Sebastian KELLER

Ancestors of Sebastian KELLER

                            /-Aegidius (Egidi) KELLER
                  /-Valentin KELLER
                  |         \-Katherine HEIS(EY)
        /-Wilhelm KELLER
        |         \-Margaretha GERMANN
Sebastian KELLER
        \-Katherina WEDTER

Descendants of Sebastian KELLER

1 Sebastian KELLER
  =Magdalene SCHOLL  Marriage: 1877, , , Ukraine
      2 Max KELLER
      2 Franziska KELLER
      2 Wilhelm KELLER

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Sebastian KELLER

Ancestors of Sebastian KELLER

                            /-Johann Jakob KELLER
                  /-Johannes Georg KELLER
                  |         \-Anna Dorothea STOTZ
        /-Johannes KELLER
        |         \-Elizabeth HUBER
Sebastian KELLER
        \-Katherine SCHATZ

Descendants of Sebastian KELLER

1 Sebastian KELLER
  =Katherine WACK  Marriage: 13 Oct 1919, Odessa Catholic Church, ND
      2 Maria KELLER
      2 Edward Peter KELLER
        =Rose GOLDADE  Marriage: 31 Jul 1944, Selz, Pierce, ND
            3 Larry KELLER
            3 Ronald KELLER
            3 Linda KELLER
              =Paul OSTER
            3 Charlotte KELLER
              =Greg QUARNE
            3 Tammie KELLER
              =Pius FETTIG
            3 Michael KELLER
            3 Paul KELLER
            3 Pius KELLER
            3 Judy KELLER
      2 Steve KELLER
        =Wilda SWEDLUND  Marriage: 21 Jul 1947, Harvey, Wells, ND
            3 Timothy James KELLER
              =Gail HELGERUD
            3 Steven KELLER Jr
              =Beckee BENTZ
            3 Geoffrey KELLER
              =Beverly PRAMHUS
            3 Tom KELLER
            3 Paulette KELLER
              =Robert DEUTSCH
            3 Julie KELLER
              =Rockie STAVN
              =Todd SCHIMKE
            3 Mary KELLER
              =Carson STEINER
            3 Kathy Jo KELLER
              =Kent TAYLOR
            3 Debbie KELLER
              =Steve KOURAJIAN
            3 Michael Robert KELLER
              =Karen SELLIE
      2 Leo M KELLER
        =Veronica "Verna" BURGARD  Marriage: 15 Oct 1954
            3 Cory KELLER
            3 Cleo KELLER
              = HUGHES
            3 Betty KELLER
              = ZIMMERMAN
            3 Nancy KELLER
              = MOHS
            3 Myron KELLER
            3 Duane KELLER
            3 Connie KELLER
      2 John Conrad KELLER
        =Ann Ramona HAGEN  Marriage: 21 May 1956, Bottineau, ND
            3 Paul KELLER
            3 Robin KELLER
            3 Craig KELLER
              =Lenore ECKROTH
            3 Kriste KELLER
            3 Jill KELLER
            3 Sheri KELLER
            3 Carla KELLER
            3 Lori KELLER
              =Warren STOCK
      2 Robert Antone KELLER
        =Irene "Mickey" KORTE
            3 Jean KELLER
              =Robert "Bob" ROXINE
            3 Becky KELLER
              =William "Bill" MARION
            3 Mark KELLER
            3 Robert J KELLER Jr
            3 David "Dave" KELLER
            3 Douglas "Doug" KELLER
      2 James R KELLER
        =Janice "Jan" M JOHNSON
            3 Mary KELLER
            3 Sheila M KELLER
              =Thomas ROSE
            3 James M KELLER
            3 Vickie A KELLER
              =Robert THEOBALD Jr
            3 Patrick K KELLER
      2 Donald Sebastian KELLER
        =Judith "Judy" Lynn TRUESDELL
            3 Kari Marie KELLER
              =Rod ZEIEN
            3 Scott Sebastian KELLER
            3 Heidi KELLER
            3 Sally Ann KELLER
              =Tim FEIST
            3 Amy Jo KELLER
            3 Greg KELLER
      2 Jerome "Jerry" KELLER
        =Judy KOST
            3 Tracey KELLER
              =James "Jim" PAVLICEK
            3 Christopher Michael KELLER
              =Brenda GOLDWOOD
            3 Jodi KELLER
              =Dave HIMMELSPACH
            3 Terri KELLER
              =Dave WIELER

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Sebastian KELLER

Descendants of Sebastian KELLER

1 Sebastian KELLER
  =Katherine REISS
      2 (Georg) Jakob KELLER
        =Margaret MASTEL
            3 Franziska KELLER
              =Lorenz BERTSCH
            3 Bernhard KELLER
              =Katharina BURKHARDSMEIER
  =Marie Elizabeth LINDEMANN  Marriage: 1792

