Ancestors of Tony WELDER

                            /-Johann George WELDER
                  /-Anton WELDER
                  |         \-Barbara ROTH
        /-Paul WELDER
        |         |         /-Paul S SCHUMACHER
        |         \-Katharina SCHUMACHER
        |                   \-Magdalena MAIER
        |                   /-Wendelin BRAUN
        |         /-Franz "Frank" BRAUN
        |         |         \-Eva SCHLEPPE
        \-Theresa BRAUN
                  |         /-Clements GOETZ
                  \-Marcella B GOETZ
                            \-Magdalena SCHUH

Descendants of Tony WELDER

      2 Sara Kay WELDER
      2 Renae WELDER

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Valentine WELDER Sr

Ancestors of Valentine WELDER Sr

        /-Johann George WELDER
Valentine WELDER Sr
        \-Barbara ROTH

Descendants of Valentine WELDER Sr

1 Valentine WELDER Sr
  =Clara GLATT  Marriage: 13 Jan 1913, Napoleon, Logan, ND
      2 Barbara Marie WELDER
      2 George WELDER
        =Marcella Christina BRUNS  Marriage: 12 Feb 1946, Lismore, , MN
            3 Elizabeth "Betty" A WELDER
              =Richard "Dick" CONKLIN
            3 Cecilia WELDER
              =Edward GRIMMER
            3 James WELDER
              =Mary DIEDERICH
      2 Clara WELDER
        =James KLIMA
      2 Betty WELDER
        =Leo MCINTYRE
      2 Karolina WELDER
        =Marvin Thomas WEGENAST
      2 Katheryn WELDER
        =Edgar HEIN
      2 Marianna Margaret WELDER
        =Eugene "Gene" F CAIN
      2 Valentine WELDER
      2 Delane WELDER
        =Quinn SCALLON
            3 Michael SCALLON
            3 Mark SCALLON
      2 Frank WELDER
        =Coleen KLEVER
            3 Valerie WELDER
            3 Frank WELDER
            3 Murray WELDER
            3 Mary WELDER
            3 David WELDER

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Valentine WELDER

Ancestors of Valentine WELDER

                  /-Johann George WELDER
        /-Valentine WELDER Sr
        |         \-Barbara ROTH
Valentine WELDER
        |         /-Franz GLATT
        \-Clara GLATT
                  |         /-Adam SCHUMACHER
                  \-Clara Margaretha SCHUMACHER
                            \-Margareta BRAUN

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Valerie WELDER

Ancestors of Valerie WELDER

                            /-Johann George WELDER
                  /-Valentine WELDER Sr
                  |         \-Barbara ROTH
        /-Frank WELDER
        |         |         /-Franz GLATT
        |         \-Clara GLATT
        |                   \-Clara Margaretha SCHUMACHER
Valerie WELDER
        \-Coleen KLEVER

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Ancestors of Vernon WELDER

                            /-Bernhard WELDER
                  /-Paul P WELDER Sr
                  |         \-Barbara SCHUMACHER
        /-Peter J WELDER
        |         |         /-Anton WEIGEL
        |         \-Katharina WEIGEL
        |                   \-Caroline RICHTER
        |                   /-Andreas SCHATZ
        |         /-Michael A SCHATZ
        |         |         \-Margaretha ASCHENBERGER
        \-Lillian SCHATZ
                  |         /-Michael SEILER
                  \-Elizabeth SEILER
                            \-Mary BUECHER

Descendants of Vernon WELDER

1 Vernon WELDER

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Veronica "Vera" WELDER

Ancestors of Veronica "Vera" WELDER

        /-John WELDER
Veronica "Vera" WELDER
        \-Catherine SCHAAN

Descendants of Veronica "Vera" WELDER

1 Veronica "Vera" WELDER
  =Thomas SCHAAN
      2 Philip SCHAAN
        =Michelle VALADE
            3 Brenley P SCHAAN
            3 Michael P SCHAAN
      2 Lenora Katherine SCHAAN
        =Donald Henry GAMMEL
            3 Sheila Rae GAMMEL
              =Brian Earl CLARKE
            3 Raymond Thomas GAMMEL
            3 Scott Peter GAMMEL
              =Cheryl LYON
      2 Hilary Larry SCHAAN
        =Louise GRENIER
      2 Ben SCHAAN
      2 Roseann SCHAAN
        = KING
      2 Larry SCHAAN
      2 Pauline SCHAAN
        = SODERBERG

