Georg Anton SCHAAN

Ancestors of Georg Anton SCHAAN

                            /-Joannes Jacob SCHAAN
                  /-J. Jacob SCHAAN
                  |         \-Margareta Catharina SCHMIT
        /-Georg Fredric SCHAAN
        |         \-Catharina GUENTHER
Georg Anton SCHAAN
        \-Anna Maria WEISSMANTEL

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Georg Fredric SCHAAN

Ancestors of Georg Fredric SCHAAN

                            /-Joannes Jacob SCHAAN
                  /-Joannes Jacob SCHAAN
                  |         \-Catharina BECKER
        /-J. Jacob SCHAAN
        |         \-Margareta Catharina SCHMIT
Georg Fredric SCHAAN
        \-Catharina GUENTHER

Descendants of Georg Fredric SCHAAN

1 Georg Fredric SCHAAN
  =Anna Maria WEISSMANTEL  Marriage: 31 Jul 1775, St. Peter the Younger, Strasburg, France
      2 Georg Anton SCHAAN

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Ancestors of George SCHAAN

                            /-Thomas SCHAAN
                  /-Peter SCHAAN
                  |         \-Eva VAHN
        /-Anthony "Tony" SCHAAN
        |         |         /-Anthony KRAFT
        |         \-Rosa KRAFT
        |                   \-Elizabeth DOSCHER
        |                   /-Maddeus "Mathias" VOLK
        |         /-Joseph VOLK Sr
        |         |         \-Brigetta ZIEGLER
        \-Magdelena VOLK
                  |         /-Ignatz GARMAN Jr
                  \-Frances GARMAN
                            \-Frances SCHELL

Descendants of George SCHAAN

1 George SCHAAN
  =Patricia ELL
      2 Darren SCHAAN
      2 Rebecca SCHAAN
      2 Robert SCHAAN
      2 Lee Anne SCHAAN

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Gerald Bernard SCHAAN

Ancestors of Gerald Bernard SCHAAN

                            /-Wilhelm SCHAAN
                  /-Joseph SCHAAN
                  |         \-Eleanor LEIER
        /-Jacob John SCHAAN
        |         |         /-Jacob MILLER
        |         \-Katherina MILLER
        |                   \-Magdalena WINGERTER
Gerald Bernard SCHAAN
        |                   /-Peter KRENZEL
        |         /-Eustachius KRENZEL
        |         |         \-Marianna "Maria" KOPP
        \-Christina Rose KRENZEL
                  |         /-Jacob HEGELE
                  \-Magdalena HAGEL
                            \-Agnes SCHNEIDER

Descendants of Gerald Bernard SCHAAN

1 Gerald Bernard SCHAAN
  =Frances DELLA ROCCA

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Gertrude SCHAAN

Ancestors of Gertrude SCHAAN

                            /-Joannes Jacob SCHAAN
                  /-J. Jacob SCHAAN
                  |         \-Margareta Catharina SCHMIT
        /-Andreas SCHAAN
        |         \-Catharina GUENTHER
Gertrude SCHAAN
        |         /-Henri SIENER
        \-Maria Eva SIENER
                  \-Gertrude WOLFFER

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Gregory SCHAAN

Ancestors of Gregory SCHAAN

                            /-Wilhelm SCHAAN
                  /-Joseph SCHAAN
                  |         \-Eleanor LEIER
        /-Daniel SCHAAN
        |         |         /-Jacob MILLER
        |         \-Katherina MILLER
        |                   \-Magdalena WINGERTER
Gregory SCHAAN
        |         /-Maurice GREIG
        \-Maureen Ella GREIG
                  \-Ellen ANDERSON

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Ancestors of Helen SCHAAN

                            /-Thomas SCHAAN
                  /-Peter SCHAAN
                  |         \-Eva VAHN
        /-Anthony "Tony" SCHAAN
        |         |         /-Anthony KRAFT
        |         \-Rosa KRAFT
        |                   \-Elizabeth DOSCHER
        |                   /-Maddeus "Mathias" VOLK
        |         /-Joseph VOLK Sr
        |         |         \-Brigetta ZIEGLER
        \-Magdelena VOLK
                  |         /-Ignatz GARMAN Jr
                  \-Frances GARMAN
                            \-Frances SCHELL

Descendants of Helen SCHAAN

1 Helen SCHAAN
  =Don BARAN

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Helen Amelia SCHAAN

Ancestors of Helen Amelia SCHAAN

                            /-Peter SCHAAN
                  /-Wilhelm SCHAAN
                  |         \-Marianna TRAUTMAN
        /-Mathias SCHAAN
        |         \-Eleanor LEIER
Helen Amelia SCHAAN
        |         /-Jacob KIEFEL
        \-Barbara KIEFEL
                  \-Katerina WERLINGER

