Ancestors of Rick SCHALL

                            /-Jacob SCHALL
                  /-Martin Francis SCHALL
                  |         \-Katharina MITZEL
        /-Rodney SCHALL
        |         |         /-Ferdinand F FISCHER
        |         \-Mary Elizabeth FISCHER
        |                   \-Ludwiga EBERLE
        \-Ilse VONNEGUT

Descendants of Rick SCHALL

      2 Leah SCHALL
      2 Anna SCHALL

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Ancestors of Rodney SCHALL

                            /-Nicholas SCHALL
                  /-Jacob SCHALL
                  |         \-Mary Ann JUNG
        /-Martin Francis SCHALL
        |         |         /-Karl MITZEL
        |         \-Katharina MITZEL
        |                   \-Agatha BAUMANN
        |                   /-Franz Karl FISCHER
        |         /-Ferdinand F FISCHER
        |         |         \-Margaret KRAFT
        \-Mary Elizabeth FISCHER
                  |         /-Stanislaus EBERLE
                  \-Ludwiga EBERLE
                            \-Ludwina HETTEL

Descendants of Rodney SCHALL

1 Rodney SCHALL
      2 Steve SCHALL
            3 Matt SCHALL
      2 Sarah SCHALL
      2 Karen SCHALL
        =Herb LEE
            3 Eric LEE
            3 Jeffrey LEE
      2 Tom SCHALL
            3 Ellen SCHALL
              =Lloyd AGNEW
      2 Rick SCHALL
            3 Leah SCHALL
            3 Anna SCHALL

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Ancestors of Ronald SCHALL

                            /-Wendelin SCHALL
                  /-Nicholas W SCHALL
                  |         \-Philippina TUCHSCHERER
        /-Peter SCHALL
        |         |         /-Michael KUNTZ
        |         \-Elizabeth KUNTZ
        |                   \-Gertrude STEPHEN
        |                   /-John DOSCH
        |         /-Aloisius DOSCH
        |         |         \-Anastasia
        \-Katherine Mary DOSCH
                  |         /-Donald MARTEL
                  \-Rosa MARTEL

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Rosalia SCHALL

Ancestors of Rosalia SCHALL

                            /-Johann SCHALL
                  /-Nicholas SCHALL
                  |         \-Elizabeth RUMBS
        /-Alois SCHALL
        |         \-Mary Ann JUNG
Rosalia SCHALL
        \-Barbara HENINGER

Descendants of Rosalia SCHALL

1 Rosalia SCHALL
  =Joseph JUNDT  Marriage: 25 Oct 1907, St Anselm's church, Fulda, ND
      2 Anton JUNDT
        =Eva MILLER  Marriage: 20 Jun 1932, St Anselms Ch., Fulda, Pierce, ND
            3 Eugene Nicomedes JUNDT
              =Eva N HAMAN  Marriage: 14 Oct 1953, Fulda, Pierce, ND
              =Katherine Magdalene BOHL  Marriage: 24 Dec 1968, Fulda, Pierce, ND
            3 Raymond JUNDT
            3 Alice Ann JUNDT
              =John Peter BUECHLER  Marriage: 20 Jun 1961, Fulda Ch., Pierce County, ND
            3 Peter Paul JUNDT
            3 Rose Mary JUNDT
              =John Ferdinand FETTIG
              =Richard WEISENBURGER
            3 James JUNDT
              =Jane Marie AXTMAN
      2 Elizabeth JUNDT
        =Paul MATTERN  Marriage: 17 Jul 1930, St Anselm Ch., Fulda area, Pierce County, ND
            3 Bernadine Barbara MATTERN
              =William CUNNINGHAM
              =Charles CAMPBELL
      2 Michael Franciscus JUNDT
        =Anna RICHTER  Marriage: 29 May 1939, Fulda, , ND
            3 Glen JUNDT
            3 Kenneth George JUNDT
              =Delilah VANNATTA
            3 Adolph JUNDT
            3 Allen JUNDT
            3 Leona Elizabeth JUNDT
              =Harlan Craig HELGESON
              =George Anton BICHLER
            3 Rosella Hildagard JUNDT
              =Kenneth HILL
            3 Mary Ann JUNDT
              =Robert DANGEL
            3 Ramona JUNDT
              =Alfred Wayne JEWETT
            3 Joseph Valentine JUNDT
              =Penny Christine HAAK
            3 Michael Christ JUNDT
              =Betty Ilene INGELBRITSON  Marriage: 12 Apr 1971, Stanley, , ND
      2 Albert Aloise JUNDT
        =Jacquelin Lee BALDWIN  Marriage: 2 Feb 1951
            3 Cathy Ellen JUNDT
              =Forrest SPAULDING
              =Kenneth LIVELY
            3 Richard Joseph JUNDT
      2 Joseph JUNDT