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William WELDER

Ancestors of William WELDER

                            /-Anton WELDER
                  /-Michael WELDER Sr
                  |         \-Rosina FEIST
        /-Joseph WELDER
        |         |         /-Joseph J MATHERN
        |         \-Katherine MATHERN
        |                   \-Elizabeth WALD
William WELDER
        |         /-Leo BRUSSEAU
        \-Kathleen Elizabeth BRUSSEAU
                  \-Mercedes HORNUNG

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William WELDER

Ancestors of William WELDER

                            /-Bernhard WELDER
                  /-Paul P WELDER Sr
                  |         \-Barbara SCHUMACHER
        /-Mike WELDER
        |         |         /-Anton WEIGEL
        |         \-Katharina WEIGEL
        |                   \-Caroline RICHTER
William WELDER
        |                   /-Konstantine ZAHN
        |         /-Joseph ZAHN
        |         |         \-Mary RICHTER
        \-Barbara ZAHN
                  |         /-George SCHMIDT
                  \-Magdalena SCHMIDT
                            \-Clara GOLDADE

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Descendants of Michael WELHOUSE

1 Michael WELHOUSE
  =Renae NAGEL

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Descendants of WELK

  =Mary A AXTMAN

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Descendants of WELK

  =Gertrude "Gertie" PFLIGER

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Aaron WELK

Ancestors of Aaron WELK

                            /-Andrew WELK
                  /-Andrew A WELK Jr
                  |         \-Mary Anne KELLER
        /-Donald James WELK
        |         |         /-Anton GEFROH
        |         \-Regina Katherine GEFROH
        |                   \-Katherina FISCHER
Aaron WELK
        \-Yvonne BLACKHURST

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Ancestors of Adam WELK

                            /-Simon WELK
                  /-Moritz Maruice WELK
                  |         \-Theresia LETZ
        /-Georg WELK
        |         |         /-George ARTH
        |         \-Maria Magdalena ARTH
        |                   \-Francisca SILBEREISEN
        |                   /-Adam WEISS
        |         /-Franz WEISS
        |         |         \-Margaretha SCHNEPP
        \-Magdalena WEISS

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Ancestors of Adam WELK

                            /-John J WELK
                  /-Eugene WELK
                  |         \-Barbara WELDER
        /-Duane John WELK
        |         |         /-Michael A SCHATZ
        |         \-Eugenia SCHATZ
        |                   \-Elizabeth SEILER
        |                   /-Joseph J FEIST Jr
        |         /-Adam J FEIST
        |         |         \-Melonia MALSAM
        \-Cindy FEIST
                  |         /-Franz "Frank" HULM Jr
                  \-Kathryn "Katie" HULM
                            \-Barbara PFEIFER

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Adelia WELK

Ancestors of Adelia WELK

                            /-Joannes Casparus WELK
                  /-August WELK
                  |         \-Magdalena GUTENBERG
        /-John WELK
        |         \-Maria Eva HOLZER
Adelia WELK
        |         /-Fredrich LATURNAS
        \-Katharina LATURNAS
                  \-Marianna BARTLE

Descendants of Adelia WELK

1 Adelia WELK
  =Michael BORNOWSKY
  =Tony NOLIN

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Agatha WELK

Ancestors of Agatha WELK

                            /-Joannes Casparus WELK
                  /-Johannes WELK
                  |         \-Magdalena GUTENBERG
        /-Ludwig WELK
        |         |         /-Peter SCHWEITZER
        |         \-Marianna SCHWEITZER
        |                   \-Mariana WENINGER
Agatha WELK
        |         /-Johannes SCHWAHN
        \-Christina SCHWAN
                  |         /-Paul ERCK
                  \-Barbara ERCK
                            \-Anna Marie BERTCH

