Austin Adam SCHWAN

Ancestors of Austin Adam SCHWAN

                            /-Joseph Adam SCHWAN
                  /-Raymond George SCHWAN
                  |         \-Katherine Frances USSELMAN
        /-Steven Ray SCHWAN
        |         \-Darlys Mae COWIE
Austin Adam SCHWAN
        \-Sharon Marie BUEHNER

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Barbara SCHWAN

Ancestors of Barbara SCHWAN

                            /-Paul SCHWAN
                  /-Denis SCHWAN
                  |         \-Marianne SCHWEITZER
        /-Ignatius Aloyis SCHWAN
        |         |         /-Vinzenz "Vincent" VOLK
        |         \-Barbara VOLK
        |                   \-Margaret JAEGER
Barbara SCHWAN
        \-Phyllis LOVETTE

Descendants of Barbara SCHWAN

1 Barbara SCHWAN
  =Mark MCCRAY

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Barbara SCHWAN

Ancestors of Barbara SCHWAN

                  /-Johannes Thomae SCHWANN
        /-Bernard Carl SCHWAN
        |         |         /-Johannes HAUCK
        |         \-Josephine HARIG
        |                   \-Marianna GERMANN
Barbara SCHWAN
        |         /-Peter SCHMIDTHEISLER
        \-Magdalene "Lena" SCHMIDTHEISLER
                  |         /-Johann LEIER
                  \-Barbara LEIER
                            \-Marianna KLEIN

Descendants of Barbara SCHWAN

1 Barbara SCHWAN
  =Ramuald GARIEPY  Marriage: 1933

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Barbara SCHWAN

Ancestors of Barbara SCHWAN

        /-Johannes SCHWAN
Barbara SCHWAN
        \-Barbara KRUMM

Descendants of Barbara SCHWAN

1 Barbara SCHWAN
      2 Adeline ENGELHARDT
        =Pius GANJE
      2 Josef ENGELHARDT

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Barbara SCHWAN

Ancestors of Barbara SCHWAN

                  /-Dionysius SCHWAN
        /-Jacob SCHWAN
        |         \-Margaretha NEIS
Barbara SCHWAN
        |         /-Joseph VOELLER
        \-Magdalena VOELLER
                  \-Julianna MANGOLD

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Barbara Marie SCHWAN

Ancestors of Barbara Marie SCHWAN

                  /-Paul SCHWAN
        /-Denis SCHWAN
        |         \-Marianne SCHWEITZER
Barbara Marie SCHWAN
        |                   /-Lorentius VOLK
        |         /-Vinzenz "Vincent" VOLK
        |         |         \-Elizabeth DETTLING
        \-Barbara VOLK
                  |         /-Johannes JAEGER
                  \-Margaret JAEGER
                            \-Eva Elizabeth HOFFART

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Ancestors of Basil SCHWAN

                            /-Michael SCHWAN
                  /-Joseph SCHWAN
                  |         \-Eva HOLTZER
        /-Michael SCHWAN
        |         |         /-Ferdinand KRAFT
        |         \-Eva KRAFT
        |                   \-Katherine SENGER
        |                   /-Joseph Anton FEIST
        |         /-Anton FEIST Sr
        |         |         \-Eva Elizabetha HEILMAN
        \-Magdalyn FEIST
                  |         /-Karl MITZEL
                  \-Helena MITZEL
                            \-Agatha BAUMANN

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Beatrice SCHWAN

Ancestors of Beatrice SCHWAN

                            /-Michael SCHWAN
                  /-Joseph SCHWAN
                  |         \-Eva HOLTZER
        /-Alexander SCHWAN
        |         |         /-Ferdinand KRAFT
        |         \-Eva KRAFT
        |                   \-Katherine SENGER
Beatrice SCHWAN
        |                   /-Andreas KLEIN
        |         /-Sebastian O KLEIN
        |         |         \-Roselie KRAMER
        \-Anna KLEIN
                  |         /-Franciscus THOMAS
                  \-Christina THOMAS
                            \-Marianna RIPPLINGER

