Magdalena ZERR

Ancestors of Magdalena ZERR

                            /-Georg ZERR
                  /-Johann ZERR
                  |         \-Rosina
        /-Joseph ZERR
        |         |         /-Bernhard FIX
        |         \-Katharina FIX
        |                   \-Margaretha ECKERT
Magdalena ZERR
        |                   /-Valentin FRISON
        |         /-Johannes FRISON
        |         |         \-Maria Ursula MAUSEL
        \-Stephania FRISON
                  \-Margaretha THOMAS

Descendants of Magdalena ZERR

1 Magdalena ZERR
      2 Sylvester HATZENBUHLER
        =Magdalena FETSCH  Marriage: 15 May 1895, Selz, Kutschurgan, Ukraine
            3 Josef HATZENBUHLER
              =Marianne LEOPOLDUS
            3 Angelina HATZENBUHLER
              =Anton BRAUNAGEL  Marriage: 24 Nov 1929, Neuborn, , South Russia
      2 Michael HATZENBUHLER

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Magdalena ZERR

Descendants of Magdalena ZERR

1 Magdalena ZERR
  =Johannes WAGNER
      2 Baldaser WAGNER
        =Katherine DOSCH
            3 Magdalena WAGNER
              =Anton L BAUMGARTNER  Marriage: 10 Feb 1919, Strasburg, Emmons, ND
            3 Baldaser B WAGNER Jr
              =Mary W ROEHRICH  Marriage: 25 Jan 1927, Strasburg, Emmons, ND
            3 Stephan WAGNER
              =Elizabeth BROWN
            3 Rochus "Roy" B WAGNER
              =Eleanor REINBOLD  Marriage: 18 Feb 1936, Strasburg, Emmons, ND
            3 Elizabeth WAGNER
            3 John Balzer WAGNER
              =Regina B BACHMEIER  Marriage: 9 Nov 1938, St Bernard's Church,

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Magdalena ZERR

Ancestors of Magdalena ZERR

                  /-Sebastian ZERR
        /-Phillip ZERR
        |         |         /-George REIS
        |         \-Katherine REIS
        |                   \-Theresa MARTIAN
Magdalena ZERR
        |         /-Vincent MOSER
        \-Katherine MOSER
                  \-Christine MANGOLD

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Magdalena ZERR

Ancestors of Magdalena ZERR

        /-Joseph ZERR
Magdalena ZERR

Descendants of Magdalena ZERR

1 Magdalena ZERR
  =Frank KLEIN

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Magdalena ZERR

Descendants of Magdalena ZERR

1 Magdalena ZERR
  =Adam SALI
      2 Adam SALI
      2 Joseph SALI
      2 Robert SALI
      2 Chris SALI
      2 Veronica SALI
        =Frank TOBIAS
      2 Anne SALI
        =Max M MYERS
      2 Isabel SALI
        =Sebastian SEIFERLING
            3 Aklvin SEIFERLING
            3 Virginia SEIFERLING
              =Ken FREI
            3 Doreen SEIFERLING
              =Fred MALHIOT

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Magdalena ZERR

Ancestors of Magdalena ZERR

        /-Wendelin ZERR
Magdalena ZERR
        \-Margaret STOLZ

Descendants of Magdalena ZERR

1 Magdalena ZERR
  =Rochus KIEFEL

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Magdalena ZERR

Descendants of Magdalena ZERR

1 Magdalena ZERR

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Magdalene ZERR

Ancestors of Magdalene ZERR

                  /-Joseph ZERR
        /-Adam ZERR Sr
        |         |         /-Adam KLOTZ
        |         \-Johanna KLOTZ
        |                   \-Anastasia WEIMER
Magdalene ZERR
        |                   /-August HAGER
        |         /-Joseph HAGER
        |         |         \-Elizabeth ORTMEIER
        \-Magdalene HAGER
                  |         /-Heinrich ASHBURGER
                  \-Christine ASPERGER

Descendants of Magdalene ZERR

1 Magdalene ZERR
  =Peter P HOFFART

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Marcus ZERR

Descendants of Marcus ZERR

1 Marcus ZERR
  =Armella Rosina ZIEGLER

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Margaret ZERR

Ancestors of Margaret ZERR

                  /-Joseph ZERR
        /-Albert ZERR
        |         |         /-Adam KLOTZ
        |         \-Johanna KLOTZ
        |                   \-Anastasia WEIMER
Margaret ZERR
        |         /-Stephanus Stephan WACK
        \-Elizabeth WACK
                  |         /-Johannes Georg ZIEGLER
                  \-Mariana ZIEGLER
                            \-Elizabetha BAER

