Darlene ZERR

Ancestors of Darlene ZERR

        /-Peter ZERR
Darlene ZERR
        |                   /-Wilhelm SCHWARTZENBERGER
        |         /-Joseph "Joe" SCHWARTZENBERGER
        |         |         \-Anastasia GIESINGER
        \-Patricia Mary SCHWARTZENBERGER
                  \-Rose Anne HECK

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Darwin Michael ZERR

Ancestors of Darwin Michael ZERR

                            /-Jacob ZERR
                  /-Anton ZERR
                  |         \-Magdalena HIRSCH
        /-Frank Anton ZERR
        |         |         /-Anton WENINGER
        |         \-Katherine WENINGER
        |                   \-Barbara KLEIN
Darwin Michael ZERR
        \-Frances Mae MARTIN

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Daryl Steven ZERR

Ancestors of Daryl Steven ZERR

                            /-Jacob ZERR
                  /-Anton ZERR
                  |         \-Magdalena HIRSCH
        /-Frank Anton ZERR
        |         |         /-Anton WENINGER
        |         \-Katherine WENINGER
        |                   \-Barbara KLEIN
Daryl Steven ZERR
        \-Frances Mae MARTIN

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David ZERR

Ancestors of David ZERR

                  /-Stephen ZERR
        /-Max ZERR
        |         |         /-George SALI
        |         \-Anna SALI
        |                   \-Helen HEINTZ
David ZERR
        |         /-Adam KLEIN
        \-Sadie KLEIN
                  |         /-Peter RIPPLINGER
                  \-Anna M RIPPLINGER
                            \-Mary Anna KUNTZ

Descendants of David ZERR

1 David ZERR
  =Loretta SCHECTOR
      2 Christopher ZERR
      2 Steven ZERR

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David ZERR

Ancestors of David ZERR

                  /-Elias ZERR
        /-Frank R "Spence" ZERR
        |         |         /-Nikolous KRAFT
        |         \-Clara KRAFT
        |                   \-Kunigunda
David ZERR
        |                   /-Konrad MENZIA
        |         /-Anton MENZIA
        |         |         \-Rosina MASSINI
        \-Madelon "Maudy" Marcella MENZIA
                  |         /-Conrad VOLK
                  \-Helen VOLK
                            \-Magdelena MARDIAN

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David Antony ZERR

Ancestors of David Antony ZERR

                            /-Jacob ZERR
                  /-Anton ZERR
                  |         \-Magdalena HIRSCH
        /-Phillip Raymond ZERR
        |         |         /-Anton WENINGER
        |         \-Katherine WENINGER
        |                   \-Barbara KLEIN
David Antony ZERR
        \-Shelia Josephine RANKIN

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Delbert ZERR

Ancestors of Delbert ZERR

        /-Clemens ZERR
Delbert ZERR
        \-Josephina SCHAFER

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Delmer ZERR

Ancestors of Delmer ZERR

        /-Clemens ZERR
Delmer ZERR
        \-Josephina SCHAFER

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Deloris ZERR

Ancestors of Deloris ZERR

                  /-Adam ZERR
        /-Anton ZERR
        |         \-Barbara SCHAFER
Deloris ZERR
        |         /-Simon KARY
        \-Rose KARY
                  |         /-George LEINGANG
                  \-Monika LEINGANG
                            \-Brigitta WALBAUM

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Denelda Mae ZERR

Ancestors of Denelda Mae ZERR

        /-Emil ZERR
Denelda Mae ZERR
        \-Martha SCHERBENSKE

Descendants of Denelda Mae ZERR

1 Denelda Mae ZERR
  =Arthur "Art" LACHENMEIER  Marriage: 28 Nov 1948
      2 Charlotte LACHENMEIER
        =James RATH
      2 Judy LACHENMEIER
        =Randy KLUKSDAHL

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Diana ZERR

Ancestors of Diana ZERR

                  /-Sebastian ZERR
        /-Ludwig ZERR
        |         |         /-George REIS
        |         \-Katherine REIS
        |                   \-Theresa MARTIAN
Diana ZERR
        \-Helen GRABOWSKY

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Dianna ZERR

Ancestors of Dianna ZERR

        /-Peter ZERR
Dianna ZERR
        |                   /-Wilhelm SCHWARTZENBERGER
        |         /-Joseph "Joe" SCHWARTZENBERGER
        |         |         \-Anastasia GIESINGER
        \-Patricia Mary SCHWARTZENBERGER
                  \-Rose Anne HECK

