Florence GOLDADE

Ancestors of Florence GOLDADE

                            /-Anton GOLDADE
                  /-Joseph GOLDADE
                  |         \-Magdalena Rose BARTLE
        /-Joseph GOLDADE Jr
        |         \-Franziska "Frances" WEIGEL
Florence GOLDADE
        \-Elsie L ESCH

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Florence GOLDADE

Ancestors of Florence GOLDADE

        /-John GOLDADE
Florence GOLDADE
        |         /-Frank DECK
        \-Mary DECK
                  \-Caroline BALLIET

Descendants of Florence GOLDADE

1 Florence GOLDADE

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Florence "Angie" GOLDADE

Ancestors of Florence "Angie" GOLDADE

        /-Peter GOLDADE
Florence "Angie" GOLDADE
        |                   /-George LESMEISTER
        |         /-Ferdinand G LESMEISTER
        |         |         \-Katharina OTTMAN
        \-Magdalena LESMEISTER
                  \-Marcellina SCHUH

Descendants of Florence "Angie" GOLDADE

1 Florence "Angie" GOLDADE
  =Charles E BRINDLE  Marriage: 16 Feb 1963
      2 Alan BRINDLE
        =Bobbie Jo SCHMIDT

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Florence G GOLDADE

Ancestors of Florence G GOLDADE

                            /-Stephen GOLDADE
                  /-Jacob GOLDADE
                  |         \-Genevieve (Eva) THOMAS
        /-Joseph B GOLDADE
        |         \-Margaretha FETCH
Florence G GOLDADE
        |                   /-Johannes HOEPFNER
        |         /-Jacob HOEPFNER
        \-Susanna HOEPFNER
                  |         /-Alexius USSELMANN
                  \-Julianna "Julia" USSELMANN
                            \-Margaretha KESSLER

Descendants of Florence G GOLDADE

1 Florence G GOLDADE
  =Walter KEOGH

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Florence Rita GOLDADE

Ancestors of Florence Rita GOLDADE

                            /-Anton GOLDADE
                  /-Anton Bernard GOLDADE
                  |         \-Valeria SCHMIDT
        /-Anton Jacob GOLDADE
        |         |         /-Stephen FEIST
        |         \-Martha FEIST
        |                   \-Margaret SCHLOSSER
Florence Rita GOLDADE
        |         /-Joseph GAUER
        \-Regarda Magdeline GAUER
                  |         /-Johnas (John) LACHER
                  \-Helen LACHER
                            \-Rigarda DOSCH

Descendants of Florence Rita GOLDADE

1 Florence Rita GOLDADE

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Ancestors of Forrest GOLDADE

                            /-Anton GOLDADE
                  /-Paul GOLDADE
                  |         \-Valeria SCHMIDT
        /-George Michael GOLDADE
        |         |         /-Michael JUNDT
        |         \-Anna K JUNDT
        |                   \-Anna JAKOB
        \-Phoebe Roxanna SAWYER

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Ancestors of Frances GOLDADE

                            /-Joseph GOLDADE
                  /-Anton GOLDADE
                  |         \-Barbara MITZEL
        /-Joseph GOLDADE
        |         |         /-Johannes BARTLE
        |         \-Magdalena Rose BARTLE
        |                   \-Katharina FUNK
        \-Franziska "Frances" WEIGEL

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Ancestors of Frances GOLDADE

                            /-(Johann) Joseph GOLDADE
                  /-Joseph GOLDADE
                  |         \-Margaretha KEIBER
        /-Wendelin Joseph GOLDADE
        |         |         /-Franz Karl MITZEL III
        |         \-Barbara MITZEL
        |                   \-Marianna ZENTNER
        \-Eva Z SENGER

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Frances "Francie Veronica GOLDADE

Ancestors of Frances "Francie Veronica GOLDADE

                            /-George GOLDADE
                  /-Joseph GOLDADE
                  |         \-Marianna LIPP
        /-George P GOLDADE
        |         |         /-Thomas MARTIN
        |         \-Theresia MARTIN
        |                   \-Veronica GRATZ
Frances "Francie Veronica GOLDADE
        |         /-Heinrich KNOLL
        \-Catherine KNOLL
                  |         /-Kasper LEMER
                  \-Elizabeth LEMER
                            \-Veronica KAMBEITZ

