Ancestors of Eva BRAUN

                  /-Jacob BRAUN
        /-Wendelin BRAUN
        |         |         /-Aloysius FEIST
        |         \-Katherina FEIST
        |                   \-Marianna RICHTER
        \-Eva SCHLEPPE

Descendants of Eva BRAUN

  =Michael J WEIGEL

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Ancestors of Eva BRAUN

                            /-Jacob BRAUN
                  /-Wendelin BRAUN
                  |         \-Katherina FEIST
        /-Nickalaus Anton BRAUN
        |         \-Eva SCHLEPPE
        |                   /-Wilhelm KELLER
        |         /-Johann "John" KELLER
        |         |         \-Katherina WEDTER
        \-Cecilia KELLER
                  |         /-Peter Anton WEBER
                  \-Magdalena Elizabeth WEBER
                            \-Katzarina BUECHLER

Descendants of Eva BRAUN

  =Peter HARVICK

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Ancestors of Eva G BRAUN

                  /-Johannes BRAUN
        /-Michael BRAUN
        |         \-Mary BAUMGARTNER
        |         /-Joseph IBACH
        \-Marianna IBACH
                  \-Barbara KUHLM

Descendants of Eva G BRAUN

  =John E KELLER  Marriage: 5 May 1936, Bismarck, Burleigh, ND

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Evangeline Marie BRAUN

Ancestors of Evangeline Marie BRAUN

                            /-Joseph BRAUN
                  /-Michael BRAUN
                  |         \-Magdalena HILSENDEGER
        /-George BRAUN
        |         |         /-Jacob KIEFEL
        |         \-Barbara KIEFEL
        |                   \-Katerina WERLINGER
Evangeline Marie BRAUN
        \-Mary Rose GROSS

Descendants of Evangeline Marie BRAUN

1 Evangeline Marie BRAUN
  =Theodore KLEMISCH
      2 Leon KLEMISCH
      2 Gary KLEMISCH
      2 Marcy KLEMISCH
      2 Sheila KLEMISCH

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Faustinus BRAUN

Ancestors of Faustinus BRAUN

        /-Michael BRAUN
Faustinus BRAUN
        \-Marianna KOPP

Descendants of Faustinus BRAUN

1 Faustinus BRAUN
  =Mariana BETSCH
      2 Peter F BRAUN
        =Anna HEIDRICH  Marriage: 20 Nov 1924, Holy Trinity Ch. SW of Strasburg, Emmons, ND
            3 Alice BRAUN
              =Edward SCHIELE  Marriage: 13 Oct 1947, Strasburg, Emmons, ND
              =Harry Elmer GIMBEL  Marriage: 14 Sep 2001, Bismarck, Burleigh, ND
            3 Irene BRAUN
              =Andrew BAUMGARTNER  Marriage: 7 Sep 1948, Strasburg, Emmons, ND
            3 Phyllis BRAUN
              =Roger KOCHER
            3 Ed BRAUN
            3 Gerry BRAUN
            3 Doris BRAUN
              =Clarence KELSCH
            3 Angeline BRAUN
            3 Betty BRAUN
              =Richard FICEK
            3 Verena BRAUN
              = SCHAUER
      2 Valentine BRAUN
        =Elizabeth BACHMEIER  Marriage: 3 Nov 1926
            3 Alvina BRAUN
              =Anton "Tony" C FAITH
            3 Christine BRAUN
              =Earl LIPPERT
            3 Alex BRAUN
              =Isabelle GERHART
            3 Bernice BRAUN
              =Henry GRENSTEINER  Marriage: 3 Nov 1954
            3 Betty BRAUN
              =David DIENSTMANN
            3 Linda BRAUN
              =Terry HERR
            3 Ray BRAUN
            3 Victor BRAUN
            3 LeRoy BRAUN
            3 Kenneth BRAUN
            3 Seline BRAUN
      2 Denise BRAUN
      2 John F BRAUN
        =Lucille M STEWART  Marriage: 1951
      2 Bernard BRAUN
        =Magdalena GARDNER  Marriage: 25 Nov 1933, Bismarck, Burleigh, ND
            3 Susan BRAUN
            3 Richard BRAUN
            3 Deloris BRAUN
              =Richard LITETCHO
            3 James BRAUN
            3 Alban "Big Al" M BRAUN
              =Eileen ELHARD
            3 Dorothy BRAUN
            3 Carol Jean BRAUN
              =Donald BENTING
            3 Michael BRAUN
            3 Antonia BRAUN
              =Albert LEHR
            3 Marvin BRAUN
            3 Randy BRAUN
            3 Arlene BRAUN
              =LeRoy SIEWERT
      2 Theobold "Ted" BRAUN
        =Regina ROHRICH  Marriage: 28 Dec 1941, Strasburg, Emmons, ND
            3 Glorian J BRAUN
              =Charles HEIDRICH
            3 Elizabeth BRAUN
              =Ken WOLF
            3 Allen BRAUN
      2 Elizabeth BRAUN
        = BOSCHEE
      2 Perpetua "Perry" BRAUN
        =Jacob HULM  Marriage: 25 Jun 1940, Trinity Ch, rural Strasburg, Emmons, ND
            3 Ronald HULM
            3 Marie HULM
              =Robert SMITH
      2 Anton "Tony" Faustinus BRAUN
        =Ann SCHELL  Marriage: 21 Apr 1945
            3 Gerald Peter BRAUN
            3 Thomas Michael BRAUN
            3 Mary Ann BRAUN
              = BOWMAN
            3 Richard Anthony BRAUN
      2 Pius BRAUN
      2 Leo BRAUN
        =Anne R ROEHRICH  Marriage: 7 May 1948, Sts Peter and Paul Ch., Strasburg, Emmons, ND
            3 Rick BRAUN
            3 Shirley BRAUN
              = WOHLERS
            3 Jan BRAUN
              = SCHROEDER
            3 Marleen BRAUN
              =Mark ANDERSON
            3 Dwaine "DJ" BRAUN
              =LaVerne JOCHIM  Marriage: 8 Feb 1969, Strasburg, Emmons, ND
      2 Catherine BRAUN
      2 George F BRAUN

