Magdalena "Lena" EBERLE

Ancestors of Magdalena "Lena" EBERLE

                            /-Stanislaus EBERLE
                  /-Mathias EBERLE
                  |         \-Ludwina HETTEL
        /-Joseph EBERLE
        |         |         /-Thadeus HULM
        |         \-Katherine HULM
        |                   \-Katherine FRANK
Magdalena "Lena" EBERLE
        |                   /-Michael WOLF
        |         /-Franz WOLF
        |         |         \-Kathryn GABRIEL
        \-Magdalena WOLF
                  |         /-George EISENKIRCH
                  \-Anna EISENKIRCH

Descendants of Magdalena "Lena" EBERLE

1 Magdalena "Lena" EBERLE
  =Leo MITZEL  Marriage: 28 May 1936, Bismarck, Burleigh, ND

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Magdalena C EBERLE

Ancestors of Magdalena C EBERLE

                  /-Nicholas EBERLE
        /-John K EBERLE
        |         |         /-John GOETZ Sr
        |         \-Eva GOETZ
        |                   \-Margaret RIEDEL
Magdalena C EBERLE
        \-Margaret KLAUS

Descendants of Magdalena C EBERLE

1 Magdalena C EBERLE
  =Albert Wesley HEWITT

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Magdalenae EBERLE

Ancestors of Magdalenae EBERLE

                  /-Johannes Michael EBERLE
        /-Johann EBERLE
        |         \-Maria Ursula SCHERDEL
Magdalenae EBERLE
        |         /-Georg BUSCH
        \-Magdalena BUSCH

Descendants of Magdalenae EBERLE

1 Magdalenae EBERLE
  =Jacob SCHNALL  Marriage: 1823, Mannheim, Kutschurgan, Ukraine

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Marcella P EBERLE

Ancestors of Marcella P EBERLE

                  /-Nicholas EBERLE
        /-Joseph "Joe" EBERLE
        |         |         /-John GOETZ Sr
        |         \-Eva GOETZ
        |                   \-Margaret RIEDEL
Marcella P EBERLE
        \-Catherine HERTEL

Descendants of Marcella P EBERLE

1 Marcella P EBERLE
  =John WEBER Jr  Marriage: 26 Sep 1944, Ellis, Ellis, KS

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Marcelle EBERLE

Ancestors of Marcelle EBERLE

                            /-Pius E EBERLE
                  /-Felix EBERLE
                  |         \-Eva JAEGER
        /-John P EBERLE
        |         |         /-John Tom SOSALLA
        |         \-Irene SOSALLA
        |                   \-Mary BLAHA
Marcelle EBERLE
        |         /-Frank J VOELLER
        \-Bernice Marie VOELLER
                  |         /-Kosmos HEISLER
                  \-Helen HEISLER
                            \-Kunigunda BISCHOFF

Descendants of Marcelle EBERLE

1 Marcelle EBERLE

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Margaret EBERLE

Ancestors of Margaret EBERLE

                            /-Matheus EBERLE
                  /-Joannes Jacobus "Jacob" EBERLE
                  |         \-Barbara SCHMITT
        /-Joseph EBERLE
        |         |         /-Ludwig HEUSER
        |         \-Magdalena Kanje HEISER
        |                   \-Margaretha SPALL
Margaret EBERLE
        |         /-Valentine WOLF
        \-Christina WOLF
                  |         /-Barnhard "Bernhard" OCHS
                  \-Marianna OCHS
                            \-Johanna BRAUNSTEIN

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Margaret EBERLE

Ancestors of Margaret EBERLE

        /-Peter EBERLE
Margaret EBERLE
        \-Johanna MALSAM

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Margaret EBERLE

Ancestors of Margaret EBERLE

                            /-Johann Jacob EBERLE
                  /-Johann EBERLE
                  |         \-Elizabetha
        /-Nicodemus EBERLE
        |         \-Elizabeth LANZ
Margaret EBERLE
        |                   /-Sylvester LATURNUS
        |         /-Stanislaus LATURNUS
        |         |         \-Barbara HERTI
        \-Elizabeth LATURNAS
                  |         /-Johann BACHMEIER
                  \-Regina BACHMEIER

Descendants of Margaret EBERLE

1 Margaret EBERLE

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Margaret Ann EBERLE

Ancestors of Margaret Ann EBERLE

                            /-Joannes Jacobus "Jacob" EBERLE
                  /-Joseph EBERLE
                  |         \-Magdalena Kanje HEISER
        /-Valentine Anthony EBERLE
        |         |         /-Valentine WOLF
        |         \-Christina WOLF
        |                   \-Marianna OCHS
Margaret Ann EBERLE
        \-Kathryn Therese MOFFENBEIER

Descendants of Margaret Ann EBERLE

1 Margaret Ann EBERLE
  =Edward Joseph O'CLAIRE

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Ancestors of Maria EBERLE

                            /-Ignatz EBERLE
                  /-Anton EBERLE
                  |         \-Johanna WEBER
        /-Anton EBERLE
        |         |         /-Josef FELLER
        |         \-Margarete FELLER
        |                   \-Franziska WAGNER
        |                   /-Jakob DEXHEIMER
        |         /-Johannes DEXHEIMER
        |         |         \-Magdalena DEGENSTEIN
        \-Beate DEXHEIMER
                  |         /-Ignatius VOLK
                  \-Marianna VOLK
                            \-Rosina BIEGLER

