Christina N NEISS

Ancestors of Christina N NEISS

                  /-Paul NEISS
        /-Frank NEISS
        |         \-Martina HOFFERT
Christina N NEISS
        |                   /-Georg KRAFT
        |         /-Ferdinand KRAFT
        |         |         \-Brigitta MILDENBERGER
        \-Bridgetta KRAFT
                  |         /-Johann SENGER
                  \-Katherine SENGER
                            \-Katharina FISCHER

Descendants of Christina N NEISS

1 Christina N NEISS
  =James Gray DUNCAN Jr

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Ancestors of Cindy NEISS

                            /-Frank NEISS
                  /-Frank NEISS Sr
                  |         \-Bridgetta KRAFT
        /-Frank James NEISS Jr
        |         |         /-Peter STACH
        |         \-Elizabeth STACH
        |                   \-Katherine WALD
        |                   /-Sigmund SCHNEIBEL Sr
        |         /-Sigmund SCHNEIBEL Jr
        |         |         \-Helen HUBER
        \-Eleanor K SCHNEIBEL
                  |         /-Ludwig JAEGER
                  \-Katherina JAEGER
                            \-Magdalena VOLK

Descendants of Cindy NEISS

1 Cindy NEISS
  =Anton NEWTON
      2 Angelica NEWTON
      2 Diana NEWTON

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Ancestors of Daren NEISS

                            /-Frank NEISS
                  /-Frank NEISS Sr
                  |         \-Bridgetta KRAFT
        /-Eugene J NEISS
        |         |         /-Peter STACH
        |         \-Elizabeth STACH
        |                   \-Katherine WALD
        \-Sharon THOMNPSON

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Ancestors of David NEISS

                            /-Frank NEISS
                  /-Frank NEISS Sr
                  |         \-Bridgetta KRAFT
        /-Leo S NIESS
        |         |         /-Peter STACH
        |         \-Elizabeth STACH
        |                   \-Katherine WALD
        \-Barbara SCHNEIDER

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Dennis NEISS

Ancestors of Dennis NEISS

                            /-Paul NEISS
                  /-Frank NEISS
                  |         \-Martina HOFFERT
        /-Frank NEISS Sr
        |         |         /-Ferdinand KRAFT
        |         \-Bridgetta KRAFT
        |                   \-Katherine SENGER
Dennis NEISS
        |         /-Peter STACH
        \-Elizabeth STACH
                  |         /-Michael WALD
                  \-Katherine WALD
                            \-Rosina BAUMGARTNER

Descendants of Dennis NEISS

1 Dennis NEISS
      2 Jeffery NEISS
      2 Mark NEISS
      2 Michele NEISS

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Dwight NEISS

Ancestors of Dwight NEISS

                            /-Frank NEISS
                  /-Frank NEISS Sr
                  |         \-Bridgetta KRAFT
        /-Leo S NIESS
        |         |         /-Peter STACH
        |         \-Elizabeth STACH
        |                   \-Katherine WALD
Dwight NEISS
        \-Barbara SCHNEIDER

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Eugene J NEISS

Ancestors of Eugene J NEISS

                            /-Paul NEISS
                  /-Frank NEISS
                  |         \-Martina HOFFERT
        /-Frank NEISS Sr
        |         |         /-Ferdinand KRAFT
        |         \-Bridgetta KRAFT
        |                   \-Katherine SENGER
Eugene J NEISS
        |         /-Peter STACH
        \-Elizabeth STACH
                  |         /-Michael WALD
                  \-Katherine WALD
                            \-Rosina BAUMGARTNER

Descendants of Eugene J NEISS

1 Eugene J NEISS
      2 Gina NEISS
        =Tracy MEDUNA
            3 Aiden MEDUNA
            3 Luke MEDUNA
            3 Stefanie MEDUNA
            3 Vince MEDUNA
      2 Melanie NEISS
        =Dennis WANNER
      2 Tricia NEISS
        =Phil BALDWIN
      2 Daren NEISS

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Ancestors of Eva NEISS

        /-John NEIS Sr

Descendants of Eva NEISS

  =Wendel ELL  Marriage: 19 Feb 1927, , Lake, IN
      2 Wendel Anthony ELL
      2 Catheryn J ELL
        =Harold F BEALS  Marriage: 1951

