Helen Katherine BURGARDT

Ancestors of Helen Katherine BURGARDT

        /-John P BURGARDT
Helen Katherine BURGARDT
        \-Barbara Katherine KIPPES

Descendants of Helen Katherine BURGARDT

1 Helen Katherine BURGARDT
  =Cletus J UHRICH  Marriage: 30 May 1955, Garden City, , KS
      2 Galen UHRICH
      2 Cynthia UHRICH
        =Larry BRATTON
      2 Rebecca UHRICH
        =Steve HENRY
      2 Roxane UHRICH
        = EDWARDS
      2 Melanie UHRICH
      2 Andrea UHRICH

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Ancestors of Jerome BURGARDT

        /-Gordon BURGARDT
        |                   /-Jacob VOLK
        |         /-Jacob VOLK
        |         |         \-Katherine KLAETZEL
        \-Madelina VOLK
                  |         /-Karl FEIST
                  \-Agnes FEIST
                            \-Magdeline WIECHERT

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John George BURGARDT

Descendants of John George BURGARDT

1 John George BURGARDT
  =Anna Margaret KIPPES
      2 Apollonia BURGARDT
        =Anton WEIGEL

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Descendants of John P BURGARDT

  =Barbara Katherine KIPPES
      2 Helen Katherine BURGARDT
        =Cletus J UHRICH  Marriage: 30 May 1955, Garden City, , KS
            3 Galen UHRICH
            3 Cynthia UHRICH
              =Larry BRATTON
            3 Rebecca UHRICH
              =Steve HENRY
            3 Roxane UHRICH
              = EDWARDS
            3 Melanie UHRICH
            3 Andrea UHRICH

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Ancestors of male BURGARDT

        /-Gordon BURGARDT
        |                   /-Jacob VOLK
        |         /-Jacob VOLK
        |         |         \-Katherine KLAETZEL
        \-Madelina VOLK
                  |         /-Karl FEIST
                  \-Agnes FEIST
                            \-Magdeline WIECHERT

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Descendants of Margaret BURGARDT

1 Margaret BURGARDT
  =Joseph SCHAFFER  Marriage: 22 Nov 1920, Strasburg, Emmons, ND
      2 Jacob SCHAFFER
      2 John SCHAFFER
      2 Juliana SCHAFFER
        =Anton J HOLZER  Marriage: 15 May 1944, Billings, Yellowstone, MT

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Ancestors of Ronny BURGARDT

        /-Gordon BURGARDT
        |                   /-Jacob VOLK
        |         /-Jacob VOLK
        |         |         \-Katherine KLAETZEL
        \-Madelina VOLK
                  |         /-Karl FEIST
                  \-Agnes FEIST
                            \-Magdeline WIECHERT

Descendants of Ronny BURGARDT


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Adeline Evelyn BURGART

Ancestors of Adeline Evelyn BURGART

                            /-Karl BURGARD
                  /-Andreas BURGARD
                  |         \-Kunigunda MEISNER
        /-Lawrence BURGART
        |         \-Rosina MEIER
Adeline Evelyn BURGART
        |                   /-Joseph SANDER
        |         /-Ferdinand SANDER
        |         |         \-Maria Josepha KRAFT
        \-Katherine Elizabeth SANDER
                  |         /-Franz HECK
                  \-Monica HECK
                            \-Marie Eva URLACHER

Descendants of Adeline Evelyn BURGART

1 Adeline Evelyn BURGART
  =Peter Edward SANOY

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Alfred Anton BURGART

Ancestors of Alfred Anton BURGART

                            /-Karl BURGARD
                  /-Andreas BURGARD
                  |         \-Kunigunda MEISNER
        /-Lawrence BURGART
        |         \-Rosina MEIER
Alfred Anton BURGART
        |                   /-Joseph SANDER
        |         /-Ferdinand SANDER
        |         |         \-Maria Josepha KRAFT
        \-Katherine Elizabeth SANDER
                  |         /-Franz HECK
                  \-Monica HECK
                            \-Marie Eva URLACHER

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Alvin Eldon Glenn BURGART

Ancestors of Alvin Eldon Glenn BURGART

                            /-Karl BURGARD
                  /-Andreas BURGARD
                  |         \-Kunigunda MEISNER
        /-Lawrence BURGART
        |         \-Rosina MEIER
Alvin Eldon Glenn BURGART
        |                   /-Joseph SANDER
        |         /-Ferdinand SANDER
        |         |         \-Maria Josepha KRAFT
        \-Katherine Elizabeth SANDER
                  |         /-Franz HECK
                  \-Monica HECK
                            \-Marie Eva URLACHER

Descendants of Alvin Eldon Glenn BURGART

1 Alvin Eldon Glenn BURGART
  =Jacqueline May WOELFLE

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Ancestors of Andrew BURGART Jr

                            /-Christop BURGARD
                  /-Karl BURGARD
                  |         \-Margaretha HOFFART
        /-Andreas BURGARD
        |         \-Kunigunda MEISNER
        \-Rosina MEIER