Descendants of Margaret ZERR

1 Margaret ZERR
  =Pius John VOLK  Marriage: 1937
      2 Carol VOLK
        =Leonard ZISOVSKY
      2 James P VOLK
        =Sandra BISHOP
            3 Heidi VOLK
            3 Christine VOLK
            3 Justin VOLK

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Margaret ZERR

Ancestors of Margaret ZERR

        /-Anton ZERR
Margaret ZERR
        \-Christine SELENSKY

Descendants of Margaret ZERR

1 Margaret ZERR
  =Bernard A HEIER  Marriage: 11 May 1936, Park, Gove, KS
      2 Wilmer Nickolas HEIER
      2 Felix HEIER
      2 Dominic HEIER
      2 Martina HEIER
        = BOCKWINKEL

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Margaret ZERR

Ancestors of Margaret ZERR

        /-Joseph ZERR
Margaret ZERR

Descendants of Margaret ZERR

1 Margaret ZERR
  =Valentine Walter HEIER  Marriage: 13 Aug 1928

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Margaret ZERR

Ancestors of Margaret ZERR

        /-Joseph A ZERR
Margaret ZERR
        |         /-Andreas HEIER
        \-Agatha HEIER
                  \-Katharina WILDEMANN

Descendants of Margaret ZERR

1 Margaret ZERR
      2 Diane RICHMEIER
        = POTTER
      2 Gary RICHMEIER
      2 Terry RICHMEIER
      2 Carolyn RICHMEIER
        = SHARP

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Margaretha ZERR

Ancestors of Margaretha ZERR

        /-Joseph ZERR
Margaretha ZERR
        |                   /-Joseph KLOTZ
        |         /-Adam KLOTZ
        |         |         \-Walburga HACK
        \-Johanna KLOTZ
                  |         /-Michael WEIMER
                  \-Anastasia WEIMER
                            \-Mary KNOLL

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Margie ZERR

Ancestors of Margie ZERR

        /-Emil ZERR
Margie ZERR
        \-Martha SCHERBENSKE

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Marian "Anna" M ZERR

Ancestors of Marian "Anna" M ZERR

                  /-Joseph ZERR
        /-Johannes "John" ZERR
        |         |         /-Adam KLOTZ
        |         \-Johanna KLOTZ
        |                   \-Anastasia WEIMER
Marian "Anna" M ZERR
        |                   /-Johannes VOLK
        |         /-Joseph VOLK
        |         |         \-Barbara MILLER
        \-Helena VOLK
                  |         /-Jacob MULLER
                  \-Franceska MILLER
                            \-Barbara VOELLER

Descendants of Marian "Anna" M ZERR

1 Marian "Anna" M ZERR
  =Michael "Ray" MCINTEE  Marriage: 26 Jun 1943, East Lansing, , MI
      2 Rae Ann MCINTEE
        =Dennis E FRERICKS
      2 Jan Marie MCINTEE
        =Paul STRICKER
      2 Michael MCINTEE
      2 Geri Ann MCINTEE
        =Larry D BOECK

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Marie ZERR

Ancestors of Marie ZERR

                  /-Joseph ZERR
        /-Albert ZERR
        |         |         /-Adam KLOTZ
        |         \-Johanna KLOTZ
        |                   \-Anastasia WEIMER
Marie ZERR
        |         /-Stephanus Stephan WACK
        \-Elizabeth WACK
                  |         /-Johannes Georg ZIEGLER
                  \-Mariana ZIEGLER
                            \-Elizabetha BAER

Descendants of Marie ZERR

1 Marie ZERR
  =Otto GRUND

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Marie ZERR

Ancestors of Marie ZERR

        /-Joseph ZERR
Marie ZERR
        |                   /-Joseph KLOTZ
        |         /-Adam KLOTZ
        |         |         \-Walburga HACK
        \-Johanna KLOTZ
                  |         /-Michael WEIMER
                  \-Anastasia WEIMER
                            \-Mary KNOLL

Descendants of Marie ZERR

1 Marie ZERR

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Marie ZERR

Ancestors of Marie ZERR

                  /-Sebastian ZERR
        /-Phillip ZERR
        |         |         /-George REIS
        |         \-Katherine REIS
        |                   \-Theresa MARTIAN
Marie ZERR
        |         /-Vincent MOSER
        \-Katherine MOSER
                  \-Christine MANGOLD

Descendants of Marie ZERR

1 Marie ZERR
  =Morris POTHIER

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Marie Delaine ZERR

Ancestors of Marie Delaine ZERR

                            /-Jacob ZERR
                  /-Anton ZERR
                  |         \-Magdalena HIRSCH
        /-Frank Anton ZERR
        |         |         /-Anton WENINGER
        |         \-Katherine WENINGER
        |                   \-Barbara KLEIN
Marie Delaine ZERR
        \-Frances Mae MARTIN

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