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Ancestors of Frank NEISS

        /-Paul NEISS
        \-Martina HOFFERT

Descendants of Frank NEISS

1 Frank NEISS
  =Bridgetta KRAFT  Marriage: 1891, Strassburg, Kutschurgan, Ukraine
      2 Frank NEISS Sr
        =Elizabeth STACH  Marriage: 26 Jan 1925, Karlsruhe, McHenry, ND
            3 Katherine NEISS
              =Anton GARMAN
            3 Frank James NEISS Jr
              =Eleanor K SCHNEIBEL  Marriage: 11 Jun 1959, Fulda Church, Pierce, ND
            3 Peter M NEISS
            3 Edward NIESS
              =Helen SCHERR
            3 Leo S NIESS
              =Barbara SCHNEIDER
            3 Henry NEISS
              =Anna "Anne" Adelaide BROSSART  Marriage: 24 Jul 1956
            3 Dennis NEISS
              =Ann HOFFART
            3 Eugene J NEISS
              =Sharon THOMNPSON
      2 John NEISS
        =Catherine SCHWAN  Marriage: 21 Nov 1927, rural Esmond, ND
            3 Leo NEISS
              =Elaine Jane ABERLE
            3 Genevieve "Genie" NEISS
              =Leo HEISLER  Marriage: 22 Oct 1947, Esmond, Benson, ND
            3 Theresa NEISS
              =Frank P KRAFT  Marriage: 15 Jun 1954, Balta, Pierce, ND
            3 John NEISS Jr
            3 Bergetta NEISS
              =Emanuel HAGER
            3 Arlene NEISS
              =Vance CASTLEMAN
            3 Kathleen Catherine NEISS
              =Dennis ABERLE  Marriage: 18 Oct 1961, Balta, Pierce, ND
            3 Beatrice NEISS
            3 Lorraine NEISS
              =Archie SCHWAN
            3 Beverly NEISS
              =Duane ANDERSON
      2 Christina N NEISS
        =James Gray DUNCAN Jr
      2 Pilamina NEISS
      2 Martina NEISS
      2 Julianna NEISS

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Frank NEISS Sr

Ancestors of Frank NEISS Sr

                  /-Paul NEISS
        /-Frank NEISS
        |         \-Martina HOFFERT
Frank NEISS Sr
        |                   /-Georg KRAFT
        |         /-Ferdinand KRAFT
        |         |         \-Brigitta MILDENBERGER
        \-Bridgetta KRAFT
                  |         /-Johann SENGER
                  \-Katherine SENGER
                            \-Katharina FISCHER

Descendants of Frank NEISS Sr

1 Frank NEISS Sr
  =Elizabeth STACH  Marriage: 26 Jan 1925, Karlsruhe, McHenry, ND
      2 Katherine NEISS
        =Anton GARMAN
            3 Antonette "Toni" GARMAN
              =Dale JONES
            3 Victoria GARMAN
              =Orlyn HAUG
            3 James GARMAN
            3 Roger GARMAN
            3 Edward GARMAN
            3 Jolene GARMAN
              =Monty DONDROL
              =Steve OYLOE
            3 Ronald GARMAN
      2 Frank James NEISS Jr
        =Eleanor K SCHNEIBEL  Marriage: 11 Jun 1959, Fulda Church, Pierce, ND
            3 Frank NEISS
            3 Laura NEISS
              =Steve PHILLIPS
            3 Lisa NEISS
            3 John NEISS
            3 Cindy NEISS
              =Anton NEWTON
            3 Joey NEISS
            3 Sandra NEISS
              =Shawn STEPHENS
            3 Susan NEISS
              = MCLEAN
            3 Todd NEISS
            3 Mary NEISS
              =William KINGSLEY
      2 Peter M NEISS
      2 Edward NIESS
        =Helen SCHERR
            3 Leonard NIESS
            3 Edward NIESS Jr
            3 Marilyn NIESS
              =Rick KALLMAN
            3 Gerald NIESS
            3 Peter NIESS
            3 Brian NIESS
            3 Virgil NIESS
            3 Craig NIESS
      2 Leo S NIESS
        =Barbara SCHNEIDER
            3 David NEISS
            3 Dwight NEISS
            3 Kevin NEISS
      2 Henry NEISS
        =Anna "Anne" Adelaide BROSSART  Marriage: 24 Jul 1956
      2 Dennis NEISS
        =Ann HOFFART
            3 Jeffery NEISS
            3 Mark NEISS
            3 Michele NEISS
      2 Eugene J NEISS
        =Sharon THOMNPSON
            3 Gina NEISS
              =Tracy MEDUNA
            3 Melanie NEISS
              =Dennis WANNER
            3 Tricia NEISS
              =Phil BALDWIN
            3 Daren NEISS