Descendants of Agatha WELK

1 Agatha WELK
  =Anton TERNES  Marriage: 18 Oct 1920, Strasburg, Emmons, ND
      2 Edwin TERNES
      2 Rose TERNES
        =Peter J SILBERNAGEL  Marriage: 10 May 1943, Krassna, , ND
            3 Peter SILBERNAGEL
            3 Paul SILBERNAGEL
            3 Urban SILBERNAGEL
            3 Dennis SILBERNAGEL
            3 Gilbert SILBERNAGEL
            3 Dave SILBERNAGEL
            3 Lyle SILBERNAGEL
            3 Martin SILBERNAGEL
            3 Tome SILBERNAGEL
            3 Angeline SILBERNAGEL
              =Jack BUSHY
            3 Donna SILBERNAGEL
              =Frank BOSCH
            3 Alice SILBERNAGEL
              =Vic CARUFEL
            3 Carol SILBERNAGEL
              =Robert FINK
            3 Adella SILBERNAGEL
              =Bruce POPPKE
            3 Mary SILBERNAGEL
              = BANEK
      2 Oscar TERNES
        =Isabella PAUL  Marriage: 18 Oct 1949, Holy Trinity Ch., Krassna, , ND
            3 Lynette Ann TERNES
              =Steve GEFROH
            3 Matthew TERNES
            3 Terrance J TERNES
              =Caroline HEIDRICH
            3 Kathleen TERNES
            3 Donna TERNES
              =David DOLL
      2 Lydia TERNES
        =Egidi J ROEHRICH  Marriage: 16 Jun 1948, Holy Trinity Ch., Krassna, Emmons, ND
            3 Don ROEHRICH
            3 Jerry ROEHRICH
            3 Charles "Chuck" ROEHRICH
            3 Ernie ROEHRICH
            3 Dale ROEHRICH
            3 Marilyn ROEHRICH
              = KELSCH
            3 Karen ROEHRICH
              = HAGER
            3 Jane ROEHRICH
              = PATTERSON
            3 Aldora ROEHRICH
            3 Brenda ROEHRICH
              =Jeff BERQUIST
            3 Cleo ROEHRICH
              =Joel MARTIN
            3 Annette ROEHRICH
              =Jerry WEIGEL
            3 Laura ROEHRICH
              =Bret BAKLEY
              =David NELSON
      2 Annie TERNES
        =Don BEAUCHAMP
      2 Selma TERNES
        =Marcel BEAUCHAMP

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Agatha WELK

Ancestors of Agatha WELK

                            /-Johannes WELK
                  /-Michael WELK
                  |         \-Katherine HEILMANN
        /-Franz Moritz WELK
        |         \-Maria Anna REITER
Agatha WELK
        |                   /-Nicholas SCHALL
        |         /-Alois SCHALL
        |         |         \-Mary Ann JUNG
        \-Catherine SCHALL
                  \-Barbara HENINGER

Descendants of Agatha WELK

1 Agatha WELK
  =Damon Cecil FIELDS

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Agnes WELK

Ancestors of Agnes WELK

                            /-Johannes WELK
                  /-Johannes WELK II
                  |         \-Marianna SCHWEITZER
        /-Leo WELK
        |         |         /-Jacob HAGER
        |         \-Anna HAGER
        |                   \-Marianna KLEIN
Agnes WELK
        |                   /-Kasimer MASTEL
        |         /-Anton MASTEL
        |         |         \-Elizabeth WENINGER
        \-Clara MASTEL
                  |         /-George SCHMIDT
                  \-Margaret SCHMIDT
                            \-Clara GOLDADE

Descendants of Agnes WELK

1 Agnes WELK
  =Jack KAYE

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Agnes Barbara WELK

Ancestors of Agnes Barbara WELK

                            /-Michael WELK
                  /-Balthasar WELK
                  |         \-Maria Anna REITER
        /-August B WELK
        |         \-Margaret BAUMGARTNER
Agnes Barbara WELK
        |                   /-Michael ADAM
        |         /-Nickolaus ADAM
        |         |         \-Mary SCHLURE
        \-Theresa "Doris" ADAM
                  |         /-Johann BAUMSTARCK
                  \-Phillippena BAUMSTARK
                            \-Margaretha FRITZ

Descendants of Agnes Barbara WELK

1 Agnes Barbara WELK
      2 Charles HEILMAN
        =Laurie IVERSON
            3 Christopher HEILMAN
              =Jennifer WALD
            3 Cody HEILMAN
      2 Curtis HEILMAN
        =Tammy LANDIS
      2 Karla HEILMAN
        =Danny FOSS
      2 Karen HEILMAN
      2 Cory HEILMAN
        =Gail KUHNHENN
            3 Haylee HEILMAN
            3 Sierra HEILMAN

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Alexander "Alex" J WELK

Ancestors of Alexander "Alex" J WELK

                            /-Johannes WELK
                  /-Ludwig WELK
                  |         \-Marianna SCHWEITZER
        /-Johann WELK
        |         |         /-Johannes SCHWAHN
        |         \-Christina SCHWAN
        |                   \-Barbara ERCK
Alexander "Alex" J WELK
        |         /-Joseph SCHUMACHER
        \-Theresa Barbara SCHUMACHER
                  \-Margaret GILTZENLICTER

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