Catherine MILLER

Ancestors of Catherine MILLER

        /-Roger George MILLER
Catherine MILLER
        |                   /-Paul Kasper ELL
        |         /-Wendelin ELL
        |         |         \-Eva Marie PFEIFER
        \-Lillian Magdalena ELL
                  |         /-Michael DUTENHOEFFER
                  \-Anna Marie "Mary" DUTENHOEFFER
                            \-Regina DOSCH

Descendants of Catherine MILLER

1 Catherine MILLER
  =James WINDELL

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Catherine "Cathy" Alice MILLER

Ancestors of Catherine "Cathy" Alice MILLER

                  /-Gabriel MILLER
        /-Philip G MILLER
        |         |         /-Philipp LACHER
        |         \-Magdaline LACHER
        |                   \-Katharina DUCHSCHERER
Catherine "Cathy" Alice MILLER
        |         /-Adam BAUMSTARCK
        \-Anna Mary BAUMSTARCK
                  |         /-Johannes VETTER
                  \-Juliana VETTER
                            \-Anna Marie SCHMALTZ

Descendants of Catherine "Cathy" Alice MILLER

1 Catherine "Cathy" Alice MILLER
  =Leo John SCHATZ  Marriage: 24 Nov 1958
      2 Bonita Kay SCHATZ
      2 Robert Joseph SCHATZ
        =Sandra FULLER
            3 Melissa SCHATZ
            3 Thomas SCHATZ
      2 Gregory Paul SCHATZ
        =Deb GOSSELIN
      2 Donald Car SCHATZ
      2 Randall Allen SCHATZ
      2 Sandra Zuzanne SCHATZ

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Catherine "Katie" MILLER

Ancestors of Catherine "Katie" MILLER

        /-Gabriel MILLER
Catherine "Katie" MILLER
        |                   /-Sebastian LACHER
        |         /-Philipp LACHER
        |         |         \-Eva BRINSTER
        \-Magdaline LACHER
                  \-Katharina DUCHSCHERER

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Catherine A MILLER

Ancestors of Catherine A MILLER

                  /-Alphonse MUELLER
        /-Balzer MILLER
        |         |         /-Melchior SCHIELE
        |         \-Agnes SCHIELE
        |                   \-Monica BIEGLER
Catherine A MILLER
        |         /-Joseph SCHIELE
        \-Regina SCHIELE
                  \-Magdelene HOFFART

Descendants of Catherine A MILLER

1 Catherine A MILLER
  =Balzer Jacob SELZLER  Marriage: 17 Jul 1928, Karlsruhe, McHenry, ND
      2 Caroline Regina SELZLER
        =Lawrence Duane BERGAN  Marriage: 22 Apr 1949
            3 Robert BERGAN
        =James Roland SCHERRER  Marriage: 4 Aug 1956
      2 Dennis Joseph SELZLER
        =Isolde B BAUSEWEIN
            3 Diana Clara SELZLER
              =Alan Lane BRANSON
            3 Daniela SELZLER
              = HULL
      2 Larry SELZLER
      2 Eleanor Magdleana SELZLER
        = BLACK
      2 Peter SELZLER
      2 Leon SELZLER
      2 Rosella SELZLER
        = PETERSON
      2 Eugene SELZLER
      2 Richard SELZLER
      2 Dorothy Jean SELZLER
        =Gil HARRIS
      2 Marcella SELZLER
        =Bruce CAMPBELL
      2 Marian SELZLER
        =Bob EVANS
      2 Robert SELZLER

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Catherine, MILLER

Descendants of Catherine, MILLER

1 Catherine, MILLER
  =Lawrence T FISCHER
      2 Linda FISCHER
        =Dennis HUBER
      2 Kelly FISCHER
      2 Shirley FISCHER
        =Robert SCHUMACHER
      2 Charlotte FISCHER
        =Tom VETSCH
      2 Danette FISCHER

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Cathrine "Cathy" MILLER

Ancestors of Cathrine "Cathy" MILLER

                  /-Michael M MILLER
        /-Joseph M MILLER
        |         \-Elizabeth WILHELM
Cathrine "Cathy" MILLER
        \-Rose Marie HUTHMACHER

Descendants of Cathrine "Cathy" MILLER

1 Cathrine "Cathy" MILLER

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Cecilia MILLER

Ancestors of Cecilia MILLER

                  /-Gabriel MILLER
        /-Peter G MILLER
        |         |         /-Philipp LACHER
        |         \-Magdaline LACHER
        |                   \-Katharina DUCHSCHERER
Cecilia MILLER
        |         /-Andrew WERNER
        \-Kenegunda WERNER
                  |         /-Johannes VETTER
                  \-Anna Mary VETTER
                            \-Anna Marie SCHMALTZ