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Dolores ZERR

Ancestors of Dolores ZERR

                  /-Raymond ZERR
        /-George W ZERR
        |         |         /-Phillip SCHUMACHER
        |         \-Martina SCHUMACHER
        |                   \-Elizabeth MACK
Dolores ZERR
        \-Edna Vesta

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Dominic "tom" ZERR

Ancestors of Dominic "tom" ZERR

        /-Anton ZERR
Dominic "tom" ZERR
        \-Christine SELENSKY

Descendants of Dominic "tom" ZERR

1 Dominic "tom" ZERR
  =Victoria ZIMMERMAN  Marriage: 12 Aug 1946, Grainfield, Grainfield, KS

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Donald ZERR

Ancestors of Donald ZERR

                  /-Elias ZERR
        /-John "Juice" G ZERR
        |         |         /-Nikolous KRAFT
        |         \-Clara KRAFT
        |                   \-Kunigunda
Donald ZERR
        |                   /-Paul Kasper ELL
        |         /-Casper ELL
        |         |         \-Eva Marie PFEIFER
        \-Eva Catherine ELL
                  |         /-Augustin STROH
                  \-Matilda STROH
                            \-Johanna JOCHIM

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Donna ZERR

Ancestors of Donna ZERR

        /-George S ZERR
Donna ZERR
        |                   /-Adam ZIEGLER
        |         /-Antone "Tony" ZIEGLER
        |         |         \-Mary Ann PHLEIGER
        \-Irene Clara ZIEGLER
                  |         /-Frank MILLER
                  \-Margaret MILLER
                            \-Anna Marie WEISSBECK

Descendants of Donna ZERR

1 Donna ZERR

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Doreen ZERR

Ancestors of Doreen ZERR

        /-Stephen ZERR
Doreen ZERR
        |                   /-Joseph Jacob SALI
        |         /-George SALI
        |         |         \-Elisabetha WAGNER
        \-Anna SALI
                  \-Helen HEINTZ

Descendants of Doreen ZERR

1 Doreen ZERR
  =Leo KLEIN

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Dorothy Ann ZERR

Ancestors of Dorothy Ann ZERR

        /-Frank Anton ZERR
Dorothy Ann ZERR
        |                   /-Theodore ZIEGLER
        |         /-Peter ZIEGLER
        |         |         \-Lagarda GRUBER
        \-Albina ZIEGLER
                  |         /-Ferdinand WALDMANN
                  \-Leokadia WALDMAN
                            \-Ottilia BITZ

Descendants of Dorothy Ann ZERR

1 Dorothy Ann ZERR
  =Raymond SCHROEDER
      2 Wayne SCHROEDER
      2 Connie SCHROEDER
        =Jerry BARNE
      2 Brad SCHROEDER
      2 Wanda SCHROEDER
        =James FOUTS
      2 Diane SCHROEDER
        = STEENSON
      2 Sheila SCHROEDER
        =David VANBUSKIRK

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Dwayne R ZERR

Ancestors of Dwayne R ZERR

                  /-Elias ZERR
        /-John "Juice" G ZERR
        |         |         /-Nikolous KRAFT
        |         \-Clara KRAFT
        |                   \-Kunigunda
Dwayne R ZERR
        |                   /-Paul Kasper ELL
        |         /-Casper ELL
        |         |         \-Eva Marie PFEIFER
        \-Eva Catherine ELL
                  |         /-Augustin STROH
                  \-Matilda STROH
                            \-Johanna JOCHIM

Descendants of Dwayne R ZERR

1 Dwayne R ZERR
  =Marjorie ENGELHART
      2 Richard ZERR
      2 Steven ZERR
      2 Pamela ZERR
        =Mark NEARY
      2 Sandra ZERR
        =Eric SORENSON

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Edward ZERR

Ancestors of Edward ZERR

        /-Joseph ZERR
Edward ZERR
        |                   /-Joseph KLOTZ
        |         /-Adam KLOTZ
        |         |         \-Walburga HACK
        \-Johanna KLOTZ
                  |         /-Michael WEIMER
                  \-Anastasia WEIMER
                            \-Mary KNOLL

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