Caroline FRYE

Ancestors of Caroline FRYE

        /-Jacob W FRYE
Caroline FRYE
        |         /-Joseph HAGER
        \-Barbara HAGER

Descendants of Caroline FRYE

1 Caroline FRYE

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Christy FRYE

Ancestors of Christy FRYE

                  /-Jacob W FRYE
        /-William "Willie" FRYE
        |         |         /-Joseph HAGER
        |         \-Barbara HAGER
        |                   \-Rose
Christy FRYE
        \-Shirley WATERS

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Eugene FRYE

Ancestors of Eugene FRYE

        /-Jacob W FRYE
Eugene FRYE
        |         /-Joseph HAGER
        \-Barbara HAGER

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George FRYE

Ancestors of George FRYE

        /-Jacob W FRYE
George FRYE
        |         /-Joseph HAGER
        \-Barbara HAGER

Descendants of George FRYE

1 George FRYE
  =Sharon FOSSEN

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Jacob W FRYE

Descendants of Jacob W FRYE

1 Jacob W FRYE
  =Barbara HAGER  Marriage: 27 Feb 1943
      2 George FRYE
        =Sharon FOSSEN
      2 Wendelin P FRYE
            3 Lisa FRYE
              = LEMER
            3 Benjamin FRYE
            3 Michelle FRYE
              =Rickie "Rick" HOAGLUND
            3 Wendelin FRYE Jr
            3 Melissa FRYE
        =Denise Odile SCHONARD  Marriage: 24 Aug 1989
      2 William "Willie" FRYE
        =Shirley WATERS
            3 Wesley FRYE
            3 Christy FRYE
            3 Tony FRYE
      2 Eugene FRYE
      2 Caroline FRYE
        =Ted CONNOR

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Ancestors of Lisa FRYE

                  /-Jacob W FRYE
        /-Wendelin P FRYE
        |         |         /-Joseph HAGER
        |         \-Barbara HAGER
        |                   \-Rose

Descendants of Lisa FRYE

1 Lisa FRYE

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Melissa FRYE

Ancestors of Melissa FRYE

                  /-Jacob W FRYE
        /-Wendelin P FRYE
        |         |         /-Joseph HAGER
        |         \-Barbara HAGER
        |                   \-Rose
Melissa FRYE

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Michelle FRYE

Ancestors of Michelle FRYE

                  /-Jacob W FRYE
        /-Wendelin P FRYE
        |         |         /-Joseph HAGER
        |         \-Barbara HAGER
        |                   \-Rose
Michelle FRYE

Descendants of Michelle FRYE

1 Michelle FRYE
  =Rickie "Rick" HOAGLUND

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Ancestors of Tony FRYE

                  /-Jacob W FRYE
        /-William "Willie" FRYE
        |         |         /-Joseph HAGER
        |         \-Barbara HAGER
        |                   \-Rose
        \-Shirley WATERS

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Wendelin FRYE Jr

Ancestors of Wendelin FRYE Jr

                  /-Jacob W FRYE
        /-Wendelin P FRYE
        |         |         /-Joseph HAGER
        |         \-Barbara HAGER
        |                   \-Rose
Wendelin FRYE Jr

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Wendelin P FRYE

Ancestors of Wendelin P FRYE

        /-Jacob W FRYE
Wendelin P FRYE
        |         /-Joseph HAGER
        \-Barbara HAGER

Descendants of Wendelin P FRYE

1 Wendelin P FRYE
      2 Lisa FRYE
        = LEMER
      2 Benjamin FRYE
      2 Michelle FRYE
        =Rickie "Rick" HOAGLUND
      2 Wendelin FRYE Jr
      2 Melissa FRYE
  =Denise Odile SCHONARD  Marriage: 24 Aug 1989

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Wesley FRYE

Ancestors of Wesley FRYE

                  /-Jacob W FRYE
        /-William "Willie" FRYE
        |         |         /-Joseph HAGER
        |         \-Barbara HAGER
        |                   \-Rose
Wesley FRYE
        \-Shirley WATERS

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William "Willie" FRYE

Ancestors of William "Willie" FRYE

        /-Jacob W FRYE
William "Willie" FRYE
        |         /-Joseph HAGER
        \-Barbara HAGER

Descendants of William "Willie" FRYE

1 William "Willie" FRYE
  =Shirley WATERS
      2 Wesley FRYE
      2 Christy FRYE
      2 Tony FRYE

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Esther Nita FRYER

Descendants of Esther Nita FRYER

1 Esther Nita FRYER
  =Delphin SMITH

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Maudie F FRYER

Descendants of Maudie F FRYER

1 Maudie F FRYER
      2 James S NIEDERKROME
        =Bernice HEINTZ
            3 Matthew NIEDERKROME
              =Jenny K HALOS
            3 David NIEDERKROME

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Virginia FRYER

Descendants of Virginia FRYER

1 Virginia FRYER
  =Donald Henry FROEBER

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Descendants of FRYLING

  =Patricia ABERLE

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Descendants of Tom FRYSLIE

  =Judy KELLER

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Descendants of Allen FRYXELL


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Descendants of Tim FUCHEH

  =Cindy GEFFRE

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