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Rose Mary SCHALL

Ancestors of Rose Mary SCHALL

                            /-Nicholas SCHALL
                  /-Joseph SCHALL
                  |         \-Mary Ann JUNG
        /-John SCHALL
        |         |         /-Johann HOFFART
        |         \-Barbara HOFFART
        |                   \-Carolina DITTENHOFER
Rose Mary SCHALL
        |         /-Jacob MILLER
        \-Caroline MILLER
                  |         /-Georg Peter WINGERTER
                  \-Magdalena WINGERTER
                            \-Margaretha KELLER

Descendants of Rose Mary SCHALL

1 Rose Mary SCHALL
  =Bennie FOSSEN Sr  Marriage: 1945
      2 Bennie FOSSEN Hr
      2 Lanier "Lanny" FOSSEN
      2 Ronald FOSSEN
      2 Gary FOSSEN
      2 Sharon FOSSEN
      2 Donna FOSSEN
      2 Judy FOSSEN
  =Sigvart "Sig" Harold FOSSEN

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Rosemary SCHALL

Ancestors of Rosemary SCHALL

                            /-Nicholas SCHALL
                  /-Alois SCHALL
                  |         \-Mary Ann JUNG
        /-Nicholas "Nick" Alois SCHALL
        |         \-Barbara HENINGER
Rosemary SCHALL
        |                   /-Paul STEFFAN
        |         /-Mathias STEFFAN
        |         |         \-Elizabetha Perpetua VOLK
        \-Caroline J STEFFAN
                  |         /-Gregory PETERS
                  \-Helena PETERS
                            \-Maria Eva LINGOR

Descendants of Rosemary SCHALL

1 Rosemary SCHALL
  =Joseph J VOLLER III
      2 Carol VOLLER
      2 Sharon VOLLER
      2 Lonnie VOLLER
      2 Linda VOLLER
      2 Dean VOLLER
      2 Gene VOLLER
      2 Vickie VOLLER

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Ancestors of Sarah SCHALL

                            /-Jacob SCHALL
                  /-Martin Francis SCHALL
                  |         \-Katharina MITZEL
        /-Rodney SCHALL
        |         |         /-Ferdinand F FISCHER
        |         \-Mary Elizabeth FISCHER
        |                   \-Ludwiga EBERLE
        \-Ilse VONNEGUT

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Sebastian SCHALL

Ancestors of Sebastian SCHALL

                            /-Xavier SCHALL
                  /-Xavier SCHALL
                  |         \-Marianna STINGER
        /-Joseph SCHALL
        |         \-Johanna LEGZINSKA
Sebastian SCHALL
        \-Margaretha FRANK

Descendants of Sebastian SCHALL

1 Sebastian SCHALL
  =Francisca FELLER
      2 Joseph SCHALL
      2 Anton SCHALL
      2 Pius SCHALL
        =Eva ZERR  Marriage: 4 Nov 1924, Selz, Kutschurgan, Ukraine
            3 Melita SCHALL
              =Baldhasar "Balzer" Leopold MILLER  Marriage: 2 Jan 1952, Regina, SK, Canada
            3 Emilia SCHALL
              =Nicholaus "Kolja" PAUL
            3 Ida SCHALL
      2 Karolina SCHALL
        = FETSCH
      2 Johannes SCHALL
      2 Katherina SCHALL

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Ancestors of Sheila SCHALL

                            /-Nicholas SCHALL
                  /-Wendelin SCHALL
                  |         \-Mary Ann JUNG
        /-Simon SCHALL
        |         |         /-Remeglus TUCHSCHERER
        |         \-Philippina TUCHSCHERER
        |                   \-Marianne SCHWAB
        |         /-Adolf RIEHL
        \-Katherine RIEHL
                  \-Appolonia SCHREINER

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Shirley SCHALL

Ancestors of Shirley SCHALL

                            /-Joseph SCHALL
                  /-John SCHALL
                  |         \-Barbara HOFFART
        /-Wendall J "Wendy" SCHALL
        |         |         /-Jacob MILLER
        |         \-Caroline MILLER
        |                   \-Magdalena WINGERTER
Shirley SCHALL
        |                   /-Paul STEFFAN
        |         /-Jacob STEFFAN
        |         |         \-Marianna WEISSBECK
        \-Elizabeth STEFFAN
                  |         /-Frank MITZEL
                  \-Katherine MITZEL
                            \-Maria Anna DUCHSERER

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Ancestors of Simon SCHALL

                            /-Johann SCHALL
                  /-Nicholas SCHALL
                  |         \-Elizabeth RUMBS
        /-Wendelin SCHALL
        |         \-Mary Ann JUNG
        |         /-Remeglus TUCHSCHERER
        \-Philippina TUCHSCHERER
                  |         /-Ignatz SCHWAB
                  \-Marianne SCHWAB
                            \-Agnes SCHNEIDER