Descendants of Cecilia MILLER

1 Cecilia MILLER
      2 Krista TOLSTEDT

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Cecilia Elizabeth MILLER

Ancestors of Cecilia Elizabeth MILLER

        /-Stephen B MILLER
Cecilia Elizabeth MILLER
        |                   /-Kasper B ELL
        |         /-Michael F ELL
        |         |         \-Barbara REISS
        \-Rosa ELL
                  \-Katharina F GOETZ

Descendants of Cecilia Elizabeth MILLER

1 Cecilia Elizabeth MILLER
  =John Merrill NICHOLS
  =Edward R RILEY

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Celestina "Sadie" MILLER

Descendants of Celestina "Sadie" MILLER

1 Celestina "Sadie" MILLER
  =Frank J LIPP
      2 Duane LIPP
      2 Bryan LIPP
      2 Patricia LIPP
      2 Robert LIPP
      2 Douglas LIPP
      2 James LIPP

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Celestina "Sally" MILLER

Descendants of Celestina "Sally" MILLER

1 Celestina "Sally" MILLER
  =John SEHN  Marriage: 1942

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Celestine MILLER

Ancestors of Celestine MILLER

                  /-Peter MILLER
        /-Rudolph MILLER
        |         \-Katherine P LIENTZ
Celestine MILLER
        \-Verena KOPP

Descendants of Celestine MILLER

1 Celestine MILLER
  =Isadore KOCH  Marriage: 14 Oct 1940, Raleigh, , ND
      2 Roberta KOCH
        =Robert RESSLER
      2 Dorothy KOCH
        =Vernon J LEINGANG
      2 Clara KOCH
        =Harold LACHER
      2 Gloria KOCH
        =Larry REICHMAN
      2 Joseph KOCH
      2 Raymond KOCH

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Ancestors of Chad MILLER

                            /-Constentin MILLER
                  /-Constantine MILLER
                  |         \-Regina WEIGLE
        /-Alvin J MILLER
        |         |         /-Louis LEMER
        |         \-Josephine LEMER
        |                   \-Theresa MARTEL
        |         /-Waldemar A SEEHAFER
        \-Vicki L SEEHAFER
                  \-Ethel Vivian OLSON

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Descendants of Chad MILLER

  =Kendra Leigh VOLK

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Charlene MILLER

Ancestors of Charlene MILLER

                            /-Johannes M MILLER
                  /-Anton J MILLER
                  |         \-Theresa KELLER
        /-Robert "Bob" Leo MILLER
        |         |         /-Conrad C. WALD
        |         \-Katherine WALD
        |                   \-Elizabeth MEIER
Charlene MILLER
        \-Theresa FISCHER

Descendants of Charlene MILLER

1 Charlene MILLER

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Charles MILLER

Descendants of Charles MILLER

1 Charles MILLER

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Charles MILLER

Ancestors of Charles MILLER

                            /-Peter MILLER
                  /-Rudolph MILLER
                  |         \-Katherine P LIENTZ
        /-Lambert MILLER
        |         \-Verena KOPP
Charles MILLER
        |                   /-Rochus TERNES
        |         /-Anton Rochus TERNES
        |         |         \-Marianna STEIERT
        \-Regina TERNES
                  |         /-Joseph M GROSS
                  \-Marcelena GROSS
                            \-Maria Agatha BIEGLER

Descendants of Charles MILLER

1 Charles MILLER
  =Marlene SCHREINER
      2 Kimberly MILLER
        =Andrew SKARI
      2 Wes MILLER
      2 Travis MILLER
      2 Shannon MILLER
      2 Carey MILLER
      2 Todd MILLER

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Charles "Charlie" E MILLER

Ancestors of Charles "Charlie" E MILLER

        /-Fred C MILLER
Charles "Charlie" E MILLER
        |                   /-Anton A VOELLER
        |         /-Rochus VOELLER
        |         |         \-Francesca DIEBERT
        \-Helen VOELLER
                  |         /-Anton GLATT
                  \-Rosalia GLATT
                            \-Katherina VOELLER

Descendants of Charles "Charlie" E MILLER

1 Charles "Charlie" E MILLER

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Charles Roy MILLER

Ancestors of Charles Roy MILLER

                  /-Frank Joseph MILLER
        /-Frank George MILLER
        |         \-Verna Emma KELLER
Charles Roy MILLER
        |                   /-Andrew K MITZEL
        |         /-Carl A MITZEL
        |         |         \-Veronica SCHMIDT
        \-Florella Marie MITZEL
                  \-Katherine SCHAFER

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Charlie MILLER

Descendants of Charlie MILLER

1 Charlie MILLER
  =Janet PINKS

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Charlotte MILLER

Descendants of Charlotte MILLER

1 Charlotte MILLER
  =Sebastian MEIER Jr
      2 Gregory MEIER
      2 Brian MEIER
      2 Carmel MEIER
        =Chris HARDISON

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