Descendants of Helen Amelia SCHAAN

1 Helen Amelia SCHAAN
  =John P HEILMAN  Marriage: 23 Oct 1946, Rugby, Pierce, ND
      2 Karen Marie HEILMAN
        =Jerome J DUCHSCHERER
            3 Connie DUCHSCHERER
              = HARMAL
            3 Tonya K DUCHSCHERER
            3 Troy A DUCHSCHERER
      2 Lorraine HEILMAN
        =Leonard James SCHMALTZ
            3 Myron SCHMALTZ
            3 Michael SCHMALTZ
            3 Lori SCHMALTZ
              =John WANGLER
      2 Marlene HEILMAN
        =David BOHL
      2 Beverly HEILMAN
        =Kevin JACKSON
        =David MATTERN
      2 James HEILMAN
      2 Larry HEILMAN
      2 Daryl Thomas HEILMAN
        =Nancy BLESS

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Ancestors of Helen B SCHAAN

                            /-Peter SCHAAN
                  /-Wilhelm SCHAAN
                  |         \-Marianna TRAUTMAN
        /-Valentine Walter SCHAAN
        |         \-Eleanor LEIER
        |                   /-Johannes SCHIELE
        |         /-Philipp SCHIELE
        |         |         \-Margaretha Katherina LESTMEISTER
        \-Rosa SCHIELE
                  |         /-Rudoplh KAISER
                  \-Christina KAISER
                            \-Elizabeth ZERR

Descendants of Helen B SCHAAN

1 Helen B SCHAAN
  =Leo Joseph KLEIN  Marriage: 9 Oct 1948, Balta, Pierce, ND
      2 Denise KLEIN
        =Jeff HOLM
      2 Lisa KLEIN
        =Kelly EGGL
      2 Jeff KLEIN
      2 Cheryl KLEIN
        =Robert "Bob" BAUMGARTEN
      2 Doreen KLEIN
        =Cullen JOHNSON
      2 Pam KLEIN
        = GORBY
      2 Leon KLEIN

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Ancestors of Helena SCHAAN

                            /-Carl Friedrich SCHAAN
                  /-Gabriel SCHAAN
                  |         \-Brigida
        /-John Gabriel SCHAAN
        |         \-Lutsia
        \-Mary MASTEL

Descendants of Helena SCHAAN

1 Helena SCHAAN
  =Casper SCHNURR  Marriage: 12 Feb 1929, Allan, SK, Canada

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Ancestors of Helena SCHAAN

                            /-Joseph SCHAAN
                  /-Andreas SCHAAN
                  |         \-Franciska VOLK
        /-Josef SCHAAN
        |         |         /-Jakob SCHUMACHER
        |         \-Katharina SCHUMACHER
        |                   \-Viktoria SCHMIDT

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Henry Charles SCHAAN

Ancestors of Henry Charles SCHAAN

                            /-Wilhelm SCHAAN
                  /-Joseph SCHAAN
                  |         \-Eleanor LEIER
        /-Jacob John SCHAAN
        |         |         /-Jacob MILLER
        |         \-Katherina MILLER
        |                   \-Magdalena WINGERTER
Henry Charles SCHAAN
        |                   /-Peter KRENZEL
        |         /-Eustachius KRENZEL
        |         |         \-Marianna "Maria" KOPP
        \-Christina Rose KRENZEL
                  |         /-Jacob HEGELE
                  \-Magdalena HAGEL
                            \-Agnes SCHNEIDER

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Hilary Larry SCHAAN

Ancestors of Hilary Larry SCHAAN

                            /-Thomas SCHAAN
                  /-Peter SCHAAN
                  |         \-Eva VAHN
        /-Thomas SCHAAN
        |         |         /-Anthony KRAFT
        |         \-Rosa KRAFT
        |                   \-Elizabeth DOSCHER
Hilary Larry SCHAAN
        |         /-John WELDER
        \-Veronica "Vera" WELDER
                  \-Catherine SCHAAN

Descendants of Hilary Larry SCHAAN

1 Hilary Larry SCHAAN
  =Louise GRENIER

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Hildegard SCHAAN

Ancestors of Hildegard SCHAAN

                            /-Peter SCHAAN
                  /-Wilhelm SCHAAN
                  |         \-Marianna TRAUTMAN
        /-Mathias SCHAAN
        |         \-Eleanor LEIER
Hildegard SCHAAN
        |         /-Joseph HOFFART
        \-Stephena HOFFART
                  |         /-Michael KAMBEITZ
                  \-Margaret KAMBEITZ
                            \-Elizabeth BLEILE

Descendants of Hildegard SCHAAN

1 Hildegard SCHAAN
  =Tony KELLER  Marriage: 3 Jun 1946

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Ancestors of Howard SCHAAN

                            /-Wilhelm SCHAAN
                  /-Vincent J SCHAAN
                  |         \-Eleanor LEIER
        /-Raymond J SCHAAN
        |         |         /-Johannes "John" J KUNNANZ
        |         \-Clara KUNNANZ
        |                   \-Lugardia FIX
        |         /-Emil C PETERSON
        \-Elvina "Beanie" PETERSON
                  \-Marion DAHL