Descendants of Frances "Francie Veronica GOLDADE

1 Frances "Francie Veronica GOLDADE
  =Leonard FRANKLUND  Marriage: 30 Aug 1958, Bismarck, Burleigh, ND
      2 David GOLDADE
      2 Dan GOLDADE
      2 Terry GOLDADE
        =Larry ENGEL
      2 Linda GOLDADE
        =Dan SCHLOER
      2 Anna GOLDADE
        =Bruce CARLSON
      2 Don GOLDADE

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Ancestors of Francis GOLDADE

                            /-George GOLDADE
                  /-Joseph GOLDADE
                  |         \-Marianna LIPP
        /-George P GOLDADE
        |         |         /-Thomas MARTIN
        |         \-Theresia MARTIN
        |                   \-Veronica GRATZ
        |         /-Heinrich KNOLL
        \-Catherine KNOLL
                  |         /-Kasper LEMER
                  \-Elizabeth LEMER
                            \-Veronica KAMBEITZ

Descendants of Francis GOLDADE

1 Francis GOLDADE

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Ancestors of Frank GOLDADE

                            /-Anton GOLDADE
                  /-Gottlieb GOLDADE
                  |         \-Magdalena REISS
        /-Anton G. GOLDADE
        |         |         /-Ignatius JUNDT
        |         \-Margaretha Magdalena JUNDT
        |                   \-Marianna RIEHL
        |                   /-Stanislaus BERTSCH
        |         /-Ferdinand BERTSCH
        |         |         \-Paulina BURGARD
        \-Scholastica "Alice" BERTSCH
                  |         /-Andreas VOLK
                  \-Helen VOLK
                            \-Katherine ZIEGLER

Descendants of Frank GOLDADE

  =Eva KRAFT  Marriage: 28 Oct 1946
      2 Randall H GOLDADE
        =Shelly KNOBLICH
        =Carol MCMILLAN
            3 Amanda Ranee GOLDADE
            3 Megan Joy GOLDADE
      2 Ronald GOLDADE
      2 Robert GOLDADE
      2 Donald GOLDADE

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Ancestors of Frank GOLDADE

        /-Peter GOLDADE
        \-Barbara WEIGEL

Descendants of Frank GOLDADE

  =Catherine WENTZ
      2 Edward GOLDADE Sr
        =Bertha ROERICK  Marriage: 27 Oct 1953
            3 Edward GOLDADE Jr
            3 Carol GOLDADE
              =Paul GIESER
            3 Michael GOLDADE
            3 JoAnne GOLDADE
              = CAMPBELL
            3 Kenneth GOLDADE
            3 Thomas GOLDADE
            3 James GOLDADE
            3 Theresa GOLDADE
              =Vincent SKIERKA
            3 Barbara GOLDADE
              =Kenneth SIMEK
            3 Maria Magdalena GOLDADE
            3 Robert GOLDADE
            3 Joseph GOLDADE
      2 Evelyn GOLDADE
        =Boyd WILTON
      2 Frank GOLDADE
      2 Marvin GOLDADE
      2 Loretta GOLDADE
        =Arnold ASHEIM
            3 Arnold ASHEIM
      2 Arthur GOLDADE
      2 Walter Raymond GOLDADE
        =Marlene J
            3 David GOLDADE
            3 Richard GOLDADE
            3 Linda GOLDADE
              =Scott RUMFIELD

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Ancestors of Frank GOLDADE

                  /-Peter GOLDADE
        /-Frank GOLDADE
        |         \-Barbara WEIGEL
        \-Catherine WENTZ

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Frank Fredrick GOLDADE

Ancestors of Frank Fredrick GOLDADE

                            /-Johann Josef GOLDADE
                  /-Anton GOLDADE
                  |         \-Margaretha BECKER
        /-Sebastian GOLDADE
        |         |         /-Johannes SCHMIDT
        |         \-Valeria SCHMIDT
        |                   \-Louisa
Frank Fredrick GOLDADE
        |         /-Frederick SCHWENGLER
        \-Josephine SCHWENGLER
                  \-Margaret HEUR

