Conrad GANJE

Ancestors of Conrad GANJE

                            /-Peter (Johann Peter) GANJE
                  /-Georg GANJE
                  |         \-Maria Eva PATZER
        /-Karl GANJE
        |         \-Elizabeth SENGER
Conrad GANJE
        |                   /-Martin VOELLER
        |         /-Anton VOELLER
        |         |         \-Rosina
        \-Mary Eva VOELLER
                  \-Katherina ERCK

Descendants of Conrad GANJE

1 Conrad GANJE
  =Regina BOECHLER  Marriage: 1912
      2 Mathias "Matt" GANJE
      2 George C GANJE
        =Regina BOEHM  Marriage: 23 Jan 1936
            3 Lucille M GANJE
              = ALBERS
            3 George "Buck" GANJE
              =Susan LEWIS
            3 Leonard GANJE
            3 Francis "Frank" GANJE
            3 John GANJE
            3 Mary M GANJE
              =Larry "Pete" PETERSON  Marriage: 14 Feb 1966, Minot, Ward, ND
            3 JoAnn GANJE
              =John CONGDON
            3 Diane GANJE
              =Larry KIRBY
            3 Daniel Mathias GANJE
      2 Michael Daniel GANJE
        = KOLTS
      2 Philip GANJE
        = ANDERSON
      2 John GANJE
        = KENNEBERG
      2 Edward J GANJE
        =Betty Jean BOKOVOY
            3 Debra GANJE
      2 Conrad GANJE
      2 Bertha GANJE
        = BODINE
      2 Carl GANJE
      2 Veronica GANJE
      2 Esabell V GANJE

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Conrad GANJE

Ancestors of Conrad GANJE

                            /-Georg GANJE
                  /-Karl GANJE
                  |         \-Elizabeth SENGER
        /-Conrad GANJE
        |         |         /-Anton VOELLER
        |         \-Mary Eva VOELLER
        |                   \-Katherina ERCK
Conrad GANJE
        \-Regina BOECHLER

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Cynthia GANJE

Ancestors of Cynthia GANJE

                            /-Anton J GANJE
                  /-Gabriel GANJE
                  |         \-Katherine SCHUMACHER
        /-Eugene w GANJE
        |         |         /-Karl Ludwig WIEST
        |         \-Fransisca WIEST
        |                   \-Christine
Cynthia GANJE
        \-Leatrice M BOYD

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Ancestors of Dan GANJE

                            /-Anton J GANJE
                  /-Gabriel GANJE
                  |         \-Katherine SCHUMACHER
        /-Gabriel GANJE Jr
        |         |         /-Karl Ludwig WIEST
        |         \-Fransisca WIEST
        |                   \-Christine
        |                   /-Johannes "John" GISI
        |         /-George GISI
        |         |         \-Mary Eve KOCH
        \-Eva Agatha GISI
                  |         /-Jacob DEIS
                  \-Katherine DEIS
                            \-Katherine BROCKENMEIER

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Daniel GANJE

Ancestors of Daniel GANJE

                            /-Anton J GANJE
                  /-Gabriel GANJE
                  |         \-Katherine SCHUMACHER
        /-Jacob "Jack" GANJE
        |         |         /-Karl Ludwig WIEST
        |         \-Fransisca WIEST
        |                   \-Christine
Daniel GANJE
        \-Donna Lou GEISLER

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Daniel Mathias GANJE

Ancestors of Daniel Mathias GANJE

                            /-Karl GANJE
                  /-Conrad GANJE
                  |         \-Mary Eva VOELLER
        /-George C GANJE
        |         \-Regina BOECHLER
Daniel Mathias GANJE
        |                   /-Michael BOEHM
        |         /-Frank BOEHM
        |         |         \-Anna KOPP
        \-Regina BOEHM
                  |         /-Michael WALD
                  \-Eva WALD
                            \-Rosina BAUMGARTNER

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Ancestors of Darcy GANJE

                            /-Christian GANJE
                  /-Jacob Christian GANJE
                  |         \-Christine DEGENSTEIN
        /-Michael GANJE
        |         |         /-Peter Lawrence WOCK
        |         \-Anna Marie WOCK
        |                   \-Anna Marie HAGEL
        \-Bella Vera ASPELIETER

Descendants of Darcy GANJE

1 Darcy GANJE
  =Mary Jane PILUK

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Darlise R GANJE

Ancestors of Darlise R GANJE

                            /-John Peter GANJE
                  /-Anton J GANJE
                  |         \-Magdalena BIEGLER
        /-Joseph A GANJE
        |         |         /-Gabriel SCHUMACHER
        |         \-Katherine SCHUMACHER
        |                   \-Eva KRAFT
Darlise R GANJE
        \-Magdalena L GEFROH