Descendants of Simon SCHALL

1 Simon SCHALL
  =Katherine RIEHL  Marriage: 29 Dec 1947
      2 Sheila SCHALL
      2 Cindy SCHALL
        =John KARWACKI
      2 Richard SCHALL

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Ancestors of Steve SCHALL

                            /-Jacob SCHALL
                  /-Martin Francis SCHALL
                  |         \-Katharina MITZEL
        /-Rodney SCHALL
        |         |         /-Ferdinand F FISCHER
        |         \-Mary Elizabeth FISCHER
        |                   \-Ludwiga EBERLE
        \-Ilse VONNEGUT

Descendants of Steve SCHALL

1 Steve SCHALL
      2 Matt SCHALL

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Ancestors of Steve SCHALL

                            /-Alois SCHALL
                  /-Nicholas "Nick" Alois SCHALL
                  |         \-Barbara HENINGER
        /-Leonard SCHALL
        |         |         /-Mathias STEFFAN
        |         \-Caroline J STEFFAN
        |                   \-Helena PETERS
        |         /-Happy LOGELIN
        \-Jean LOGELIN
                  \-Norma G NIELSEN

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Steven James SCHALL

Ancestors of Steven James SCHALL

                            /-Nicholas W SCHALL
                  /-Peter SCHALL
                  |         \-Elizabeth KUNTZ
        /-James SCHALL
        |         |         /-Aloisius DOSCH
        |         \-Katherine Mary DOSCH
        |                   \-Rosa MARTEL
Steven James SCHALL
        \-Judy OSADCHY

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Ancestors of Susan SCHALL

                            /-Joseph SCHALL
                  /-Michael SCHALL
                  |         \-Barbara HOFFART
        /-Joseph SCHALL
        |         |         /-Wilhelm SCHAAN
        |         \-Eva SCHAAN
        |                   \-Eleanor LEIER
        |                   /-Clemens KLEIN
        |         /-Frank KLEIN
        |         |         \-Antonia THOMAS
        \-Beatrice KLEIN
                  |         /-Johannes RIPPLINGER
                  \-Christine RIPPLINGER
                            \-Franziska "Frances" LEIER

Descendants of Susan SCHALL

1 Susan SCHALL
  =Jerry MILLER

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Ancestors of Terri SCHALL

        /-Darrold SCHALL
        |                   /-Wendelin AXTMAN
        |         /-Conrad E "Kenneth" AXTMAN
        |         |         \-Appolonia (Ablina) KOBLE
        \-Cindy AXTMAN
                  |         /-Henry ENGLEHART Sr
                  \-Regina "Jeanne" Elizabeth ENGLEHART
                            \-Barbara STEFFAN

Descendants of Terri SCHALL

1 Terri SCHALL
  =Dennis BIRCHEM
      2 Kaeley BIRCHEM
      2 Mary Jo BIRCHEM
      2 Anna BIRCHEM
      2 Emily BIRCHEM

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Theresa SCHALL

Descendants of Theresa SCHALL

1 Theresa SCHALL
  =Thomas "Domonic" ELL
      2 Daryl Stephen ELL
        =Cheryl Wynonne CAMPBELL
            3 Christian Thomas ELL
            3 Michael Ryan ELL
      2 Geraldine Ann ELL
      2 Cyril ELL
            3 Nicole May ELL

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Timothy SCHALL

Ancestors of Timothy SCHALL

                            /-Wendelin SCHALL
                  /-Nicholas W SCHALL
                  |         \-Philippina TUCHSCHERER
        /-Peter SCHALL
        |         |         /-Michael KUNTZ
        |         \-Elizabeth KUNTZ
        |                   \-Gertrude STEPHEN
Timothy SCHALL
        |                   /-John DOSCH
        |         /-Aloisius DOSCH
        |         |         \-Anastasia
        \-Katherine Mary DOSCH
                  |         /-Donald MARTEL
                  \-Rosa MARTEL

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Ancestors of Tom SCHALL

                            /-Jacob SCHALL
                  /-Martin Francis SCHALL
                  |         \-Katharina MITZEL
        /-Rodney SCHALL
        |         |         /-Ferdinand F FISCHER
        |         \-Mary Elizabeth FISCHER
        |                   \-Ludwiga EBERLE
        \-Ilse VONNEGUT

Descendants of Tom SCHALL

      2 Ellen SCHALL
        =Lloyd AGNEW

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Ancestors of Travis SCHALL

                            /-Nicholas W SCHALL
                  /-Nick SCHALL Jr
                  |         \-Elizabeth KUNTZ
        /-Duane Andrew SCHALL
        |         |         /-Florian AXTMAN
        |         \-Anna Marie AXTMAN
        |                   \-Mary Eva LEBOLDUS
        \-Charlotte SCHELL

Descendants of Travis SCHALL

1 Travis SCHALL

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