAUER
                  |         /-George J MEIER
                  \-Caroline MEIER
                            \-Margaret ERHARDT

Descendants of Ardella KUNTZ

1 Ardella KUNTZ

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Ancestors of Ardie KUNTZ

        /-John Nick KUNTZ
        |         /-Peter DECKER
        \-Veronica DECKER
                  |         /-Frank FROEHLICH
                  \-Rose FROEHLICH
                            \-Katherine LEHNERT

Descendants of Ardie KUNTZ

1 Ardie KUNTZ
  =Larry CUSTER

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Arlene KUNTZ

Ancestors of Arlene KUNTZ

                            /-Engelbart KUNTZ
                  /-John KUNTZ
                  |         \-Elizabeth DUCHSCHERER
        /-Lawrence KUNTZ
        |         |         /-Kasper MATTERN
        |         \-Theresa MATTERN
        |                   \-Helene HAMAN
Arlene KUNTZ
        |                   /-Frank KRAFT
        |         /-John W KRAFT
        |         |         \-Eva ROEHRICH
        \-Mary Theresa KRAFT
                  |         /-Anton SANDER
                  \-Alysia "Lizzie" SANDER
                            \-Christina MIGLER

Descendants of Arlene KUNTZ

1 Arlene KUNTZ
  =Corb ULNESS

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Arlene KUNTZ

Ancestors of Arlene KUNTZ

                            /-Vinzens KUNTZ
                  /-Leo Michael KUNTZ
                  |         \-Barbara GARRECHT
        /-Eusebius "Seb" KUNTZ
        |         \-Anna Marie BOSSERT
Arlene KUNTZ
        |         /-William BERNHARDT
        \-Frances BERNHARDT
                  |         /-Jacob KUNTZ
                  \-Rose KUNTZ
                            \-Franziska FEIST

Descendants of Arlene KUNTZ

1 Arlene KUNTZ
  =Andy FEIST
      2 Sheila FEIST
      2 Lanette FEIST

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Descendants of Arnie KUNTZ

1 Arnie KUNTZ
  =Celine Marie WANNER

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Arnold KUNTZ

Ancestors of Arnold KUNTZ

                            /-Joseph KUNTZ
                  /-Adam KUNTZ
                  |         \-Julia THOMAS
        /-Liberatus "Lib" KUNTZ
        |         \-Philomena "Minnie" ERHARDT
Arnold KUNTZ
        |                   /-Gabriel "Gabe" SCHAFF
        |         /-Jacob G SCHAFF
        |         |         \-Helena HOFFMAN
        \-Florentine Dorothy SCHAFF
                  |         /-Matheus GEIGER Sr
                  \-Josephine GEIGER
                            \-Marianna "Mary" MESSER

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Arnold "Arnie" Ralph KUNTZ

Ancestors of Arnold "Arnie" Ralph KUNTZ

        /-Valentine D KUNTZ
Arnold "Arnie" Ralph KUNTZ
        |         /-Jan "John" DOLECHEK
        \-Mary DOLECHEK
                  \-Anna ROLLER

Descendants of Arnold "Arnie" Ralph KUNTZ

1 Arnold "Arnie" Ralph KUNTZ
      2 Cheryl KUNTZ
      2 Chad KUNTZ

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Arthur KUNTZ

Ancestors of Arthur KUNTZ

                  /-Jacob KUNTZ
        /-Joseph KUNTZ
        |         \-Katherine DIEWOOD
Arthur KUNTZ
        \-Ottilia FINK

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Arthur Roy KUNTZ

Ancestors of Arthur Roy KUNTZ

                            /-George Ferdinand KUNTZ
                  /-Rochus (Roy) George KUNTZ
                  |         \-Eva Marie BECKER
        /-Rochus (Roy) KUNTZ
        |         |         /-Peter Anton LEINGANG
        |         \-Katherine LEINGANG
        |                   \-Marianna MARTIN
Arthur Roy KUNTZ
        |         /-John D HAAS
        \-Pauline L HAAS

Descendants of Arthur Roy KUNTZ

1 Arthur Roy KUNTZ
  =Dorothy Jeanette JOHNSON  Marriage: 20 Sep 1940, , Ottertail, MN

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August KUNTZ

Ancestors of August KUNTZ

        /-Valentine D KUNTZ
August KUNTZ
        |         /-Jan "John" DOLECHEK
        \-Mary DOLECHEK
                  \-Anna ROLLER

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August "Augie" KUNTZ

Ancestors of August "Augie" KUNTZ

                  /-Simon KUNTZ
        /-Jacob J KUNTZ
        |         \-Maria Eva HAAF
August "Augie" KUNTZ
        \-Rosa M SCHWARTZ

Descendants of August "Augie" KUNTZ

1 August "Augie" KUNTZ
  =Bernice WETSCH
      2 Jocelyn KUNTZ
      2 Jolene KUNTZ

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