Ancestors of David WAHL
/-Maynard D WAHL
David WAHL
| /-John F STRAUSS
| /-Joseph H STRAUSS
| | \-Mary H JENNY
\-Lucille STRAUSS
\-Ida Catherine SCHNABEL
\-Kathryn KAFTON
Ancestors of David WAHL
David WAHL
| /-Joseph LANZ
| /-Michael J LANZ
| | \-Emelia LEINGANG
\-Roberta B LANZ
\-Magdalean HELBLING
Descendants of Edward WAHL
1 Edward WAHL
=Elisabeth LATURNUS
- Partnership with: Kasper REITER
Marriage: 20 Jul 1942, Tramping Lake, SK, Canada
Descendants of Elizabeth WAHL
1 Elizabeth WAHL
=Kasper REITER Marriage: 20 Jul 1942, Tramping Lake, SK, Canada
- Birth: 20 May 1923, Linton, Emmons, ND
- Death: 13 Mar 2012, Valley City, Barnes, ND
- Burial: NDak Vets Cem., Mandan, ND
Descendants of Elsie Pauline WAHL
1 Elsie Pauline WAHL
=Leonard P DIEDE Marriage: 26 Oct 1950
- Birth: 1 Mar 1897
- Death: 14 May 1967
- Burial: McClusky City Cem., McClusky, NDS
Descendants of Emma WAHL
1 Emma WAHL
2 Frances Lily MURRAY
=Raymond DOSCH
=Marvin WERNER
3 Clayton James WERNER
=Karen Barbara BROWN Marriage: 14 Feb 1964, Bismarck, Burleigh, ND
3 Diane WERNER
=Robert "Bob" KLEIN
3 Shirley WERNER
Descendants of Georg WAHL
1 Georg WAHL
=Barbara MEDER
2 Maria Barbara WAHL
=Johann Georg HEYER
3 Katharina HEYER
=Johann Evangelista BITZ Marriage: 22 Jan 1788, Neuhausel, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France
3 Ludwig HEYER
=Maria Josepha REINBOLD Marriage: 7 May 1808, Neuhausel, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France
3 Anna Maria HEYER
3 Maria Anna HEYER
=Johann MULLER Marriage: 27 Apr 1817, Neuhausel, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France
Ancestors of George Joseph WAHL
/-Adalbert Edward WAHL
George Joseph WAHL
| /-Jakob SCHIELE
| /-Raimund SCHIELE
| | \-Maria Eva DEIS
\-Marjorie Marie SCHIELE
\-Rosine MACK
Descendants of George Joseph WAHL
1 George Joseph WAHL
2 Laurie WAHL
2 Joan WAHL
2 William "Bill" WAHL
2 James WAHL
2 Jane WAHL
2 Tom WAHL
2 Patti WAHL
2 Audrey WAHL
=George GRANT
Ancestors of Jacalyn A WAHL
/-Adolf Melvin WAHL
Jacalyn A WAHL
\-Alice H AHNER
Descendants of Jacalyn A WAHL
1 Jacalyn A WAHL
=Thomas "Tom" E VETTER
Ancestors of James WAHL
/-Adalbert Edward WAHL
/-George Joseph WAHL
| | /-Raimund SCHIELE
| \-Marjorie Marie SCHIELE
| \-Rosine MACK
James WAHL
| /-Andreas LATURNUS
| /-Lambert LATURNUS
| | \-Monica MILLER
| /-Wendelin SENGER
\-Katherine THOMAS
Ancestors of James WAHL
/-Albert WAHL
James WAHL
| /-Heinrich "Henry" DIEDE
\-Hilda Alvina DIEDE
\-Anna Marie MILLER
Ancestors of Jane WAHL
/-Adalbert Edward WAHL
/-George Joseph WAHL
| | /-Raimund SCHIELE
| \-Marjorie Marie SCHIELE
| \-Rosine MACK
| /-Andreas LATURNUS
| /-Lambert LATURNUS
| | \-Monica MILLER
| /-Wendelin SENGER
\-Katherine THOMAS
Descendants of Jane WAHL
1 Jane WAHL
Ancestors of Janice WAHL
/-Albert WAHL
Janice WAHL
| /-Heinrich "Henry" DIEDE
\-Hilda Alvina DIEDE
\-Anna Marie MILLER
Descendants of Jerry WAHL
1 Jerry WAHL
=Phyllis Virgilia THOMPSON
2 Marilyn WAHL
=Michael P KOCH
3 Shaun KOCH
3 Nash KOCH
3 Austin KOCH
Ancestors of Jo Anna WAHL
/-Larry WAHL
Jo Anna WAHL
| /-George GROSS
| /-Peter P GROSS
| | \-Clara LESMEISTER
\-Pauline GROSS
| /-Frank Joseph VOLK
\-Margaret VOLK
\-Carolina Mae GANJE
Ancestors of Joan WAHL
/-Adalbert Edward WAHL
/-George Joseph WAHL
| | /-Raimund SCHIELE
| \-Marjorie Marie SCHIELE
| \-Rosine MACK
| /-Andreas LATURNUS
| /-Lambert LATURNUS
| | \-Monica MILLER
| /-Wendelin SENGER
\-Katherine THOMAS
Descendants of Joan WAHL
1 Joan WAHL
- Birth: 12 Mar 1917, , , ND
- Death: Mar 1969, , , ND
- Burial: St Johns Cem., Zeeland, McIntosh, ND
- Partnership with: Joseph H LACHER
Marriage: 25 Nov 1947, Zeeland, McIntosh, ND
Descendants of Katherine WAHL
1 Katherine WAHL
=Joseph H LACHER Marriage: 25 Nov 1947, Zeeland, McIntosh, ND
2 Randolph LACHER
Descendants of Larry WAHL
1 Larry WAHL
=Pauline GROSS
2 Dana WAHL
2 Jo Anna WAHL
Descendants of Larry WAHL
1 Larry WAHL
=Patricia STROH
Ancestors of Larry WAHL
/-Albert WAHL
Larry WAHL
| /-Heinrich "Henry" DIEDE
\-Hilda Alvina DIEDE
\-Anna Marie MILLER