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Ferdinand BRAUN

Descendants of Ferdinand BRAUN

1 Ferdinand BRAUN
  =Friederika Josepha SPRISSLER

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Florence BRAUN

Ancestors of Florence BRAUN

                  /-Michael BRAUN II
        /-John M BRAUN
        |         \-Katharina BACHMEIER
Florence BRAUN
        |         /-Thomas WAGNER
        \-Katherine WAGNER
                  |         /-Jerome BRICKNER
                  \-Nathalia BRICKNER
                            \-Rosina SCHREINER

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Florence BRAUN

Ancestors of Florence BRAUN

        /-Joseph BRAUN
Florence BRAUN
        \-Mathilda MILIUS

Descendants of Florence BRAUN

1 Florence BRAUN

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Ancestors of Fran BRAUN

                            /-Johannes BRAUN
                  /-Michael BRAUN
                  |         \-Mary BAUMGARTNER
        /-Jacob BRAUN
        |         |         /-Joseph IBACH
        |         \-Marianna IBACH
        |                   \-Barbara KUHLM
        |                   /-Antone SCHLOSSER
        |         /-Sebastian S SCHLOSSER
        |         |         \-Dorothy KESSLER
        \-Adelina SCHLOSSER
                  |         /-Michael K FEIST
                  \-Franziska FEIST
                            \-Katherine BURGHARDT

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Frances Eva BRAUN

Ancestors of Frances Eva BRAUN

                  /-Franz BRAUN
        /-August BRAUN
        |         |         /-Joseph SCHWARTZENBERGER
        |         \-Katharina SCHWARTZENBERGER
        |                   \-Franziska MASTEL
Frances Eva BRAUN
        |                   /-Anton FISCHER
        |         /-Jacob Anton FISCHER
        |         |         \-Margaretha TUCHSCHERER
        \-Regina FISCHER
                  |         /-Josef WEIGEL
                  \-Barbara WEIGEL
                            \-Christina USSELMAN

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Francis BRAUN

Ancestors of Francis BRAUN

        /-Edmond "Ed" BRAUN
Francis BRAUN
        |         /-John E KIEFER
        \-Marie KIEFER
                  |         /-Sebastian Fabian OCHS
                  \-Theresa OCHS
                            \-Philipine REINBOLD

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Francis BRAUN

Descendants of Francis BRAUN

1 Francis BRAUN
  =Joell KUHN

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Ancestors of Frank BRAUN

        /-Sebastian BRAUN

Descendants of Frank BRAUN

1 Frank BRAUN
  =Helen Margaret WEIGEL
      2 Scott Jason BRAUN
      2 Michael Trent BRAUN
      2 Amanda Rae BRAUN
      2 Eric Justin BRAUN

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Ancestors of Frank D BRAUN

                  /-Franz BRAUN
        /-Andrew F BRAUN
        |         |         /-Joseph SCHWARTZENBERGER
        |         \-Katharina SCHWARTZENBERGER
        |                   \-Franziska MASTEL
        |                   /-Johnas (John) LACHER
        |         /-Daniel LACHER
        |         |         \-Rigarda DOSCH
        \-Lucy L LACHER
                  |         /-George SCHAFFER
                  \-Philomena SCHAFFER
                            \-Lucia BULLOCK