Descendants of Frank Fredrick GOLDADE

1 Frank Fredrick GOLDADE
  =Frances BLIELE  Marriage: 11 Feb 1930, Prelate, SK, Canada
      2 Sebastian GOLDADE
      2 Balthasar GOLDADE
      2 Michael GOLDADE
      2 George GOLDADE
      2 Simon GOLDADE
      2 Lucille GOLDADE
      2 Barbara GOLDADE

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Ancestors of Frank G GOLDADE

                            /-Johann Josef GOLDADE
                  /-Anton GOLDADE
                  |         \-Margaretha BECKER
        /-Gottlieb GOLDADE
        |         |         /-Johannes Joseph REISS
        |         \-Magdalena REISS
        |                   \-Barbara SANDER
        |                   /-Joseph JUNDT
        |         /-Ignatius JUNDT
        |         |         \-Maria Elizabeth SCHNEIDER
        \-Margaretha Magdalena JUNDT
                  \-Marianna RIEHL

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Frank William GOLDADE

Ancestors of Frank William GOLDADE

                            /-Johann Josef GOLDADE
                  /-Anton GOLDADE
                  |         \-Margaretha BECKER
        /-Anton Bernard GOLDADE
        |         |         /-Johannes SCHMIDT
        |         \-Valeria SCHMIDT
        |                   \-Louisa
Frank William GOLDADE
        |                   /-Ruppert (Robert) FEIST
        |         /-Stephen FEIST
        |         |         \-Francisca FETTIG
        \-Martha FEIST
                  \-Margaret SCHLOSSER

Descendants of Frank William GOLDADE

1 Frank William GOLDADE
  =Emma Genevieve BULLOCK  Marriage: 3 May 1927, Aberdeen, Brown, SD
      2 Arnold William GOLDADE
      2 Delphine GOLDADE
        =Jacob "Jack" ZERR
            3 Karen ZERR
              =Dan BROWN
            3 Colleen ZERR
              =David WRATZ
  =Kathleen Ann GEIER

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Frederick Christ GOLDADE

Ancestors of Frederick Christ GOLDADE

                            /-Johann Josef GOLDADE
                  /-Anton GOLDADE
                  |         \-Margaretha BECKER
        /-Sebastian GOLDADE
        |         |         /-Johannes SCHMIDT
        |         \-Valeria SCHMIDT
        |                   \-Louisa
Frederick Christ GOLDADE
        |         /-Frederick SCHWENGLER
        \-Josephine SCHWENGLER
                  \-Margaret HEUR

Descendants of Frederick Christ GOLDADE

1 Frederick Christ GOLDADE
  =Katherine Helen HAAG
      2 Mary GOLDADE
      2 Gregory GOLDADE
      2 Genevieve GOLDADE
      2 Ronald Frederick Joseph GOLDADE
      2 Veronon GOLDADE
      2 Allan GOLDADE
      2 Claude GOLDADE

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Ancestors of Gary GOLDADE

                  /-Joseph P GOLDADE
        /-Peter J GOLDADE
        |         \-Magdelena P VETTER
        |                   /-Jacob MUSCHA
        |         /-Frank L MUSCHA
        |         |         \-Katherine WOODWASKI
        \-Agnes Cecilia MUSCHA
                  |         /-Anton HOLZER
                  \-Barbara Evalena HOLZER
                            \-Helen KLEIN

Descendants of Gary GOLDADE

  =Marilyn DOLL

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Geneveive GOLDADE

Ancestors of Geneveive GOLDADE

                            /-Johann Josef GOLDATE
                  /-Stephen GOLDADE
                  |         \-Margaretha KIMMEL(ER)
        /-Johannes GOLDADE
        |         \-Genevieve (Eva) THOMAS
Geneveive GOLDADE
        |                   /-Joseph REISS
        |         /-Johannes Joseph REISS
        |         |         \-Maria Eva VOLZ
        \-Johanna REISS
                  |         /-Gottleib SANDER
                  \-Barbara SANDER
                            \-Genoveva BERNHARD

