Ancestors of Anna JOB
/-Jacob JOB
/-George JOB
| \-Elizabeth KAISER
Anna JOB
\-Margaret "Maggie" WERNER
Ancestors of Annie Angelina JOB
/-Leonhard JOB
/-Dominic Leonhard JOB
| | /-Matthias ZERR
| \-Angelina ZERR
| \-Katharina MOCK
Annie Angelina JOB
| /-Peter SCHAAN
| /-Friedrich SCHAAN
| | \-Maria Catharina ZIEGLER
\-Katherine W SCHAAN
\-Walburga KUPSER
Ancestors of Anton JOB
/-Jacob JOB
/-George JOB
| \-Elizabeth KAISER
Anton JOB
\-Margaret "Maggie" WERNER
Ancestors of Anton Joseph JOB
/-Jacob JOB
/-Pius JOB
| \-Elizabeth KAISER
Anton Joseph JOB
\-Mary Eva RICHTER
- Birth: 13 Apr 1903
- Death: 23 Apr 1979
- Burial: Fairview Cem., Bismarck, ND
Descendants of August JOB
1 August JOB
=Katherine CHRISTMAN
2 Howard A JOB
=Irene A KAUTZMAN Marriage: Oct 1958
3 Geraldine "Gerrie" JOB
3 Carla JOB
3 Mary JOB
2 Deloris K JOB
Ancestors of Barbara JOB
/-Jacob JOB
/-Clemons JOB
| \-Elizabeth KAISER
Barbara JOB
\-Johanna SELENSKY
Ancestors of Barbara Lee JOB
/-Jacob JOB
/-Martin JOAB
| \-Elizabeth KAISER
/-Michael JOB
| | /-Michael SPERLE
| \-Barbara SPERLE
Barbara Lee JOB
\-Verna LEWIS
Ancestors of Barbara Mary JOB
/-Jacob JOB
/-Jacob JOB
| \-Elizabeth KAISER
Barbara Mary JOB
| /-Nicholas SCHALL
| /-Joseph SCHALL
| | \-Mary Ann JUNG
\-Marianne SCHALL
| /-Johann HOFFART
\-Barbara HOFFART
Descendants of Barbara Mary JOB
1 Barbara Mary JOB
=Charles Adolph AHBOLTIN
2 Douglas Charles AHBOLTIN
2 Barbara Ann AHBOLTIN
2 Patricia Marie AHBOLTIN
Ancestors of Ben JOB
/-Jacob JOB
/-George JOB
| \-Elizabeth KAISER
\-Margaret "Maggie" WERNER
- Father: David JOB Sr
- Mother: Karolia ALBRECHT
- Birth: 19 Aug 1913, , Emmons, ND
- Death: 29 Nov 2001, Linton, Emmons, ND
- Burial: Linton Cem., Linton, Emmons, ND
Ancestors of Benjamin "Ben" JOB
/-David JOB Sr
Benjamin "Ben" JOB
\-Karolia ALBRECHT
Descendants of Benjamin "Ben" JOB
1 Benjamin "Ben" JOB
2 Mavis JOB
2 Dallas Eugene JOB
2 Marlene JOB
=Ralph FEIST
Ancestors of Brad JOB
/-Leonhard JOB
/-Dominic Leonhard JOB
| \-Angelina ZERR
/-Dominik Wendall JOB
| | /-Friedrich SCHAAN
| \-Katherine W SCHAAN
| \-Walburga KUPSER
Brad JOB
\-Florence SINZ
Ancestors of Brenda JOB
/-Leonhard JOB
/-Dominic Leonhard JOB
| \-Angelina ZERR
/-Ralph JOB
| | /-Friedrich SCHAAN
| \-Katherine W SCHAAN
| \-Walburga KUPSER
Brenda JOB
\-Florence SINZ
Descendants of Brenda JOB
1 Brenda JOB
Ancestors of Brian JOB
/-LeRoy JOB
Brian JOB
| /-Christ WOLF
| /-Philip Otto WOLF
| | \-Katherina "Katie" HIMMERICH
\-Connie WOLF
\-Evelyn SCHULDT
Ancestors of Carla JOB
/-August JOB
/-Howard A JOB
| \-Katherine CHRISTMAN
Carla JOB
| /-Harry H KAUTZMAN
| /-Joseph GRATZ
\-Perpetua GRATZ
\-Wilhelmina "Minnie" BOEHM
Descendants of Carla JOB
1 Carla JOB
Ancestors of Carol Renee JOB
/-Jacob JOB
/-Jacob JOB
| \-Elizabeth KAISER
/-Norbert Paul JOB
| | /-Joseph SCHALL
| \-Marianne SCHALL
| \-Barbara HOFFART
Carol Renee JOB
| /-Joseph OLHEISER
| | \-Ottilia SCHMIDT
\-Agnes Cecelia OLHEISER
| /-Gregory SELINGER
\-Eugenia SELINGER
Ancestors of Carolina JOB
/-Leonhard JOB
/-Dominic Leonhard JOB
| | /-Matthias ZERR
| \-Angelina ZERR
| \-Katharina MOCK
Carolina JOB
| /-Peter SCHAAN
| /-Friedrich SCHAAN
| | \-Maria Catharina ZIEGLER
\-Katherine W SCHAAN
\-Walburga KUPSER
Ancestors of Ceceila JOB
/-Jacob JOB
/-Pius JOB
| \-Elizabeth KAISER
Ceceila JOB
\-Mary Eva RICHTER
Ancestors of Charles JOB
/-Gustav JOB
/-Raymond A JOB
| \-Wilhelmine "Minnie" BENDER
Charles JOB
| /-Franz "Frank" J JAHNER
| /-Frank A JAHNER
| | \-Christina BLANDO
| /-Elias NAGEL
\-Agnes NAGEL
\-Otillia BRICKNER
Descendants of Charles "Chuck" W JOB
1 Charles "Chuck" W JOB
=Sheila K JOCHIM
Ancestors of Clemons JOB
/-Jacob JOB
Clemons JOB
\-Elizabeth KAISER
Descendants of Clemons JOB
1 Clemons JOB
2 Albina JOB
2 Elizabeth JOB
2 John JOB
2 Nick JOB
2 Clemons JOB
2 Johanna JOB
2 Barbara JOB
2 Mary JOB
2 Jerome JOB
2 Joseph JOB