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Sebastian KELLER

Ancestors of Sebastian KELLER

                            /-Johannes Georg KELLER
                  /-Johannes KELLER
                  |         \-Elizabeth HUBER
        /-John J KELLER
        |         \-Katherine SCHATZ
Sebastian KELLER
        |                   /-Ferdinand LESMEISTER
        |         /-Adam LESMEISTER
        |         |         \-Helena DEIBERT
        \-Mary Magdeline LESMEISTER
                  |         /-Karl L WIEST
                  \-Anastasia WIEST

Descendants of Sebastian KELLER

1 Sebastian KELLER

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Severin KELLER

Ancestors of Severin KELLER

                            /-Aegidius (Egidi) KELLER
                  /-Valentin KELLER
                  |         \-Katherine HEIS(EY)
        /-Joseph KELLER
        |         \-Margaretha GERMANN
Severin KELLER
        |                   /-Nikolaus RIPPLINGER
        |         /-Peter RIPPLINGER
        |         |         \-Maria FUNK
        \-Magdalena RIPPLINGER
                  |         /-Johann GROSMAN
                  \-Rosina GROSSMAN

Descendants of Severin KELLER

1 Severin KELLER
  =Klara WAGNER

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Severina KELLER

Ancestors of Severina KELLER

                            /-Johannes KELLER
                  /-Valentine A KELLER
                  |         \-Columbia RIPPLINGER
        /-Martin KELLER
        |         \-Elizabeth A STROH
Severina KELLER
        |         /-Karl Ludwig BUECHLER
        \-Katherine BUECHLER
                  |         /-Joseph SCHMALTZ
                  \-Theresia SCHMALTZ
                            \-Juliana FIEGER

Descendants of Severina KELLER

1 Severina KELLER
  =Frank Sylvester KRAFT  Marriage: 25 Nov 1947, Trail City, Corson, SD

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Ancestors of Shane KELLER

                            /-John KELLER
                  /-John J KELLER
                  |         \-Anna KRAFT
        /-Delvin J KELLER
        |         |         /-Anton MACK Sr
        |         \-Margaret "Peggy" MACK
        |                   \-Katherine BLACK
        |         /-John J SUCHOR
        \-Marlene H SUCHOR
                  |         /-Balzer R FREEZON
                  \-Betty Jean Marie FREEZON
                            \-Anne LEISMEISTER

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Shannon KELLER

Ancestors of Shannon KELLER

                            /-Anton KELLER
                  /-Joseph KELLER
                  |         \-Mary S GROSS
        /-Peter James KELLER
        |         |         /-Peter HEILMAN
        |         \-Franziska "Frances" HEILMAN
        |                   \-Rosina BLEILE
Shannon KELLER
        \-Muriel Ethel WELANDER

Descendants of Shannon KELLER

1 Shannon KELLER
  =Jerry AYALA

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Ancestors of Shari KELLER

                            /-Anton KELLER
                  /-Balcer KELLER
                  |         \-Frances REITER
        /-Balcer "BK" KELLER
        |         |         /-Hiener Henry" KRAUSE
        |         \-Barbara KRAUSE
        |                   \-Marion "Mary" BISCHOFF
        \-Selma M NISSEN

Descendants of Shari KELLER

1 Shari KELLER
  =Robert "Bob" LILLY

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Ancestors of Sharon KELLER

                            /-Jacob KELLER
                  /-Edward KELLER Sr
                  |         \-Elizabeth WANDLER
        /-Joseph E KELLER
        |         |         /-Joseph SANDER
        |         \-Johanna SANDER
        |                   \-Maria Josepha KRAFT
        |         /-Bruno CEY
        \-Theophilla CEY
                  \-Susan HAMILTON

Descendants of Sharon KELLER

1 Sharon KELLER
      2 Michele MCKENZIE
      2 Stephanie MCKENZIE
      2 Gerri MCKENZIE
      2 Kelly MCKENZIE

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Ancestors of Sharon KELLER

                            /-Joseph KELLER Jr
                  /-Julius KELLER
                  |         \-Theresa GOETZ
        /-Lawrence J KELLER
        |         |         /-Jacob Sylvester BURKHARTSMEIER
        |         \-Rosealie BURKHARTSMEIER
        |                   \-Anna Marie HAAS
        |         /-Henry LEMER
        \-Frances LEMAR
                  |         /-Johann "John" F ZIEGLER
                  \-Josephine ZIEGLER
                            \-Ottilia SCHNEIDER

Descendants of Sharon KELLER

1 Sharon KELLER
  =Charles JOHNSON
      2 Daniel JOHNSON
        =Sarah LOETSCHER
      2 David JOHNSON
      2 Brian JOHNSON