Descendants of Beatrice SCHWAN

1 Beatrice SCHWAN
  =Edward ABERLE
      2 David ABERLE
      2 Cynthia ABERLE
        = KLEIN
      2 James ABERLE
      2 Ronald ABERLE

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Beatrice SCHWAN

Ancestors of Beatrice SCHWAN

                  /-Joseph SCHWAHN
        /-John J SCHWAN
        |         |         /-Michael A HAGER
        |         \-Helen HAGER
        |                   \-Scholastica JOHNER
Beatrice SCHWAN
        |                   /-Peter GRAD Sr
        |         /-Joseph P GRAD
        |         |         \-Theresa BUCKMEIER
        \-Theresa GRAD
                  |         /-George LESMEISTER
                  \-Caroline LESMEISTER
                            \-Katharina OTTMAN

Descendants of Beatrice SCHWAN

1 Beatrice SCHWAN
      2 Kevin PLOTT

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Ancestors of Ben SCHWAN

        /-Steve SCHWAN
        |         /-Joseph FETTIG
        \-Bergetta FETTIG
                  |         /-Franz MACK
                  \-Barbara MACK

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Bernadine Marie SCHWAN

Ancestors of Bernadine Marie SCHWAN

        /-Joseph Adam SCHWAN
Bernadine Marie SCHWAN
        |                   /-Adam USSELMAN
        |         /-Sylvester John USSELMAN
        |         |         \-Helena EISENZIMMER
        \-Katherine Frances USSELMAN
                  |         /-Johannes DOSCH
                  \-Regina DOSCH
                            \-Katharina FAETH

Descendants of Bernadine Marie SCHWAN

1 Bernadine Marie SCHWAN
  =Charles Henry MURRAY
      2 Charlotte Anne MURAY

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Bernard SCHWAN

Ancestors of Bernard SCHWAN

                            /-Dionysius SCHWAN
                  /-Joseph SCHWAN
                  |         \-Margaretha NEIS
        /-Anton SCHWAN
        |         \- FETTIG
Bernard SCHWAN
        |                   /-Anton HEISLER
        |         /-Anton HEISLER
        |         |         \-Theresia
        \-Eva HEISLER
                  |         /-Johann FIX
                  \-Eva FIX

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Bernard SCHWAN

Ancestors of Bernard SCHWAN

        /-Anton SCHWAN
Bernard SCHWAN
        |                   /-Dionysius SCHWAN
        |         /-Jacob SCHWAN
        |         |         \-Margaretha NEIS
        \-Juliana "Julia" SCHWAN
                  |         /-Joseph VOELLER
                  \-Magdalena VOELLER
                            \-Julianna MANGOLD

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Bernard "Barnie" SCHWAN

Ancestors of Bernard "Barnie" SCHWAN

                  /-Johannes Thomae SCHWANN
        /-Bernard Carl SCHWAN
        |         |         /-Johannes HAUCK
        |         \-Josephine HARIG
        |                   \-Marianna GERMANN
Bernard "Barnie" SCHWAN
        |         /-Peter SCHMIDTHEISLER
        \-Magdalene "Lena" SCHMIDTHEISLER
                  |         /-Johann LEIER
                  \-Barbara LEIER
                            \-Marianna KLEIN

Descendants of Bernard "Barnie" SCHWAN

1 Bernard "Barnie" SCHWAN
  =Doreen LYTHE

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Bernard Carl SCHWAN

Ancestors of Bernard Carl SCHWAN

        /-Johannes Thomae SCHWANN
Bernard Carl SCHWAN
        |         /-Johannes HAUCK
        \-Josephine HARIG
                  \-Marianna GERMANN