Descendants of Geneveive GOLDADE

1 Geneveive GOLDADE
  =Michael J SCHMIDT
      2 Anton M SCHMIDT
        =Anna Mary NEIGUM
            3 Roberta Marie SCHMIDT
              =Barry R MADSEN
            3 Nancy Kay SCHMIDT
              =William Ronald KOSKI
            3 Karla Jean SCHMIDT
              =Christopher Joseph CORRALES
            3 Larry Anton SCHMIDT
              =Cathleen KELSCH
            3 Linda Lee SCHMIDT
              =James R YANTZER
            3 Patricia Ann SCHMIDT
              =Ronald J HOOT
      2 John SCHMIDT
        =Phyllis WEIGEL
            3 Charlene SCHMIDT
            3 Douglas SCHMIDT
            3 LuAnn SCHMIDT
            3 Lonita "Loni" SCHMIDT
              =Mark GROTHIER
            3 Mark SCHMIDT
            3 Marietta "Mari" SCHMIDT
              =Doug BONDLEY
            3 Gerard SCHMIDT
              =Doreen WEST
            3 Billy SCHMIDT
            3 Patrick SCHMIDT
      2 Steve SCHMIDT
        =Catherine NEIGUM  Marriage: 11 Oct 1949, Braddock, , ND
            3 Robert SCHMIDT
              =Debi GABEL
            3 Sebastian SCHMIDT
            3 Sharon SCHMIDT
              =Bruce ELLWEIN
            3 Randy M SCHMIDT
            3 Ronnie SCHMIDT
            3 Stephanie SCHMIDT
              =Aaron VEDQUAM
            3 Sheila SCHMIDT
              =Jeff DEIDE
            3 Sandy SCHMIDT
              =Alan DOFFEE
      2 Lorraine SCHMIDT
        =Russell KIEFER  Marriage: 27 Dec 1955, Braddock, , ND
            3 Theresia Marie KIEFER
              =John Allen SWARTOUT
            3 Beatrice Iuelle KIEFER
              =Duane Louis MANSON
      2 Andrew SCHMIDT
        =Joan M BAKER  Marriage: 11 Feb 1956, Braddock, , ND
            3 Nora SCHMIDT
              =Kim BUNTROCK
            3 Dave SCHMIDT
              =Karen WALISER
            3 Darren SCHMIDT
            3 Dan SCHMIDT
            3 Mary Ann SCHMIDT
              = BYRNE
            3 Kathee SCHMIDT
              = HOFF '
            3 Nadine SCHMIDT
              =Cynthia BRYANT
            3 Laura SCHMIDT
            3 Andrea SCHMIDT
              =Curt DOCKTER
      2 Peter SCHMIDT
        =Marie KRAFT
            3 Paul SCHMIDT
            3 Genevieve SCHMIDT
            3 Marie SCHMIDT
      2 Theresia SCHMIDT
        =Peter NEIGUM
            3 Jacob "Jake" NEIGUM
              =Mary Jo MARQUART
            3 Gary NEIGUM
            3 Anthony "Tony" NEIGUM
            3 Theresia NEIGUM
              =Junnell KRABBENHOFT
            3 Richard NEIGUM
              =Andrea MURESAN
            3 Alex NEIGUM
            3 Peter NEIGUM
              =Connie WOLFE
            3 Michael NEIGUM
              =Mary Alice SEIFERT
      2 Eugene SCHMIDT
        =Rita R ELTER
            3 Michael SCHMIDT
            3 Steven SCHMIDT
            3 Joseph SCHMIDT
            3 Thomas SCHMIDT

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Genevieve GOLDADE

Ancestors of Genevieve GOLDADE

                            /-Anton GOLDADE
                  /-Sebastian GOLDADE
                  |         \-Valeria SCHMIDT
        /-Frederick Christ GOLDADE
        |         |         /-Frederick SCHWENGLER
        |         \-Josephine SCHWENGLER
        |                   \-Margaret HEUR
Genevieve GOLDADE
        \-Katherine Helen HAAG

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