Descendants of Andrew BURGART Jr

1 Andrew BURGART Jr
  =Maria Magdalena FUCHS
      2 Frances Ann BURGART
        =Anthony Gabriel METZ
            3 Mary Lynne METZ
              =Bert HUNTER
            3 Kenneth METZ
      2 Ignatz Robert BURGART
      2 Michael John BURGART
      2 Peter Joseph BURGART
      2 Helen Margaret BURGART
        =Patrick Keith MILLER
      2 Joseph Alexander BURGART Sr
        =Christine JOHNSON
      2 Lawrence Andrew BURGART
        =Katherine Ann NETTLING
      2 Robert Alexander BURGART

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Ancestors of Annie BURGART

                            /-Christop BURGARD
                  /-Karl BURGARD
                  |         \-Margaretha HOFFART
        /-Andreas BURGARD
        |         \-Kunigunda MEISNER
        \-Rosina MEIER

Descendants of Annie BURGART

  =Michael ANTHOFER
      2 Rose ANTHOFER
        =Aloysius FITTKAU
      2 Frances ANTHOFER
        =Kenneth SCHWARK
      2 Mary Lou ANTHOFER
        =Andrew SAVOSTIANIK
        =Raymond GUILETTE
      2 Leona ANTHOFER
        =Richard WAKELY
        =Neil BERGEN
        = NIELSON
      2 Randy ANTHOFER

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Ancestors of Dorothy BURGART

                            /-Christop BURGARD
                  /-Karl BURGARD
                  |         \-Margaretha HOFFART
        /-Andreas BURGARD
        |         \-Kunigunda MEISNER
        \-Rosina MEIER

Descendants of Dorothy BURGART

1 Dorothy BURGART
  =Anton BOLIG
      2 Edward BOLIG
      2 Helen Katherine BOLIG
        =Michael WAWRYKOWYCH
      2 Raymond Andrew BOLIG
      2 Joseph Johann BOLIG
        =Olga WAWRYKOWICH
      2 Albert Lawrence BOLIG
        =Leanne Claire JACOBSEN

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Edward Leo BURGART

Ancestors of Edward Leo BURGART

                            /-Karl BURGARD
                  /-Andreas BURGARD
                  |         \-Kunigunda MEISNER
        /-Lawrence BURGART
        |         \-Rosina MEIER
Edward Leo BURGART
        |                   /-Joseph SANDER
        |         /-Ferdinand SANDER
        |         |         \-Maria Josepha KRAFT
        \-Katherine Elizabeth SANDER
                  |         /-Franz HECK
                  \-Monica HECK
                            \-Marie Eva URLACHER

Descendants of Edward Leo BURGART

1 Edward Leo BURGART
  =Elaine BALTZER

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Frances Ann BURGART

Ancestors of Frances Ann BURGART

                            /-Karl BURGARD
                  /-Andreas BURGARD
                  |         \-Kunigunda MEISNER
        /-Andrew BURGART Jr
        |         \-Rosina MEIER
Frances Ann BURGART
        \-Maria Magdalena FUCHS

Descendants of Frances Ann BURGART

1 Frances Ann BURGART
  =Anthony Gabriel METZ
      2 Mary Lynne METZ
        =Bert HUNTER
      2 Kenneth METZ

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Genevieve Rosina BURGART

Ancestors of Genevieve Rosina BURGART

                            /-Karl BURGARD
                  /-Andreas BURGARD
                  |         \-Kunigunda MEISNER
        /-John BURGART
        |         \-Rosina MEIER
Genevieve Rosina BURGART
        \-Agnes SANDER

Descendants of Genevieve Rosina BURGART

1 Genevieve Rosina BURGART

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Gwendolyn Lee BURGART

Ancestors of Gwendolyn Lee BURGART

                            /-Karl BURGARD
                  /-Andreas BURGARD
                  |         \-Kunigunda MEISNER
        /-Lawrence BURGART
        |         \-Rosina MEIER
Gwendolyn Lee BURGART
        |                   /-Joseph SANDER
        |         /-Ferdinand SANDER
        |         |         \-Maria Josepha KRAFT
        \-Katherine Elizabeth SANDER
                  |         /-Franz HECK
                  \-Monica HECK
                            \-Marie Eva URLACHER

Descendants of Gwendolyn Lee BURGART

1 Gwendolyn Lee BURGART

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Helen Margaret BURGART

Ancestors of Helen Margaret BURGART

                            /-Karl BURGARD
                  /-Andreas BURGARD
                  |         \-Kunigunda MEISNER
        /-Andrew BURGART Jr
        |         \-Rosina MEIER
Helen Margaret BURGART
        \-Maria Magdalena FUCHS

Descendants of Helen Margaret BURGART

1 Helen Margaret BURGART
  =Patrick Keith MILLER

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Ignatz "Nels" BURGART

Ancestors of Ignatz "Nels" BURGART

                            /-Christop BURGARD
                  /-Karl BURGARD
                  |         \-Margaretha HOFFART
        /-Andreas BURGARD
        |         \-Kunigunda MEISNER
Ignatz "Nels" BURGART
        \-Rosina MEIER

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Ignatz Robert BURGART

Ancestors of Ignatz Robert BURGART

                            /-Karl BURGARD
                  /-Andreas BURGARD
                  |         \-Kunigunda MEISNER
        /-Andrew BURGART Jr
        |         \-Rosina MEIER
Ignatz Robert BURGART
        \-Maria Magdalena FUCHS

Descendants of Ignatz Robert BURGART

1 Ignatz Robert BURGART

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