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Ancestors of Frank NEISS

                            /-Frank NEISS
                  /-Frank NEISS Sr
                  |         \-Bridgetta KRAFT
        /-Frank James NEISS Jr
        |         |         /-Peter STACH
        |         \-Elizabeth STACH
        |                   \-Katherine WALD
        |                   /-Sigmund SCHNEIBEL Sr
        |         /-Sigmund SCHNEIBEL Jr
        |         |         \-Helen HUBER
        \-Eleanor K SCHNEIBEL
                  |         /-Ludwig JAEGER
                  \-Katherina JAEGER
                            \-Magdalena VOLK

Descendants of Frank NEISS

1 Frank NEISS
      2 Travis NEISS
      2 Chantel NEISS
      2 Natasha NEISS
      2 Katherine NEISS
      2 Mitchell NEISS

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Frank James NEISS Jr

Ancestors of Frank James NEISS Jr

                            /-Paul NEISS
                  /-Frank NEISS
                  |         \-Martina HOFFERT
        /-Frank NEISS Sr
        |         |         /-Ferdinand KRAFT
        |         \-Bridgetta KRAFT
        |                   \-Katherine SENGER
Frank James NEISS Jr
        |         /-Peter STACH
        \-Elizabeth STACH
                  |         /-Michael WALD
                  \-Katherine WALD
                            \-Rosina BAUMGARTNER

Descendants of Frank James NEISS Jr

1 Frank James NEISS Jr
  =Eleanor K SCHNEIBEL  Marriage: 11 Jun 1959, Fulda Church, Pierce, ND
      2 Frank NEISS
            3 Travis NEISS
            3 Chantel NEISS
            3 Natasha NEISS
            3 Katherine NEISS
            3 Mitchell NEISS
      2 Laura NEISS
        =Steve PHILLIPS
            3 Mathew PHILLIPS
      2 Lisa NEISS
      2 John NEISS
            3 Brandon NEISS
            3 Joshua NEISS
      2 Cindy NEISS
        =Anton NEWTON
            3 Angelica NEWTON
            3 Diana NEWTON
      2 Joey NEISS
            3 Zane NEISS
            3 Zachary NEISS
      2 Sandra NEISS
        =Shawn STEPHENS
            3 Kyle STEPHENS
            3 Sarah STEPHENS
      2 Susan NEISS
        = MCLEAN
            3 Anthony MCLEAN
      2 Todd NEISS
            3 Carson NEISS
            3 Ryan NEISS
      2 Mary NEISS
        =William KINGSLEY
            3 Alex KINGSLEY
            3 Christin KINGSLEY
            3 Justin KINGSLEY

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Genevieve "Genie" NEISS

Ancestors of Genevieve "Genie" NEISS

                            /-Paul NEISS
                  /-Frank NEISS
                  |         \-Martina HOFFERT
        /-John NEISS
        |         |         /-Ferdinand KRAFT
        |         \-Bridgetta KRAFT
        |                   \-Katherine SENGER
Genevieve "Genie" NEISS
        |                   /-Jacob SCHWAN
        |         /-Peter SCHWAN
        |         |         \-Magdalena VOELLER
        \-Catherine SCHWAN
                  |         /-Hyronimus "Ruine" RICHTER
                  \-Barbara RICHTER
                            \-Elizabeth SENGER

Descendants of Genevieve "Genie" NEISS

1 Genevieve "Genie" NEISS
  =Leo HEISLER  Marriage: 22 Oct 1947, Esmond, Benson, ND
      2 Linda HEISLER
        =Leonard Peter BISCHOFF
            3 Carla Lyn BISCHOFF
            3 Cami Lee BISCHOFF
      2 Patricia HEISLER
        = HAINES

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Ancestors of Gina NEISS

                            /-Frank NEISS
                  /-Frank NEISS Sr
                  |         \-Bridgetta KRAFT
        /-Eugene J NEISS
        |         |         /-Peter STACH
        |         \-Elizabeth STACH
        |                   \-Katherine WALD
        \-Sharon THOMNPSON

Descendants of Gina NEISS

1 Gina NEISS
  =Tracy MEDUNA
      2 Aiden MEDUNA
      2 Luke MEDUNA
      2 Stefanie MEDUNA
      2 Vince MEDUNA

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Ancestors of Henry NEISS

                            /-Paul NEISS
                  /-Frank NEISS
                  |         \-Martina HOFFERT
        /-Frank NEISS Sr
        |         |         /-Ferdinand KRAFT
        |         \-Bridgetta KRAFT
        |                   \-Katherine SENGER
        |         /-Peter STACH
        \-Elizabeth STACH
                  |         /-Michael WALD
                  \-Katherine WALD
                            \-Rosina BAUMGARTNER