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Ancestors of Sharon KELLER

                            /-Anton KELLER
                  /-Michael A KELLER
                  |         \-Elizabeth ABEL
        /-Raymond B KELLER
        |         |         /-Anton Phillip KELLER
        |         \-Josephine KELLER
        |                   \-Rosina HUBER
        \-Ella Mae KLAIN

Descendants of Sharon KELLER

1 Sharon KELLER
  =Kevin ROTH

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Ancestors of Sharon A KELLER

                            /-Johannes KELLER
                  /-William M KELLER
                  |         \-Katherine SCHATZ
        /-John W KELLER
        |         |         /-Franz "Frank" GIESINGER
        |         \-Mary Eva GIESINGER
        |                   \-Katherina LAUINGER
        |                   /-George ZACHER
        |         /-Martin ZACHER
        |         |         \-Katherine DIEHL
        \-Rosie M ZACHER
                  \-Mary Eve SCHEET

Descendants of Sharon A KELLER

1 Sharon A KELLER
  =Myron "Bud" M ORABANEC
      2 Myron ORABANEC
      2 Paul ORABANEC

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Sharon Catherine KELLER

Ancestors of Sharon Catherine KELLER

                            /-Valentine A KELLER
                  /-Peter Valentine KELLER
                  |         \-Elizabeth A STROH
        /-Linus Martin KELLER
        |         |         /-Franz WOLF
        |         \-Katherina WOLF
        |                   \-Anna EISENKIRCH
Sharon Catherine KELLER
        \-Delila Rose HAENSLAOR

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Ancestors of Sheila KELLER

                            /-Joseph KELLER
                  /-Joseph A KELLER
                  |         \-Jacopina FISCHER
        /-Edward J KELLER
        |         |         /-Jacob SELZLER
        |         \-Magdalena SELZLER
        |                   \-Carolina BRAUN(BROWN)
        |                   /-Joseph SCHWAN
        |         /-Alexander SCHWAN
        |         |         \-Eva KRAFT
        \-Alice Irene SCHWAN
                  |         /-Sebastian O KLEIN
                  \-Anna KLEIN
                            \-Christina THOMAS

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Ancestors of Sheila KELLER

                            /-Johannes KELLER
                  /-William M KELLER
                  |         \-Katherine SCHATZ
        /-William L KELLER
        |         |         /-Franz "Frank" GIESINGER
        |         \-Mary Eva GIESINGER
        |                   \-Katherina LAUINGER
        \-Carrie Elnora RUSH

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Ancestors of Sheila KELLER

                            /-Johannes KELLER
                  /-Joseph KELLER
                  |         \-Katherine SCHATZ
        /-John F KELLER
        |         \-Rosina LEISMEISTER
        |                   /-George ZACHER
        |         /-Martin ZACHER
        |         |         \-Katherine DIEHL
        \-Margaret ZACHER
                  \-Mary Eve SCHEET

Descendants of Sheila KELLER

1 Sheila KELLER
  =Leonard PETERSON

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Ancestors of Sheila KELLER

                            /-Adam KELLER
                  /-Michael KELLER
                  |         \-Magdalena THOMAS
        /-Ralph J KELLER
        |         |         /-Joseph GOLDADE
        |         \-Mary GOLDADE
        |                   \-Theresia MARTIN
        |                   /-Matt WILHELM
        |         /-John WILHELM
        |         |         \-Anna CHRISTIAN
        \-Lorraine A WILHELM
                  \-Frances SCHMIDT

Descendants of Sheila KELLER

1 Sheila KELLER
  =Don GOETZ

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Sheila Ann KELLER

Ancestors of Sheila Ann KELLER

                            /-Valentine A KELLER
                  /-Peter Valentine KELLER
                  |         \-Elizabeth A STROH
        /-Ervin Markus KELLER
        |         |         /-Franz WOLF
        |         \-Katherina WOLF
        |                   \-Anna EISENKIRCH
Sheila Ann KELLER
        |                   /-Joseph GOLDADE
        |         /-George P GOLDADE
        |         |         \-Theresia MARTIN
        \-Angeline GOLDADE
                  |         /-Heinrich KNOLL
                  \-Catherine KNOLL
                            \-Elizabeth LEMER

Descendants of Sheila Ann KELLER

1 Sheila Ann KELLER
  =Joseph SCHERER

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Ancestors of Sheila M KELLER

                            /-Johannes KELLER
                  /-Sebastian KELLER
                  |         \-Katherine SCHATZ
        /-James R KELLER
        |         |         /-Stephanus Stephan WACK
        |         \-Katherine WACK
        |                   \-Mariana ZIEGLER
        \-Janice "Jan" M JOHNSON

Descendants of Sheila M KELLER

1 Sheila M KELLER
  =Thomas ROSE

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