Descendants of Frank D BRAUN

1 Frank D BRAUN
  =Armella F GEFFRE  Marriage: 12 Jun 1947, Leola, , SD
      2 Allen BRAUN
      2 Gary BRAUN
      2 Terry BRAUN
      2 Monica BRAUN
        =Monte PETERSEN

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Ancestors of Frank J BRAUN

                  /-Franz BRAUN
        /-Adam BRAUN
        |         |         /-Joseph SCHWARTZENBERGER
        |         \-Katharina SCHWARTZENBERGER
        |                   \-Franziska MASTEL
        |                   /-Joseph GESE
        |         /-Johannes GESE
        |         |         \-Katharina
        \-Marianna GESE
                  |         /-Peter JOCHIM
                  \-Mary Angeline JOCHIM
                            \-Margaretha WEBER

Descendants of Frank J BRAUN

1 Frank J BRAUN
  =Lucille T HEINZ  Marriage: 21 Jun 1939, Holy Cross Church., Ipswich, Edmunds, SD
      2 Kenneth Frank BRAUN
        =Jeanne PERRION
            3 Shellie Ann BRAUN
        =Laverne MCDANIEL  Marriage: 24 Jul 1993, Chicago, , IL
      2 David August BRAUN
        =Margaret Marian MALSOM
            3 Amy Braun BRAUN
              =James "Jim" Michael DUVALL
            3 Dustin Adam BRAUN
            3 Keith William BRAUN
      2 Jerald BRAUN
      2 Kevin BRAUN
      2 Carol BRAUN
        = BOSANKO
      2 Susan BRAUN
        = STEWART
        =Lowell James WALTER

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Franklin Frederick BRAUN

Ancestors of Franklin Frederick BRAUN

                            /-Joseph BRAUN
                  /-Michael BRAUN
                  |         \-Magdalena HILSENDEGER
        /-Sigried "Fred" BRAUN
        |         |         /-Jacob KIEFEL
        |         \-Barbara KIEFEL
        |                   \-Katerina WERLINGER
Franklin Frederick BRAUN
        \-Elizabeth HUBER

Descendants of Franklin Frederick BRAUN

1 Franklin Frederick BRAUN
  =Brenda JACOBS

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Descendants of Franz BRAUN

1 Franz BRAUN
      2 Adam BRAUN
        =Marianna GESE  Marriage: 17 Oct 1910, Bowdle, Edmunds, SD
            3 Andrew Adam BRAUN
              =Magdalena Margaret SITTER  Marriage: 30 May 1938, , Edmunds, SD
            3 Frank J BRAUN
              =Lucille T HEINZ  Marriage: 21 Jun 1939, Holy Cross Church., Ipswich, Edmunds, SD
            3 Mary Kay BRAUN
              =Frank Henry DUBOIS  Marriage: 5 Apr 1947
            3 Christina BRAUN
              = WELLMAN
            3 August John BRAUN
              =Rita L
            3 Ann JoAnn BRAUN
              =Lawrence Dale COLEMAN
            3 Regina BRAUN
              =Sam ARNESON
            3 Anthony "Tony" W BRAUN
            3 George BRAUN
            3 Leo A BRAUN
              =Clara Ann GEFFRE  Marriage: 11 Jan 1955, Leola, , SD
      2 Adam BRAUN
        =Mary JOACHIM
            3 August J BRAUN
              =Rita L GEFFRE  Marriage: 10 Jun 1947, Leola, McPherson, SD
            3 George J BRAUN
              =Alice J GEFFRE  Marriage: 25 Oct 1950, Leola, , SD
            3 Steve Frank BRAUN
              =Valera Cecilia HEINZ
            3 Rex BRAUN
              = ARNESON
      2 Johanna BRAUN
        =Simon WERLINGER  Marriage: 8 Feb 1910, Hague, Emmons, ND
            3 Frank WERLINGER
            3 Michael WERLINGER
              =Frieda Albertina THOM
            3 George WERLINGER
            3 Eva Elizabeth WERLINGER
              =Leonard Francis GUCK
            3 Katherine WERLINGER
              =George SUMARA
            3 Elizabeth W "Betty" WERLINGER
              =Wendelin Ben MALSOM  Marriage: 4 Nov 1947
            3 Magdalena "Lena" WERLINGER
              =Martin R GABEL  Marriage: 1 Jul 1941
            3 Andrew WERLINGER Sr
              =Helen FEIST  Marriage: 26 Nov 1946, Strasburg, Emmons, ND
            3 Agnes WERLINGER
              =Kenneth ETTER
            3 Joseph WERLINGER
            3 Mary WERLINGER
              =Clarence Herbert BRANDNER  Marriage: 27 Jan 1947, St Mary's  Hague, Emmons, ND
            3 Agatha WERLINGER
              =Eddie DRESSLER
      2 Andrew F BRAUN
        =Lucy L LACHER  Marriage: 5 Nov 1917
            3 Philomena Lucia (Minnie) BRAUN
              =Wilbur D "Bill" RAPPE  Marriage: 1 Jul 1946, Ipswich, Edmunds, SD
            3 Frank D BRAUN
              =Armella F GEFFRE  Marriage: 12 Jun 1947, Leola, , SD
            3 Edward A BRAUN
              =Gladys irene DOSCH  Marriage: 15 Jun 1949, Ipswich, Edmunds, SD
            3 Richard Cyril BRAUN
            3 Kathryn P BRAUN
              =Peter Victor LAHR  Marriage: 15 Jan 1966, Holy Cross Ch., Ipswich, Edmunds, SD
            3 Joseph Daniel BRAUN
              =Dorothy Agnes MILES  Marriage: 18 Sep 1956, Faulkton, SD
            3 Daniel "Mike" W BRAUN
              =Maxine HAMAK
      2 August BRAUN
        =Regina FISCHER  Marriage: 12 Nov 1919
            3 Jessie BRAUN
              =Daniel "Shorty" Michael LACHER
            3 Jack "Speed" A BRAUN
            3 Joseph A BRAUN
              =Irene F GEIST  Marriage: 7 Oct 1947, Ipswich, Edmunds, SD
            3 Kathryn "Ket" E BRAUN
              = MARKOVETZ
            3 Lawrence BRAUN
            3 Barbara Lucille BRAUN
              =James PFEIFER  Marriage: 4 May 1948
              =Fred BAIN
            3 Bernadine "Bernie" BRAUN
              =Lawrence J "Lorny" HEINZ  Marriage: 24 Jun 1952
            3 Dee BRAUN
              =Mel HOTTMAN
            3 Lori BRAUN
              = REINSCHMIDT
            3 Frances Eva BRAUN

