Occupation: Webermeister
another has him just as Thomas Volk and born 1811 in Baden, Germany
another source says b. 2 Aug 1850
from Pierce County Centennial book: Johannes and Dorothy (Lorenz) Volk Johannes "John" Volk was born October 15, 1874 in Elsace, Ukraine, Russia, the son of Peter and Barbara Mastel Volk. Peter's grandfather Joseph Volk was born in Alsace Lorraine, France and had immigrated to South Russia. Johannes and Dorothy with two small children emigrated from Russia to the United States in May 1902. They took the train from Russia to Hamberg, Germany and booked passage on the German vessel "Seeland". They landed at Hallifax, Nova Scotian and went by train to Winnipeg and then to Neche, North Dakota. They declared their intention to become citizens of the United States on June 16, 1902 in Towner. Johannes and Dorothywere the parents of six children: Matthais, born June 14, 1899 and Christian born September 29, 1901 were both born in Elsace, Russia. Matthias married Mary Hoffert and Christian married Christine Keller, the sister of Henry Keller. Elizabeth was born September 7, 1903 in mcHenry County. Anna (Mrs. Wendelin) Bucjker was birb Narcg 14m 1906; Magdalena (Mrs Simon) Konig was born January 11, 1908; and Barbara was born March 1, 1910. neither Elizabethnor Barbara ever married and cared for their parents during their last years. Johannes and Dorothy homesteaded in Township 154, Range 75, often called Smoky Lake.