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Ancestors of David GANJE

                            /-Anton J GANJE
                  /-Gabriel GANJE
                  |         \-Katherine SCHUMACHER
        /-Pius GANJE
        |         |         /-Karl Ludwig WIEST
        |         \-Fransisca WIEST
        |                   \-Christine
        |                   /-Johannes "John" GISI
        |         /-George GISI
        |         |         \-Mary Eve KOCH
        \-Rosa GISI
                  |         /-Jacob DEIS
                  \-Katherine DEIS
                            \-Katherine BROCKENMEIER

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Ancestors of David GANJE

                            /-Anton J GANJE
                  /-Gabriel GANJE
                  |         \-Katherine SCHUMACHER
        /-Jacob "Jack" GANJE
        |         |         /-Karl Ludwig WIEST
        |         \-Fransisca WIEST
        |                   \-Christine
        \-Donna Lou GEISLER

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Descendants of David GANJE

1 David GANJE
  =Colette OPP

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David Dewitt GANJE

Ancestors of David Dewitt GANJE

                            /-Anton J GANJE
                  /-Gabriel GANJE
                  |         \-Katherine SCHUMACHER
        /-Benjamin Kenneth GANJE
        |         |         /-Karl Ludwig WIEST
        |         \-Fransisca WIEST
        |                   \-Christine
David Dewitt GANJE
        |         /-Harry O KINNING
        \-Marjorie M KINNING
                  \-Lucy E TILL

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David Mathew GANJE

Ancestors of David Mathew GANJE

                            /-Christian GANJE
                  /-Jacob Christian GANJE
                  |         \-Christine DEGENSTEIN
        /-Michael GANJE
        |         |         /-Peter Lawrence WOCK
        |         \-Anna Marie WOCK
        |                   \-Anna Marie HAGEL
David Mathew GANJE
        \-Bella Vera ASPELIETER

Descendants of David Mathew GANJE

1 David Mathew GANJE
  =Cheryl Ann FALLIS

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Ancestors of Debra GANJE

                            /-Karl GANJE
                  /-Conrad GANJE
                  |         \-Mary Eva VOELLER
        /-Edward J GANJE
        |         \-Regina BOECHLER
        \-Betty Jean BOKOVOY

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Ancestors of Debra GANJE

                            /-Anton J GANJE
                  /-Gabriel GANJE
                  |         \-Katherine SCHUMACHER
        /-Jacob "Jack" GANJE
        |         |         /-Karl Ludwig WIEST
        |         \-Fransisca WIEST
        |                   \-Christine
        \-Donna Lou GEISLER

Descendants of Debra GANJE

1 Debra GANJE

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Delilah GANJE

Ancestors of Delilah GANJE

                            /-Georg GANJE
                  /-Benhardt GANJE
                  |         \-Elizabeth SENGER
        /-George GANJE
        |         |         /-Heinrich "Harry" SCHIELE
        |         \-Elizabeth SCHIELE
        |                   \-Anna LE MAIRE
Delilah GANJE
        |                   /-Wendlin PIATZ
        |         /-John PIATZ
        |         |         \-Magdelena HELD
        \-Magdalena "Lena" PIATZ
                  |         /-Anton BURGARD
                  \-Marion BURGARD
                            \-Marion ROERICK

Descendants of Delilah GANJE

1 Delilah GANJE
  =Victor SCHERR
      2 Vincent SCHERR
      2 Virgil SCHERR

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Ancestors of Diana GANJE

                            /-Anton J GANJE
                  /-Henry A GANJE
                  |         \-Katherine SCHUMACHER
        /-Leonard GANJE
        |         |         /-Kasper HEILMANN
        |         \-Ludwina HEILMAN
        |                   \-Magdalena KELLER
        \-Mavis PETSINGER

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Ancestors of Diane GANJE

                            /-Anton J GANJE
                  /-Gabriel GANJE
                  |         \-Katherine SCHUMACHER
        /-Jacob "Jack" GANJE
        |         |         /-Karl Ludwig WIEST
        |         \-Fransisca WIEST
        |                   \-Christine
        \-Donna Lou GEISLER

Descendants of Diane GANJE

1 Diane GANJE

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Ancestors of Diane GANJE

                            /-Karl GANJE
                  /-Conrad GANJE
                  |         \-Mary Eva VOELLER
        /-George C GANJE
        |         \-Regina BOECHLER
        |                   /-Michael BOEHM
        |         /-Frank BOEHM
        |         |         \-Anna KOPP
        \-Regina BOEHM
                  |         /-Michael WALD
                  \-Eva WALD
                            \-Rosina BAUMGARTNER

Descendants of Diane GANJE

1 Diane GANJE
  =Larry KIRBY

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Dionisius GANJE

Ancestors of Dionisius GANJE

                  /-Michael GANJE
        /-Joseph GANJE
        |         \-Elisabeth SCHWARTZ
Dionisius GANJE
        \-Magdalena FISCHANG

Descendants of Dionisius GANJE

1 Dionisius GANJE
  =Elisabetha ADAM  Marriage: 1831, Mannheim, Kutschurgan, Ukraine
      2 Catharina Joanna GANJE

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