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Franz "Frank" BRAUN

Ancestors of Franz "Frank" BRAUN

                  /-Jacob BRAUN
        /-Wendelin BRAUN
        |         |         /-Aloysius FEIST
        |         \-Katherina FEIST
        |                   \-Marianna RICHTER
Franz "Frank" BRAUN
        \-Eva SCHLEPPE

Descendants of Franz "Frank" BRAUN

1 Franz "Frank" BRAUN
  =Marcella B GOETZ  Marriage: 1900, Zeeland, McIntosh, ND
      2 Eva BRAUN
        =Peter ROETHER  Marriage: 1924
            3 Clemens Peter ROETHER
            3 Marian ROETHER
              =Sylvester DANZL  Marriage: 11 Nov 1961
      2 Magdalena BRAUN
        =Ignatz MILLER  Marriage: 1954
      2 Sebastain BRAUN
      2 Theresa BRAUN
        =Paul WELDER  Marriage: 17 Sep 1935, Napoleon, Logan, ND
            3 Marilyn WELDER
              =Elmer NEIGUM
            3 Tony WELDER
              =Ona CARLSON
            3 Marcy WELDER
              =Michael EGGEN
            3 Paula WELDER
      2 George BRAUN
        =Ann MILLER  Marriage: 29 Sep 1948, St Joseph Ch., Mandan, Morton, ND
            3 Mickey BRAUN
            3 Paula BRAUN
              =Luke SCHMIDT
            3 James BRAUN
            3 Judy BRAUN
              =Gary Leroy DAVIS
            3 Tom BRAUN
            3 Dennis BRAUN
      2 Jacob BRAUN
      2 Clemens BRAUN
      2 Joseph BRAUN
      2 Wendelin BRAUN
      2 Martin F BRAUN
        =Elizabeth "Betty" GOLDADER
            3 Beverly BRAUN
            3 Marcella BRAUN
            3 Karen BRAUN
            3 Anthony BRAUN
            3 Janice BRAUN
            3 Sharie BRAUN
            3 Margie BRAUN
            3 Teresa BRAUN
            3 Darlene BRAUN

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Franziska BRAUN

Descendants of Franziska BRAUN

1 Franziska BRAUN
      2 Pius SCHWEITZER
        =Margarete MASSINI  Marriage: 29 Dec 1940, Strassburg, Kutschurgan, Ukraine
            3 Eva SCHWEITZER

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Descendants of Fred BRAUN

1 Fred BRAUN
  =Marlene FLECK

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