Descendants of Henry NEISS

1 Henry NEISS
  =Anna "Anne" Adelaide BROSSART  Marriage: 24 Jul 1956

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Jeffery NEISS

Ancestors of Jeffery NEISS

                            /-Frank NEISS
                  /-Frank NEISS Sr
                  |         \-Bridgetta KRAFT
        /-Dennis NEISS
        |         |         /-Peter STACH
        |         \-Elizabeth STACH
        |                   \-Katherine WALD
Jeffery NEISS
        |                   /-Ludwig HOFFART
        |         /-Ludvig "Louis L HOFFART
        |         |         \-Margareta VOELLER
        \-Ann HOFFART
                  |         /-Joseph MARQUART
                  \-Magdalina MARQUART
                            \-Anna KRIMM

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Ancestors of Joey NEISS

                            /-Frank NEISS
                  /-Frank NEISS Sr
                  |         \-Bridgetta KRAFT
        /-Frank James NEISS Jr
        |         |         /-Peter STACH
        |         \-Elizabeth STACH
        |                   \-Katherine WALD
        |                   /-Sigmund SCHNEIBEL Sr
        |         /-Sigmund SCHNEIBEL Jr
        |         |         \-Helen HUBER
        \-Eleanor K SCHNEIBEL
                  |         /-Ludwig JAEGER
                  \-Katherina JAEGER
                            \-Magdalena VOLK

Descendants of Joey NEISS

1 Joey NEISS
      2 Zane NEISS
      2 Zachary NEISS

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Johann NEISS

Descendants of Johann NEISS

1 Johann NEISS
  =Katherine KRAFT

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Ancestors of John NEISS

                  /-Paul NEISS
        /-Frank NEISS
        |         \-Martina HOFFERT
        |                   /-Georg KRAFT
        |         /-Ferdinand KRAFT
        |         |         \-Brigitta MILDENBERGER
        \-Bridgetta KRAFT
                  |         /-Johann SENGER
                  \-Katherine SENGER
                            \-Katharina FISCHER

Descendants of John NEISS

1 John NEISS
  =Catherine SCHWAN  Marriage: 21 Nov 1927, rural Esmond, ND
      2 Leo NEISS
        =Elaine Jane ABERLE
            3 Brian NEISS
            3 Mary NEISS
            3 Karen NEISS
            3 Robert NEISS
            3 Michael NEISS
            3 Kimberly NEISS
      2 Genevieve "Genie" NEISS
        =Leo HEISLER  Marriage: 22 Oct 1947, Esmond, Benson, ND
            3 Linda HEISLER
              =Leonard Peter BISCHOFF
            3 Patricia HEISLER
              = HAINES
      2 Theresa NEISS
        =Frank P KRAFT  Marriage: 15 Jun 1954, Balta, Pierce, ND
            3 Nancy KRAFT
              = CURRAN
            3 Peggy KRAFT
              = TANI
            3 Jeri KRAFT
              = ELLWEIN
      2 John NEISS Jr
      2 Bergetta NEISS
        =Emanuel HAGER
            3 Paulette HAGER
              =Robert "Bob" HERINGER
            3 Allan HAGER
      2 Arlene NEISS
        =Vance CASTLEMAN
      2 Kathleen Catherine NEISS
        =Dennis ABERLE  Marriage: 18 Oct 1961, Balta, Pierce, ND
            3 Heidi ABERLE
              = HASELBECK
            3 Curtis ABERLE
              =Dee LEEKS
            3 Paula ABERLE
              =Mark VYE
            3 Jay ABERLE
              =Brenda MARINER
            3 Serena ABERLE
              =Tracy ZIETZ
      2 Beatrice NEISS
      2 Lorraine NEISS
        =Archie SCHWAN
      2 Beverly NEISS
        =Duane ANDERSON

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Ancestors of John NEISS

                            /-Frank NEISS
                  /-Frank NEISS Sr
                  |         \-Bridgetta KRAFT
        /-Frank James NEISS Jr
        |         |         /-Peter STACH
        |         \-Elizabeth STACH
        |                   \-Katherine WALD
        |                   /-Sigmund SCHNEIBEL Sr
        |         /-Sigmund SCHNEIBEL Jr
        |         |         \-Helen HUBER
        \-Eleanor K SCHNEIBEL
                  |         /-Ludwig JAEGER
                  \-Katherina JAEGER
                            \-Magdalena VOLK

Descendants of John NEISS

1 John NEISS
      2 Brandon NEISS
      2 Joshua NEISS

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