Descendants of Howard SCHAAN

1 Howard SCHAAN
  =Julie BARSTAD

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Ida Marie SCHAAN

Ancestors of Ida Marie SCHAAN

                            /-Wilhelm SCHAAN
                  /-Joseph SCHAAN
                  |         \-Eleanor LEIER
        /-Jacob John SCHAAN
        |         |         /-Jacob MILLER
        |         \-Katherina MILLER
        |                   \-Magdalena WINGERTER
Ida Marie SCHAAN
        |                   /-Peter KRENZEL
        |         /-Eustachius KRENZEL
        |         |         \-Marianna "Maria" KOPP
        \-Christina Rose KRENZEL
                  |         /-Jacob HEGELE
                  \-Magdalena HAGEL
                            \-Agnes SCHNEIDER

Descendants of Ida Marie SCHAAN

1 Ida Marie SCHAAN

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Ancestors of Iganna SCHAAN

                            /-Peter SCHAAN
                  /-Thomas SCHAAN
                  |         \-Maria Catharina ZIEGLER
        /-Peter SCHAAN
        |         \-Eva VAHN
        |         /-Anthony KRAFT
        \-Rosa KRAFT
                  \-Elizabeth DOSCHER

Descendants of Iganna SCHAAN

1 Iganna SCHAAN
      2 Veronica SILBERNAGEL
        =Larry CHAMBERS
      2 Edward SILBERNAGEL
        =Eleanor HUCULIAK
      2 Eric SILBERNAGEL
        =Denis ABBOT
      2 William SILBERNAGEL
        =Denis BODIE
      2 Anthony SILBERNAGEL
        =Sharon JACOBS
      2 Sheila SILBERNAGEL

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Ignace "Ned" SCHAAN

Ancestors of Ignace "Ned" SCHAAN

                            /-Peter SCHAAN
                  /-Thomas SCHAAN
                  |         \-Maria Catharina ZIEGLER
        /-Anthony SCHAAN
        |         \-Eva VAHN
Ignace "Ned" SCHAAN
        |                   /-Georg Fredrich SILBERNAGEL
        |         /-Karl SILBERNAGEL
        |         |         \-Richarda VOLK
        \-Elizabeth SILBERNAGEL
                  |         /-Thomas SCHWARTZENBERGER
                  \-Anna SCHWARTZENBERGER
                            \-Katherina VOELLER

Descendants of Ignace "Ned" SCHAAN

1 Ignace "Ned" SCHAAN
      2 Linda SCHAAN
      2 Tony SCHAAN
      2 Victor SCHAAN
      2 James SCHAAN
      2 Fred SCHAAN
      2 Kenneth SCHAAN

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Imanuel Phillip SCHAAN

Ancestors of Imanuel Phillip SCHAAN

                            /-Peter SCHAAN
                  /-Friedrich SCHAAN
                  |         \-Maria Catharina ZIEGLER
        /-Thomas SCHAAN
        |         \-Walburga KUPSER
Imanuel Phillip SCHAAN
        \-Mary SCHMIDT

Descendants of Imanuel Phillip SCHAAN

1 Imanuel Phillip SCHAAN
  =Irene DeLayne WOLF  Marriage: 10 Jun 1950, Fillmore, , ND
      2 Jacob "Jay" Lee SCHAAN
            3 Amanda SCHAAN
            3 Cassandra SCHAAN
            3 Nicholas SCHAAN
            3 Shawn SCHAAN
      2 Barbara SCHAAN
        =Lynn PRICE
            3 Monica PRICE
            3 Garrett PRICE
      2 Mary Vicki SCHAAN
        = MILLER
      2 Shaana Lee SCHAAN
        =Michael HALLOF
            3 Aaron HALLOF
            3 Andrew HALLOF
      2 Randall Phillip SCHAAN

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Ancestors of Irene SCHAAN

                            /-Peter SCHAAN
                  /-Wilhelm SCHAAN
                  |         \-Marianna TRAUTMAN
        /-Mathias SCHAAN
        |         \-Eleanor LEIER
        |         /-Jacob KIEFEL
        \-Barbara KIEFEL
                  \-Katerina WERLINGER

Descendants of Irene SCHAAN

1 Irene SCHAAN
  =Anthony "Tony" Joseph SCHNEIDER  Marriage: 17 Nov 1947, Rugby, Pierce, ND
      2 Barbara J SCHNEIDER
        =Donald F LABARRE  Marriage: 24 Jul 1971, Crary, Ramsey, ND
            3 Jeff LABARRE
              =Michelle FRIETSCH
            3 Neil LABARRE
              =Robbyn GAU
            3 Bethany LABARRE
              = ELSHAUG
      2 Patrick Francis SCHNEIDER
        =Cynthia SPAH
            3 Tanya SCHNEIDER
            3 Justin SCHNEIDER
      2 Clem SCHNEIDER
      2 Robert SCHNEIDER
      2 Richard SCHNEIDER
      2 Ron SCHNEIDER
      2 Catherine SCHNEIDER
        =William COX
      2 Bonita SCHNEIDER
        =William BURDICK
      2 Shirley SCHNEIDER
        =Joseph TAVIS
      2 Gerald SCHNEIDER

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