Descendants of Bernard Carl SCHWAN

1 Bernard Carl SCHWAN
  =Magdalene "Lena" SCHMIDTHEISLER
      2 Anna SCHWAN
      2 John SCHWAN
      2 Barbara SCHWAN
        =Ramuald GARIEPY  Marriage: 1933
      2 Theodore SCHWAN
        =Bernadette SMITH
      2 Jack SCHWAN
        =Therese BRANCONMIER  Marriage: 3 May 1938, , SK, Canada
      2 Wilhelmina "Minnie" SCHWAN
        =Bernhart "Ben" Benjamin KAMBEITZ  Marriage: 5 Nov 1940
      2 Katherine SCHWAN
        =Jack HARMSWORTH  Marriage: 1945, Prince Albert, SK, Canada
      2 Bernard "Barnie" SCHWAN
        =Doreen LYTHE
      2 Charles SCHWAN
      2 Franklin SCHWAN
        =Eileen HOLCNES
      2 Isabell SCHWAN
        =Peter DOETES

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Bernetta SCHWAN

Ancestors of Bernetta SCHWAN

                            /-Paul SCHWAN
                  /-Denis SCHWAN
                  |         \-Marianne SCHWEITZER
        /-Vincent SCHWAN
        |         |         /-Vinzenz "Vincent" VOLK
        |         \-Barbara VOLK
        |                   \-Margaret JAEGER
Bernetta SCHWAN
        |                   /-Michael SCHELL
        |         /-Bernard SCHELL
        |         |         \-Elizabeth
        \-Barbara Victoria SCHELL
                  |         /-Joseph ZIEGLER
                  \-Katherine ZIEGLER
                            \-Magdalena HAGEL

Descendants of Bernetta SCHWAN

1 Bernetta SCHWAN
  =Robert WRIGHT

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Bernhardt SCHWAN

Ancestors of Bernhardt SCHWAN

                            /-Dionysius SCHWAN
                  /-Joseph SCHWAN
                  |         \-Margaretha NEIS
        /-Anton SCHWAN
        |         \- FETTIG
Bernhardt SCHWAN
        |                   /-Anton HEISLER
        |         /-Anton HEISLER
        |         |         \-Theresia
        \-Eva HEISLER
                  |         /-Johann FIX
                  \-Eva FIX

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Bertha "Bert" Rosa SCHWAN

Ancestors of Bertha "Bert" Rosa SCHWAN

                  /-Paul SCHWAN
        /-Denis SCHWAN
        |         \-Marianne SCHWEITZER
Bertha "Bert" Rosa SCHWAN
        |                   /-Lorentius VOLK
        |         /-Vinzenz "Vincent" VOLK
        |         |         \-Elizabeth DETTLING
        \-Barbara VOLK
                  |         /-Johannes JAEGER
                  \-Margaret JAEGER
                            \-Eva Elizabeth HOFFART

Descendants of Bertha "Bert" Rosa SCHWAN

1 Bertha "Bert" Rosa SCHWAN
  =Richard M SCHELL
      2 Jean SCHELL
        =John SPEELMON
            3 Michael SPEELMON
            3 Sarah SPEELMON
      2 Joy SCHELL
        =Allan MASTEL
            3 Chontay MASTEL
            3 Samuel MASTEL
      2 Judith SCHELL

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Ancestors of Bonita SCHWAN

                            /-Jacob SCHWAN
                  /-Peter SCHWAN
                  |         \-Magdalena VOELLER
        /-Michael Peter SCHWAN
        |         |         /-Hyronimus "Ruine" RICHTER
        |         \-Barbara RICHTER
        |                   \-Elizabeth SENGER
        |                   /-Anton WENTZ
        |         /-Anton A WENTZ
        |         |         \-Magdalena KELLER
        \-Elizabeth WENTZ
                  |         /-Johannes BERTSCH
                  \-Pauline BERTSCH
                            \-Agatha EBACH

Descendants of Bonita SCHWAN

1 Bonita SCHWAN

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Bradley SCHWAN

Ancestors of Bradley SCHWAN

                            /-Joseph SCHWAN
                  /-Alexander SCHWAN
                  |         \-Eva KRAFT
        /-Everett Dennis SCHWAN
        |         |         /-Sebastian O KLEIN
        |         \-Anna KLEIN
        |                   \-Christina THOMAS
Bradley SCHWAN
        \-Linda ZIEGLER

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