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Descendants of Maria EBERLE

1 Maria EBERLE
  =Johann KLOTZEL
      2 Ludwiga KLOTZEL
        =Basilius SCHMIDT  Marriage: 1865
            3 John SCHMITT
              =Josephine SITTER  Marriage: 4 Nov 1891, Kandel, Kutschurgan, Ukraine

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Ancestors of Maria EBERLE

                            /-Mathias EBERLE
                  /-Stanislaus EBERLE
                  |         \-Katharina DETTLING
        /-Karl EBERLE
        |         |         /-Franz HOFFART
        |         \-Walburga HOFFART
        |                   \-Walburga DETTLING
        |         /-Andreas VOLK
        \-Appolina VOLK
                  \-Katharina RIEFEL

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Maria Anna EBERLE

Ancestors of Maria Anna EBERLE

                  /-Johannes EBERLE
        /-Joseph EBERLE
Maria Anna EBERLE
        |         /-Joseph MERK
        \-Anna Maria Franziska MERK
                  \-Anna Maria Franziska JÄGER

Descendants of Maria Anna EBERLE

1 Maria Anna EBERLE
  =Johannes KULD  Marriage: 16 Jan 1776, Johlingen, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany

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Maria Dorothea EBERLE

Ancestors of Maria Dorothea EBERLE

                  /-Johannes Michael EBERLE
        /-Johann EBERLE
        |         \-Maria Ursula SCHERDEL
Maria Dorothea EBERLE
        |         /-Georg BUSCH
        \-Magdalena BUSCH

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Maria Eva EBERLE

Ancestors of Maria Eva EBERLE

                  /-Johannes Michael EBERLE
        /-Johann EBERLE
        |         \-Maria Ursula SCHERDEL
Maria Eva EBERLE
        |         /-Georg BUSCH
        \-Magdalena BUSCH

Descendants of Maria Eva EBERLE

1 Maria Eva EBERLE
  =Henric FISCHER
      2 Melchiora FISCHER
      2 Christina FISCHER
      2 Marjana FISCHER

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Maria Eva EBERLE

Ancestors of Maria Eva EBERLE

                            /-Joseph EBERLE
                  /-Franz Joseph EBERLE
                  |         \-Anna Maria Franziska MERK
        /-Johannes EBERLE
        |         |         /-Ulrich H HEMMER
        |         \-Franziska Barbara HEMMER
        |                   \-Johanna Eva KOCH
Maria Eva EBERLE
        |         /-Lorenz STROBEL
        \-Franziska STROBEL
                  \-Maria Franziska SCHLEGELMILCH

Descendants of Maria Eva EBERLE

1 Maria Eva EBERLE
  =Johann Baptist KARLE  Marriage: 1854, Dorchester, , MA
      2 Reinhold KARLE

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Maria Eva EBERLE

Ancestors of Maria Eva EBERLE

                            /-Johannes EBERLE
                  /-Joseph EBERLE
        /-Johann Anton EBERLE
        |         |         /-Joseph MERK
        |         \-Anna Maria Franziska MERK
        |                   \-Anna Maria Franziska JÄGER
Maria Eva EBERLE
        |                   /-Johann Michael SCHELL
        |         /-Johann Jakob SCHELL
        |         |         \-Maria Catharina SINGER
        \-Maria Elisabetha SCHELL
                  \-Magdalena Margaretha SILVERY

Descendants of Maria Eva EBERLE

1 Maria Eva EBERLE
  =Peter Joseph SCHUSTER  Marriage: 21 Feb 1814, Johlingen, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany

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Maria Ludovica EBERLE

Ancestors of Maria Ludovica EBERLE

                  /-Johannes Michael EBERLE
        /-Johann EBERLE
        |         \-Maria Ursula SCHERDEL
Maria Ludovica EBERLE
        |         /-Georg BUSCH
        \-Magdalena BUSCH

Descendants of Maria Ludovica EBERLE

1 Maria Ludovica EBERLE
  =Ioann KLOTZEL  Marriage: 1833, Mannheim, Kutschurgan, Ukraine
      2 Barbara KLOTZEL

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Maria Magdalena EBERLE

Ancestors of Maria Magdalena EBERLE

                            /-Matheus EBERLE
                  /-Joannes Jacobus "Jacob" EBERLE
                  |         \-Barbara SCHMITT
        /-Jacob EBERLE
        |         |         /-Ludwig HEUSER
        |         \-Magdalena Kanje HEISER
        |                   \-Margaretha SPALL
Maria Magdalena EBERLE
        |                   /-Clemens BROSSART
        |         /-Stephen BROSSART
        |         |         \-Marianna MOSER
        \-Elizabeth BROSSART
                  |         /-Jacob FUNK
                  \-Eva FUNK
                            \-Katherine SCHAFFER

Descendants of Maria Magdalena EBERLE

1 Maria Magdalena EBERLE
  =Mortimer Jacob BELL  Marriage: 24 Apr 1917, Portland, Multnomah, OR
      2 Patricia Mildred BELL
        =Bob L DONATY
      2 Constance Agatha BELL
        =Stan SMITH
      2 Mortimer Robert BELL

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Ancestors of Marian EBERLE

                            /-Johann EBERLE
                  /-Franz "Frank" EBERLE
                  |         \-Elizabeth LANZ
        /-Adam EBERLE
        |         \-Katherine FUCHS
        |                   /-Joseph Anton VOLK
        |         /-Peter FOLK
        |         |         \-Helena FETTIG
        \-Regarda FOLK
                  |         /-Johannes JAHNER
                  \-Pauline JAHNER
                            \-Franziska BERTSCH

Descendants of Marian EBERLE

1 Marian EBERLE
  =Raymond MANZ

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